The list of new Cabinet Ministers is made of: 30%are DAMU JADID memebers, 60% are Elite Clan PUppet Leaders,Warlords/Organized Crimes memebers,10% are individuals used for Window dressing.Wait and See

Sidoo kale, golahan wasiirrada waxaa ka mid ah golahan wasiirrada xubno ku cusub siyaasadda Soomaaliya iyo kuwo horay uga tirsanaa xukuumadihii KMG ahaa ee Soomaaliya soo maray.
Muqdisho, Soomaaliya

#Somalia: Did the Election of Dr.Abdiweli Ali Gaas bring "Ch...

#Somalia: Did the Election of Dr.Abdiweli Ali Gaas bring "Ch...:             The words of Mr. Nicholas Kay- UN representative for Somalia and Head of the United Mission for Somalia- after the Election...

Did the Election of Dr.Abdiweli Ali Gaas bring "Change" to Puntland regions and Somalia? Wait and see

            The words of Mr. Nicholas Kay- UN representative for Somalia and Head of the United Mission for Somalia- after the Election of MR.Dr. Abdiweli  M.Ali Gaas as new Elect- president of the Regional state of Puntland were the best to illustrate the mood, anxiety and relief of  the members of the Puntland Parliament, politicians representing Clan communities,Clan community Elders  and in general the population at large of the entire region and of Somalis of the Somali Republic in general wherever they live or were at that particular moment. Mr. Kay post election remarks included the words like “You will sleep well tonight……. Now you are part of the process to develop Somalia etc”. This is my shortening of quotes of the entire speech. There was relief, hope for a well done election in which all the political and social forces including the Salafist Business cartels- all Clan based- of the regions of Puntland were involved and was sometime on the brink to collapse and  in part civil war  was averted after the annulment of the direct  elections prepared and organized by the incumbent President MR. Abirahman Mohamed “Farole” of July 2013. There was at that time  a popular uprising of the cities of Qardho,Bosaso and Galkayo who represented  the major Clans and the Kaleidoscope of Salafist groups and Sunna-waljamaca,Clan nationalist,Organized crimes groups etc..
            This regional Election was watched carefully by all Somalis and specially  by  the Leadership of Somaliland regions, the Federal government in Mogadishu, the so-called Khatuma regional state and the regional powers like ETHIOPIA and IGAD countries, foreign powers like CHINA, IRAN, ITALY,  AUSTRALIA, FRANCE  and the big OIL & GAS  Companies of this world and  the minnows companies in OIL  like Africa OIL Co. with  which “Mr.Farole” the incumbent made illegal  concessional Rights  deals. And also  Big US companies who owns  the OIL and GAS concessional  rights of the regions from the  60” and have for the last time been   renewed by the Siad Barre  government in 1989. Also there were the keen interests of the US,EU  the UK and the Arab/Muslim world like Saudi Arabia,Qatar and Turkey.The UN ,IGAD-AU and the international community were all represented at the Election venue. These were all the  Regional and Global actors involved indirectly in this contest. But the domestic Actors were those who were taking and playing a political game that was sometimes so brutal, emotional that all the tricks of the Somali Politics were used.
        Let me make a short timeline of the basic events of the existence of the state of PUNTLAND regions of Somalia. In that way we can understand better the so-called social and political forces at play in this last political contest which are  in general the real Power-Brokers in those regions.
        Puntland was established in 1998 by former members of the SSDF an opposition Clan-based (like all the Somali opposition Clan based political movements sponsored by Ethiopia  like SNM, USC and SPM) movement sponsored/ based in Ethiopia between 1979-1986. Mr. Abdulllahi Yusuf one of the founders of the movement and Chairman was arrested by the Ethiopians around 1984-1986 times and was released from jail in Ethiopia in 1991. He restarted the Political Clan based movement in 1991 in the Puntland regions and he self-proclaimed himself as Leader with the acknowledgement/ support of the Elders of the regions . In 1992 he fought a Salafist insurgency in the one of the first Al-Ittixad Militias-(there was a compromise agreement between the SSDF and the Salafist who were supported by some local Clan Leaders to administer the PORT of Bosaso ) who took over the Port of Bosaso and defeated them in a bloody battle which was one of the first civil wars between Somalis with a  Religious divide( the others were in middle Juba ,Lower Shabelle  regions between the USC of Gen. Aided  and other Salafist in as early as 1991 but later Aidid will revert  to his strategic  alliance with the Salafist militants to fight the UN/US mission in Somalia). This was one of the main phases of the political Struggle for power between the Salafist and the so-called Clan Nationalist-Ahlu-Sunna (Sufi  Islam groups) of the Regions State of PUNTLAND. In that battle the members of the Salafist Militia were from all regions of Puntland and other parts of Somalia and they were led by the man  who later will become their National leader with the ISLAMIC COURTS UNION in 2006.
