Why Somali Republic is a "Perpetual Failed State" for the last 30 years?In this blog I try to answer to that question and in particular of the failure of Somali politics.How Clan Elites have been used by Regional powers and the Somali Salafist Movement and the end game plan to make Somali Republic Clan Enclaves.Who controls Somali economy and political control of Clans in Clan Enclaves.
Showing posts with label Somali Politics.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Somali Politics.. Show all posts
#Somalia: WHY Dr abiy AHMED WENT TO MOGADISHU? FOR OIL & GAS...: INTRODUCTION: On 16 June MR. Abiy Ahmed PM of Ethiopia went to visit Mogadishu as part of his new political offensive ...
Somali Politics
Somali Politics.
Nairobi, Kenya
On 16 June MR. Abiy Ahmed PM of Ethiopia went to visit Mogadishu as part of his new political offensive to save his country from internal political and economic crisis.Before this visit he went to Egypt to agree with them a modus operandi for the Nile water and had accepted the UN resolution on the dispute with Eritrea and to withdraw from their territory. Somalia was the last trip of that political offensive but with different approach and game plan.In this post I will try to give my take on the "New Political Strategy" of Ethiopia vis-a- vis Somalia and how their are covering up their political weakness with fake Media disinformation and manipulation of Clan Puppet Leaders.Also how Mogadishu Leaders has been naive in believing the false overtures of Dr. Aby Ahmed PM by signing with him a Joint Communique which stated that Ethiopia "will be part of investments in Somali Ports". In reality Dr. Abiy PM is worried about the Natural Gas exploitation to be started in the SOMALI region of ETHIOPIA and the wider OROMO uprising which is threatening to change the "OLD ORDER" made of political and economic systems which are Ethnic based and are exploitative,oppressive.I will also write about the end game of #UAE alliance with #Ethiopia and so called Loan by #UAE of 3 Billion US dollars to Ethiopia.( While I was writing this post President #Farmaajo went to Somali National TV and declared "the Ports are on Somali territory and investment will came all over the world" in short. Some days later on 23 June there was a grenade thrown at Dr.Abiy Ahmed PM rally at Meskel square in Addis Abeba and on 28/06/18 Ethiopia started the first shipment of OIL from Somali region.The ONLF- the Somali-Ethiopian opposition movement fighting Ethiopia regime had started a meeting of the group in Asmara, Eritrea.)
For the last three years there has been going on in ETHIOPIA a big uprising of the OROMO speaking Nationality but mostly concentrated in the OROMIA region.It was one of the main reason the former PM Hailemariam resigned from his job after he failed to (quell and suppress) the uprising which now includes also the Amhara ethnic region.For centuries the OROMO has been denied their basic rights in their own Land like their political and economic rights as citizens of Ethiopia to whom they are almost 45% of the total population. They are majority Muslim and inhabit the most fertile land where coffee and tea for export are cultivated and as citizens occupy the second biggest land mass as Ethnic State after the Somali region of the Federal Republic of Ethiopia.Also its their land were gold and other minerals are mined and exported. But they aren't part of the commercial exploitation of their land be it in agricultural or mineral export.Most of the OROMO would like a democratic change were their economic and political rights are secured as majority Ethnic-group in ETHIOPIA but that is also changing the Ethnic based "OLD ORDER" which is not part of the strategy of the Ruling TPLF/EPRDF Elites. Some of the OROMO people are part of the OROMO Liberation Front (OLF) which all this years was advocating for a separate new independent State.There are some groups of the OROMO people who could be linked to the Somali Salafist Movement which have already planned for a Caliphate of the Horn based in Somali Republic and the wider Muslim region of the HORN. Also there is possibility this different groups get united and start an armed fight to overthrow the TPLF/EPRDF regime and to take over Ethiopia.This OROMO problem is one of he main reasons Dr.Abiy Ahmed PM of Ethiopia went to Mogadishu and the other one is the Somali region of Ethiopia Gas & OIL exploitation which is why there is a "New Political Strategy" for sub-colonization of Somali Republic.
The Deposits of Natural Gas & OIL of Somali Region of Ethiopia.