             Mr. Abdullahi Yusuf became president of the Somali Republic with the first transitional Charter which envisioned the Federal System in 2004 in Nairobi, Kenya with the support of ETHIOPIA and IGAD countries but recognized by the UN and international community. In Puntland the new Leader was Mr. General Cadde Musse  who was elected in 2005 by MPs selected by Elders . For the first time  the Salafist groups  and Organized crimes who were controlling the Trade/Hawilad-remittances/Telecom / education /Health   and had surplus cash, came back in the scene by financing the “ the criminal menace” of the “Piracy” based in that regions in which almost 300 to 400 millions of US dollars was paid as Ransom between 2005 and 2011 by the Owners of hijacked ships( UN report 2013). Part of that money( its an open secret)  in 2009  will be part of the finances   given to  Mr. Farole to be elected as the next President of Puntland by the Organized crimes groups and the Salafist Business Cartels. But there was also another factor which came into play in Puntland politics at that time which will bring “into the open” the game –Plan of Ethiopia- to Subdivide the Somalis of the Somali Republic in territorial Clan-Enclaves which will call themselves “sovereign” Regional States”. There was already the self-proclaimed- secessionist Agenda of the Ruling SNM Elites  in the regions of Somaliland but in the North east of Puntland that was a novelty.
            What brought in that new  factor was the OIL and GAS concessions to Petroleum Companies for the drilling of OIL in the Dharoor Valley( later Mr. Farole also will include the Nugal Valley where Conoco Philips had rights from 1989) by Mr. Cadde Musse. To Drill for the Oil the regional state of  PUNTLAD  will require being a “Sovereign State” under  INTERNATIONAL LAW  and therefore will renegade even on the “transitional Charter” of the new Somali Federal government of 2004.   That is what MR. Farole will try by making a new Constitution for Puntland and “bringing in the new concept of a Confederate Somalia” in which all regional states are “sovereign” in 2010 after just one year after his election but without any legal backing and legal  adoption by the federal government  or any acceptance by all Somali Clan-communities-people-citizens  of the Somali Republic by a Referendum . The subsequent political ‘matching” between him and  the so-called leaders of the federal  government in Mogadishu  was all a charade to give Mr. Farole “ the legal precedent’ and reasons to start drilling for OIL in contravention of all Somali Laws and International Laws which did not  recognize  a new Somali state called Puntland in the North east regions of the Somali Republic.
          The recent history is Mr. Farole failed with his ambitions to divide the Somalis because in the meantime in 2012 there was a new constitution in which the Somali Clan Community Elders agreed to have a federal system of governance after it was pushed under their throats by the UN and the So- called international community under  the  influence of ETHIOPIA and IGAD countries. Till today we don’t know what means a federal system in a clear way in the constitution.
          The Election of MR. Abdiweli M.Ali Gaas as president of the regional state of Puntland  will bring to the fore all the problems of the so- called Somali Federal State and the internal dynamics of the power struggle of domestic actors within Somalia in general and in particular the regions of Puntland.
          When I said the domestic actors I mean the Clan Based groups in all of Somalia be them Salafist Business Cartels ,Ahlu-Sunna waljameca, Puppet Elite  leaders politicians  allied  to Ethiopia-IGAD, Clan -Nationalist  Elite-Leaders Elders and politicians , Organized crimes groups in Business  which were part and parcel of the last election in Puntland and the main actors in all of Somali Republic including the regions of Somaliland.The only group which was not influential in the Election were the Jihadist groups of Al-Shabaab  but which have an ideological connections with some of the  Salafist Cartels  and a business connections with the Organized crimes groups in Business and Piracy in Puntland regions.It was printed in some internet sites and rumored by political pundits that one of the main contenders was an ex-fighter of the Salafist Movement of 1992 in Puntland and now he was a well know- respectable businessman  and there was also  another Salafist businessman, All in all the contenders were eleven(11) and the three main contenders who succeeded to reach the second round were Mr. Dr. Abdiweli M.Ali Gaas who represented  the Clan based Ahlu-Sunna-Waljameeca,Clan nationalist Elites but  he is in  good  relationship  with the Ethiopia-IGAD countries.Mr. Abdirahman "Farole" who represented the interests of the Elite Puppet leaders allied to Ethiopia-IGAD, Salafist business cartels who were allied with Ethiopia who wonted the economic and political  the Status Quo and  Organized crimes groups.The other third group was Clan based Salafist Business cartels who for the first time had their own  candidate openly and were proposing their Own Agenda.They were represented by Mr. Ali Hagi Warsame. In the last round for "political reasons" he  gave Mr. Abdiweli  the Chance to win. by adding his votes to Dr.Abdiweli..Did Abdiweli made horse trading politically? Did the Salafist Business cartels group divided themselves in different groups with different agendas? We will wait for sometime to know the real game-plan.

            What next for Abdiweli  in Puntland? The main Challenges for his administration and also for Somalia is what Type of Federalism we need? A question which has never been answered at national level and at regional level in a democratic manner. How to solve the Clan-communities of Buhodle,Las-Canod and Taleh self-proclamation that they are part of a  regional government called Khatuma state?How to solve the intricate web of dominance of the economy by a group of Salafist which would not like a national central-federal  government like the  puppet leaders allied to Ethiopia? How to fight the Jihadist groups in the midst of the regions of Puntland like Mr. "Atom" Al-Shabaab linked group which is stationed at Galgalo mountains and can attack the main town of Bosaso when they like? How to stop the extra-judicial killings organized by the Ethiopian Intelligence but executed by Puntland forces and bring justice to the people-citizens of Galkayo and Bosaso? How to reorganize the quasi-criminal intelligence services trained by the Ethiopian intelligence under the  control of Ethiopian intelligence officers based in Garowe? How to have a professional security services not sub-clan based who are part of the federal  national Army of Somalia?
             There are other main issues like the  youth unemployment, reorganization of the civil servants and mostly importantly  a new the political and cultural narrative which stands for the national interests  of the all Somali people-citizens.Dr. Abdiweli must link with the Clan nationalist elites of all of Somalia to sell his own vision of a federal Somalia and not be partisan like Mr. Farole who liked to represent only some Clans within the large Somali clans. In that way he stood for a Clan-Based vision of Confederate Somalia in which just like in the Jubba regions some Clans were more  "equal than others"A Confederate system in which Somalis are divided in Clan enclaves and have borders between them.Where he will stand  Dr. Abdiweli? He will stand for Somali Nation-Hood and STATE-HOOD in a United State but with  a devolved Federal system or as propagated by the "Somali puppet Leaders" he will be for the subdivision of Somalia in a new Confederate Somalia under the Hegemony of Ethiopia and IGAD countries? Wait and see.

#Somalia: For the New PM of SOMALIA:Lessons from a recent Pa...

#Somalia: For the New PM of SOMALIA:Lessons from a recent Pa...: Tuesday, December 24, 2013 For the New PM of SOMALIA:Lessons from a recent Past. Part 1..Wait and see                    Saturday...

For the New PM of SOMALIA:Lessons from a recent Past. Part 1&2..Wait and see .