After the end of second World war the Americans and British companies went looking for OIL and GAS in what today is the Ethnic-Somali Region of Ethiopia or Killin 5 as is commonly known.They had found it but unfortunately never exploited for political reasons.The Somali Republic from 60' was claiming at that time those territories were part of the "Great Somalia". There was two wars in 1964 and 1977 between Somali Republic and Ethiopia. In 1968 there was what is called the Arusha conference between Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia in which at the background were sitting the US major OIL companies. At that meeting the agenda was for the Somali Republic to accept the colonial borders and change their claim for a "greater" Somali Republic and in exchange the Oil and Gas of the Somali region of Ethiopia and the Oil and Gas of Somalia will be exploited for the benefit of the citizens of those countries. On this issue were linked the peace in the region, cooperation and development and most importantly the exploitation of OIL and GAS in Somali Republic and Ethiopia.The government of M.Ibrashim Egal( 1967-1969) was trying to change the "Greater Somalia" agenda in exchange for peace and development for the Republic.A big under taking at that time. The meetings concluded with the understanding that Somali Republic will accept the African colonial borders.The main mistakes of the Egal government was that it never prepared Somali people for the meetings outcomes and for this big political change of an epic magnitude.The other issues were that inside the ruling party SYL some factions were against the Arusha Conference and supportive of the greater Somalia agenda.More to that the Somali Armed forces were trained and totally controlled by the Soviet Union including the Military intelligence from 1963 and being prepared all this years for an eventual war with Ethiopia- which will occur in 1977.In 1969 came the Military coup to take over from the civilian and democratically elected government and partially sponsored by the Soviet Union who were controlling by training and giving/selling armaments to our Armed forces.One of the main justification of the coup was that the Egal government was giving up on Somali territorial claims.That is the reasons the Ethiopian governments from Menghiste/Meles till today their Agenda is to destroy Somali Republic as one United State and own ,control politically/economically the vast reserves of OIL and GAS of Somali Republic.The Somali Republic is not claiming any more rights on those Ethiopian territories but there is an ethnic link and cultural link which is based on Somali Kingship. From 1984 the Somalis from Ethiopia started their own rebellion and formed a political- military movement not linked and independent from Somali Republic to represent the people of their region called ONLF which in these days is hoped will go in talks with the Addis Abeba government. Today that Somali region of Ethiopia is represented by its own people be the puppet administration,Elders, or the rebel opposition movement and not anymore pawns in a chess game between Somalia and Ethiopia. For Ethiopia the most important aim of their regional "New Political strategy" is to control as a hegemonic power all territory of the Somali Republic subdivided as Clan Enclaves regional states with a week so called (Federal) Confederate State. This strategy is based on the thinking that the Somali Republic will support/stand up for the Somali ONLF movement of Ethiopia and if there is a democratic government based on Rule of Law, respect of Human Rights,multiparty system in Somalia that will influence and be a model for the numerous communities of Ethiopia and the ethnic based "OLD Order" will be "Changed" in Ethiopia for the benefit of all Nationalities. But Ethiopia must know that Somali Republic and its people will never accept Somalis of Ethiopia made like the OGONI people of Nigeria and denied their rights .And if their are given their rights in the exploitation of OIL and GAS I think there will be peace in the region.For the time being Ethiopian intelligence,EPRDF Elites of Ethiopia think thy have infiltrated/have connections with some of the Salafist Jihadist groups-using the Salafist Busines Cartels- and being close ally with the Somali Salafist Business cartels therefore they don't have a worry on links between Oromo people and Salafist Jihadist and Somalis standing up for the rights of Somalis of Ethiopia morally and politically.( See my post " Hailemariam resignation,Salafist Movement and the Caliphate in the Horn" of Feb 2018).
"New Political Strategy" of #Ethiopia to sub-colonize Somali Republic.
For Ethiopia their "New Political strategy" is to control as a hegemonic power all territory of the Somali Republic subdivided as Clan Enclaves regional states with a week so called (Federal) Confederate State.This is the master Plan but how to put it in practice? The Plan has been to use Somali "Clan Puppet Elites" of regional Clan Enclaves,economic means like trading Bloc of the Great Horn of Africa economic community- which controls and have partial ownership of Somali Ports with #UAE- while in the same time being close ally with the Somali Salafist Business Cartels-which are also Clan based- and have a Monopolistic grip and controls all Clan Enclaves regional economies.All this has to be done in a "Hybrid politics" manner using the Somalis themselves to promote and believe in this political project.How? Using an Image of Ethiopia as omnipotent political power and portrayed daily in Somalia media as news and by Somali puppet politicians,and some Somali political commentators at bbcsomali.com an Voasomali.com.This image is mixed with a "historical political narrative" which its Clan based and sub-Clans which divides Somalis all the time as opposing Clans and sub-Clans,so called political factions fighting over resources and power,territory and third the Military and intelligence resources of Ethiopia allying themselves with some Somali sub-clans to control Somali Elites and have a never ending civil war by #Alshabaab the terror group and ISIL as new group. But there is a new major factor in this new strategy to sub-colonize Somalia : The alliance of Ethiopia with GULF Arabs represented by United Arab Emirates.