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

For the New PM of SOMALIA:Lessons from a recent Past. Part 1..Wait and see

                   Saturday(21-!2-2013) the Somali federal  Parliament accepted the nomination by President Hassan Sheik to the post of new PM of Mr.Abdiweli.Sheik Ahmed. The vote verged on unanimity by all sides-groups-within the Somali federal parliament.It was 186 the yes vote, the N0 vote were just 2 and abstention just mere 2 votes. .At most  very few times a new PM  has been endorsed by this kind of overwhelming majority.Why this time? What are the lessons from the first government of President  Hassan Sheik and PM Abdi  Farah Shirdoon? How it weathered down its first big crisis the Presidency of Hassan Sheik who was  elected in September 2012? Who is the Head of government and the Head of the State according to the Constitution? What were the major obstacles in the tenure of the PM Abdi Farah Shirdon? Why Damu Jadid  the pro-Salafist group has ousted former PM Shirdoon just one year in Office?
        Let me first start by saying the CV of Mr. Abdiweli Sheik Ahmed PM elect  is overwhelming when it came to experiences in the Consultancy sector/private sector but he has not any meaningful experience in the Somali murky, conspiratorial, Clan based politics and in part crime based.. ( The last casualty of this criminality instigated by some members who are themselves Drug- Barons and bosses to organized crimes is MR."Faisal" an MP who dared to challenge them and was spokesman for the Shirdoon side during the Dispute between the president and PM Shirdoon).Maybe this will be an advantage if he can restrain in joining any group of the two main groups of the Clan- based Nationalist and the Clan based Puppet Leaders linked to ETHIOPIA-IGAD allied to Salafist Business Cartels/ Organized Crimes/Damu/Jadid..He can claim that he is technocrat who will follow the Constitution and the Agenda set by the President. Any way I don't see any Change unless he asserts himself and the international community asserts themselves.At the end they are the ones paying AMISOM and for the reestablishment of a Somali viable state in  the HORN of Africa.
        The main political  actors in the Somali context- I mean in the parliament and in general- are the ones I said above and unfortunately the President in this days is full time member of the group I called the Damu Jadid a pro-Salafist side who for Machiavellian  reasons of power and finance is allied with the ETHIOPIA-IGAD States. To be fair the group of the Clan based Puppet Leaders/ pro- Salafist members  allied to the Salafist Business cartels/Organized Crimes/Drug cartels  has  the Majority-almost 200  out of 275 members parliamentarians combined group in the parliament- and running the federal  administration and security services in Mogadishu. They  needed  an outsider like Mr Abdiweli  the new PM  to cover up their  own Agenda and manipulate the International Community/Donor Agencies/EU/Arab-Muslim world/UN,US and UK. The rest of the members  of the parliament are 75 and at least we can find what I call the Clan based Nationalist number not more of 65 to 70. This group which is in the minority in the parliament( but enjoys the real support of the silent  majority of Somali people-citizens and international community except the ETHIOPIA-IGAD GROUP) is the one who sided with the last PM Abdi Farah Shirdoon in the last vote of no confidence in which he was ousted by the combined alliance of the pro-salafist Damu Jadid,Salafist Cartels representative linked parliamentarians and the Clan based Puppet leaders allied to ETHIOPIA-IGAD..
        The real powers in the so-called Somali state are the Somali Elites Puppet Leaders which are the majority in the Federal parliament.They have been selected from the Nairobi conference of 2004 by Ethiopia and IGAD countries and been reselected in the last Conference of 2012. They are individuals who are corrupt and immoral for their  political beliefs but Loyal to their masters the ETHIOPIAN government and some IGAD countries.The two precess I am mentioning above were both controlled and manipulated by the Ethiopian intelligence and the last one Mr. GABRE a Tigre general who works for IGAD was overseeing all is done in their interest.More to that  MR. GABRE is well know in Somali Elite political/Business Salafist  circles why he was the  Political Commissar czar of The ETHIOPIAN ARMY who occupied  the south of Somalia in 2006-2009. That occupation/invasion was sanctioned by the international community in the naive belief the Ethiopians were fighting Al-Shabaab and not  trying to colonize SOMALIA. In that way we have in Somalia a parliament which is controlled by Foreign powers and only for a few times has stood for the interest of the Somali people-citizens.But all is not rigid and when some times things become emotional, national and  there is real  involvement of the Somali citizens as One community the Salafist and Puppet leaders  are beaten at their own game like the time of former PM Mr. Formajo and  some  times  in the government of Shirdoon.The other  two groups are the Clan based  pro-salafist members of parliament which are small but allied with the puppet parliamentarians. The third is the what I call the Clan based Nationalist which as numbers cames  second but does not have any political influence unless there is time of crises specially of matters of national importance.
(To be continued) 

Everything is Clan based: Salafist Groups,Elite Puppet leaders and Organized Crimes/Drug-Cartels.Part2.  
          In  the Somali murky and conspiratorial politics where ideologies be Islamic or secularist are used and organized with Clan affiliations/loyalty the most prominent is the Salafist Movement which is the most powerful economically and the most influential politically being allied with the Clan based Puppet Elites-Allied to Ethiopia0-IGAD- who control the parliament , security,administration of the Federal government and regional administrations like Puntland and Somaliland.Even there the real power behind the Clan regional  Leader who rules the region is the Salafist Business Cartels.
        Why the Salafist Movement have acquired this kind of unlimited power and influence? How it started? When they decided to have this strategic partnership with the Ethiopia and IGAD countries when it came to State powers(federal and regional level)? Why partner with Ethiopia and IGAD while having a manipulative relationship at the Federal state and regional level with the US, EU and the international community in general?Why the Salafist  Movement was divided in three  main groups from the beginning in the late seventies-70": 1-The Islamic Scholars/Preachers/Imaam of Mosques,2- The Salafist Business Cartels linked to organized crimes and Drug-cartels,3-The Jihadist Militant group and other smaller groups like the Al-Islaah, Al-Tabliq- later allied to Al-Shabaab and Al-Tafkiir and many more which were individual ventures to have power and money by Somali individuals.
          We have to go back when this movement was started and being a movement banned in Somalia. The religious groups and the Clan based Nationalist were the first to stand against the Siad Barre regime  brand of Socialism and Military dictatorship.More to that  the religious groups were the first in Somalia to have had their members executed in Public in 1974. It was born  in a  clandestine way  and this made it to have different Agendas within the same brand of  Wahabi Salafist Islam.Till today their are secretive and undemocratic in their dealings and never embraced the tenets of Rule of Law.Democratic institutions,transparent and accountable systems in Private matters and Public affairs. Even with  the Salafist Business Cartels which operates in public and have investment in all East- Africa,Central Africa and South Africa.Let me take them  one by one.The first I mentioned   made of Islamic scholars was the most prepared when it came to the knowledge of Islam and its Role in Society but they have their Salafist interpretation which were "contrasting" with the Shafici interpretation of Islam which the Somalis have practices for centuries and centuries.They were  divided on  how to approach their role in Politics and the firebrand/Radical  within them took over the leading role.They started asserting themselves from the 80" in Somalia ,Arab countries,East Africa.Some of them linked/infiltrated  with the Clan based opposition groups of the SSDF, SNM, USC who were all based in Socialist Ethiopia of Menghiste allied to  Russia and Warsaw pact. From  there you can see the manipulative political Agenda of the Ethiopian regime who permitted a Salafist movement to work and oppose Siad Barre regime from inside Marxist Ethiopia.Usually those in the opposition who went to Ethiopia were of three different types: the Salafist, The Clan Based groups,the Opportunist and the Left-wingers who were dreaming that Ethiopia will help them to take power in Somalia. Only the Clan based groups had  the real numbers and the support base  inside Somalia where they started to operate. The Salafist groups  were more successful  in  participating first in the SNM clan based movement( in 1992 after they came inside Somalia and running what we call  the regions of Somaliland  today, there were the first executions by stoning of Somali women by a judge appointed by the Ruling Elites of the SNM)  and later  in the Clan based  USC they putted  in the Charter of the USC the concept of Political Islam for the first time-it was in 1989.I was in Nairobi,middle of 1989, when some USC members brought to my late  father Ali Mohamed Ossoble-newly elected as Chairman of the USC-ROMA-the new Charter document prepared in Mogadishu and Roma,Italy by the Salafsit groups who were financing the USC.When I asked him this new political concept he told me this was prepared by people he never met but was worried.( please read by blog titled "History of the alliance between the Ittixad movement and the Ethiopia-IGAD") .Any way the USC from its inception were made of different groups:(a) that of Rome in Italy which comprised of opposition memebers who were mostly Clan based but secularist, nationalist, old politicians of the 60" with a minority of Salafist financiers from Mogadishu ( the first business cartels individuals) and puppet leaders based in Nairobi allied to Ethiopia,it was led by Ali Mohamed Ossoble assassinated in Rome in 1990.The man supposed to be his successor Mr. Ismail Giumale was also assassinated in Roma after three months.,(2)the USC of Mogadishu which were made mostly of Salafist groups mainly Elite Clans first Business cartels( they were called in Somali "Baqarey" which means owners of whole-sale business") and rich Clan Based Elites who were allied strangely with Ethiopia and the Italians government of that time,It was led by Ali Mahdi and other business individuals,.(3) The USC based of Ethiopia-( which had  strong links with the Salafist movement) which were the more famous  and led by General Aidid- which were the last to came in action and totally supported by the Mensghiste regime and from 1990 by the Meles regime of Ethiopia.We can say  with certainty there was a continuity in the policy of Ethiopia in supporting the  opposition groups and have executed the "Grand Plan" to destroy SOMALIA and subdivide it in Clan based regional/sovereign  entities under the hegemony of ETHIOPIA and later IGAD.From the origins we also can see the interplay and sometime alliances of the Ethiopian regimes with Somali salafist groups who were part and parcel of the opposition movement.
( to be continued)

For the New PM of SOMALIA:Lessons from a recent Past. Part 1..Wait and see

                   Saturday(21-!2-2013) the Somali federal  Parliament accepted the nomination by President Hassan Sheik to the post of new PM of Mr.Abdiweli.Sheik Ahmed. The vote verged on unanimity by all sides-groups-within the Somali federal parliament.It was 186 the yes vote, the N0 vote were just 2 and abstention just mere 2 votes. .At most  very few times a new PM  has been endorsed by this kind of overwhelming majority.Why this time? What are the lessons from the first government of President  Hassan Sheik and PM Abdi  Farah Shirdoon? How it weathered down its first big crisis the Presidency of Hassan Sheik who was  elected in September 2012? Who is the Head of government and the Head of the State according to the Constitution? What were the major obstacles in the tenure of the PM Abdi Farah Shirdon? Why Damu Jadid  the pro-Salafist group has ousted former PM Shirdoon just one year in Office?
        Let me first start by saying the CV of Mr. Abdiweli Sheik Ahmed PM elect  is overwhelming when it came to experiences in the Consultancy sector/private sector but he has not any meaningful experience in the Somali murky, conspiratorial, Clan based politics and in part crime based.. ( The last casualty of this criminality instigated by some members who are themselves Drug- Barons and bosses to organized crimes is MR."Faisal" an MP who dared to challenge them and was spokesman for the Shirdoon side during the Dispute between the president and PM Shirdoon).Maybe this will be an advantage if he can restrain in joining any group of the two main groups of the Clan- based Nationalist and the Clan based Puppet Leaders linked to ETHIOPIA-IGAD allied to Salafist Business Cartels/ Organized Crimes/Damu/Jadid..He can claim that he is technocrat who will follow the Constitution and the Agenda set by the President. Any way I don't see any Change unless he asserts himself and the international community asserts themselves.At the end they are the ones paying AMISOM and for the reestablishment of a Somali viable state in  the HORN of Africa.
        The main political  actors in the Somali context- I mean in the parliament and in general- are the ones I said above and unfortunately the President in this days is full time member of the group I called the Damu Jadid a pro-Salafist side who for Machiavellian  reasons of power and finance is allied with the ETHIOPIA-IGAD States. To be fair the group of the Clan based Puppet Leaders/ pro- Salafist members  allied to the Salafist Business cartels/Organized Crimes/Drug cartels  has  the Majority-almost 200  out of 275 members parliamentarians combined group in the parliament- and running the federal  administration and security services in Mogadishu. They  needed  an outsider like Mr Abdiweli  the new PM  to cover up their  own Agenda and manipulate the International Community/Donor Agencies/EU/Arab-Muslim world/UN,US and UK. The rest of the members  of the parliament are 75 and at least we can find what I call the Clan based Nationalist number not more of 65 to 70. This group which is in the minority in the parliament( but enjoys the real support of the silent  majority of Somali people-citizens and international community except the ETHIOPIA-IGAD GROUP) is the one who sided with the last PM Abdi Farah Shirdoon in the last vote of no confidence in which he was ousted by the combined alliance of the pro-salafist Damu Jadid,Salafist Cartels representative linked parliamentarians and the Clan based Puppet leaders allied to ETHIOPIA-IGAD..
        The real powers in the so-called Somali state are the Somali Elites Puppet Leaders which are the majority in the Federal parliament.They have been selected from the Nairobi conference of 2004 by Ethiopia and IGAD countries and been reselected in the last Conference of 2012. They are individuals who are corrupt and immoral for their  political beliefs but Loyal to their masters the ETHIOPIAN government and some IGAD countries.The two precess I am mentioning above were both controlled and manipulated by the Ethiopian intelligence and the last one Mr. GABRE a Tigre general who works for IGAD was overseeing all is done in their interest.More to that  MR. GABRE is well know in Somali Elite political/Business Salafist  circles why he was the  Political Commissar czar of The ETHIOPIAN ARMY who occupied  the south of Somalia in 2006-2009. That occupation/invasion was sanctioned by the international community in the naive belief the Ethiopians were fighting Al-Shabaab and not  trying to colonize SOMALIA. In that way we have in Somalia a parliament which is controlled by Foreign powers and only for a few times has stood for the interest of the Somali people-citizens.But all is not rigid and when some times things become emotional, national and  there is real  involvement of the Somali citizens as One community the Salafist and Puppet leaders  are beaten at their own game like the time of former PM Mr. Formajo and  some  times  in the government of Shirdoon.The other  two groups are the Clan based  pro-salafist members of parliament which are small but allied with the puppet parliamentarians. The third is the what I call the Clan based Nationalist which as numbers cams  second but does not have any political influence unless there is time of crises specially of matters of national importance.
(To be continued)

The True Agenda of the Rulers of Kismayo,Jubba Regions.Wait and see.

Wareegto kasoo baxday Xafiiska hoggaamiyaha Jubba oo lagu magacaabay Ciidamo la Wareegaya Amniga Kismaayo [SAWIRRO]

Khamiis, December 05, 2013(HOL) :- Xilli mudooyinkii u danbeeyay ay magaalada Kismaayo ka dhacayeen falal liddi ku ah ammaanka, ayaa wareegto kasoo baxday xafiiska madaxweeynaha maamulka Jubba Sheekh Axmed Max'ed Islaam (Axmed Madoobe) ayaa lagu amray guutada 94-aad ee ciidamada maamulka in maanta wixii ka danbeeyay ay masuul ka yihiin amniga magaalada Kismaayo. Wareegtadan ayaa waxa warbaahinta u aqriyay Jen. Cabdi Madoobe oo kamid ah saraakiisha maamulka Jubba, wuxuuna kula dardaarmay ciidamada iyo saraakiishooda in ay sugaan amniga magaalada, isalamrkaana ay ka hortagaan wax walba oo dhibaato u keeni kara shacabka iyo hantidooda.

"Maanta wixii ka danbeeyo adinka ayaa masuul ka ah ammanka magaalada Kismaayo, waxaa la idinka doonayaan in cadowga iyo naftiinaba aad ka ilaalisaan hantida shacabka, waxaa la doonayaa in aad tallaabo ka qaadaan cid walba oo aad u aragtaan in ay qatar ku tahay nabadgelyada," ayuu masuulkan hadalkiisii raaciyay.
Jen. Cabdi Madoobe ayaa dhinaca kale sheegay in maanta wixii ka danbeeyo aan la arki karin askari hub ku dhex wata Kismaayo oo aan ka ahayn ciidamadan cusub ee loo xilsaaray ammaanka, wuxuuna amar ku siiyaan saraakiisha ciidamadan in ay gacanta kusoo dhigaan askarigii ay arkaan isagoo hub sharci darro ah ku dhex wata magaalada.
Sidoo kale goobta waxaa ka hadlay Mustaf Cabdi Sheekh Cali oo kamid ah saraakiisha nabadsugidda maamulka Jubba, wuxuuna xusay in ay soo dhaweynayaan ciidamadan cusub ee la wareegi doona ammaanka islamarkaana ay la shaqeyn doonaan, wuxuuna ugu baaqay shacabka in ay gacan ku siiyaan ilaalinta nabadgelyada.

Digreetadan kasoo baxday xafiiska madaxweeynaha maamulka Jubba ayaa kusoo beegmeysa xilli xarunta madaxtooyada Kismaayo ay ka soconayaan shirar iyo tashiyo ku aadan guddi fulin oo lagu wado in hogaamiyaha maamulka Jubba uu dhawaan ku dhawaaqo, kuwaasoo sii wadi doona howlaha maamulka inta laga dhameystirayo golayaasha ka dhiman maamulka.

Xasan Nuur, Hiiraan

 Here in this document you will see how the So- called Agreement of Addis-Ababa between the Somali Federal government and the regional Authority of Jubba regions being misinterpreted by the so- called Ruler of Kismayo.By Law there is not any Authority called Jubbaland and there is not any President of that regions only a Chairman as stated in the now infamous Agreement..From this document you can see the true Colors of Mr. Ahemd Madobe and the real Agenda they have for the Jubba regions. Personally I wrote before in my blog how this agreement was a" game" of the Tigre Regime of ETHIOPIA and their associate IGAD countries to subdivide and control at the end the OIL and GAS of the JUBBA regions of Somalia..Wait and see.


#Somalia: WHY Dr abiy AHMED WENT TO MOGADISHU? FOR OIL & GAS... : INTRODUCTION:            On 16 June MR. Abiy  Ahmed PM of Ethiopia ...