The Alliance of Ethiopia with Arab Gulf states represented by UAE.
Somali Politics
Somali Politics.
Nairobi, Kenya
Why The ICC is not investigating crimes against humanity committed by Warlods,Al-Shabaab and Ethiopian Army?
Why the ICC is not investigating crimes against humanity committed by Warlords,Al-Shabaab and Ethiopian Army?
In the year of 1993 the Somali Jurist association in a letter given to UNITAF( the international forces) and the United Nations which were running the country under a U.N Security Resolution asked for Accountability for the Human Rights abuses and war crimes committed during the Civil war by the Warlords and organized groups including the Siad Barre regime which collapsed 1991.It was discussed at the first Humanitarian conference organized by the U.N made in Addis-Abeba that same year but unfortunately the Somali groups/Warlords which were controlling spates of territory sub-divided in Sub-Clans refused any accountability for the crimes committed during the 1991-93 period. I believe this warlords which were supported by Ethiopia mostly did not wont any real peace and reconciliation at that time nor they wont it now. A lot of water has passed under the bridge and the crimes have multiplied ten times and we are at a point that everybody believes that the" Norm is impunity" and not the exception if you are an officer in the so-called TFG or so-called regional states. The Ethiopians and IGAD have adopted the same culture of killing Somalis as they were Colonial forces trying to subjugate the people-citizens of Somalia. I am writing about this groups( Igad and Ethiopians) because they are signatories of international covenants on human rights and the officers of Somali government are under also international Laws concerning the rights of Somali-citizens even when the State is Failed like in Somalia. Still armed militia representing different groups who says are representing Authorities inside Somalia are killing people-citizens and for the last four months five journalist have been killed in Somalia including the region of Punt land.There is also the Al-Shabaab which is committing heinous crimes all the time against children and women like everybody and it also committing crimes of war, act of terrorism and has never been made accountable.But the main problem is that from 2004 (the Nairobi conference in which the TFG was installed) the Meles regime and IGAD have sanctioned for Somalia a political architecture were the Warlords-Drug-Barons are the ultimate powers in Somali State affairs.Be it in the so-called state regions and the TFG .During the Ethiopian occupation of Somalia of the 2006-2009 the Ethiopian army have killed 17.000 Somali as has been reported by Human rights watch and Amnesty international. Maybe lets say 10.000 thousands Somalis ( I am giving the benefit of the doubt to the Ethiopians) were enemy combatants of Al-Shabaab but what about the rest which is more than 7.000 thousands civilians killed ? Why they have to be killed in in- discriminatory way? Why the U.N and all international Human rights organization have not done anything about Somalia all this years? What kind of hidden agenda is at work? The United Nations security Council must pass a mandate in which all crimes against humanity ,all rapes against women ,recruiting of children in militias, the indiscriminate killing of civilians by Warlords,Ethiopian Army and all Shabaab must be investigated and prosecuted by ICC.If we don't have justice and the perpetrators of all that injustices/crimes are the "puppet leaders" installed by Ethiopia and IGAD for the Somali Republic, how we can have Rule of law and a functioning federal State? The London Conference as "usual" has accepted and sanctioned the warlords/Drug-barons,'puppet parliamentarians" installed by Ethiopia to also run the next government of Somalia after the 2012 August mandate.Wait and see.
In the year of 1993 the Somali Jurist association in a letter given to UNITAF( the international forces) and the United Nations which were running the country under a U.N Security Resolution asked for Accountability for the Human Rights abuses and war crimes committed during the Civil war by the Warlords and organized groups including the Siad Barre regime which collapsed 1991.It was discussed at the first Humanitarian conference organized by the U.N made in Addis-Abeba that same year but unfortunately the Somali groups/Warlords which were controlling spates of territory sub-divided in Sub-Clans refused any accountability for the crimes committed during the 1991-93 period. I believe this warlords which were supported by Ethiopia mostly did not wont any real peace and reconciliation at that time nor they wont it now. A lot of water has passed under the bridge and the crimes have multiplied ten times and we are at a point that everybody believes that the" Norm is impunity" and not the exception if you are an officer in the so-called TFG or so-called regional states. The Ethiopians and IGAD have adopted the same culture of killing Somalis as they were Colonial forces trying to subjugate the people-citizens of Somalia. I am writing about this groups( Igad and Ethiopians) because they are signatories of international covenants on human rights and the officers of Somali government are under also international Laws concerning the rights of Somali-citizens even when the State is Failed like in Somalia. Still armed militia representing different groups who says are representing Authorities inside Somalia are killing people-citizens and for the last four months five journalist have been killed in Somalia including the region of Punt land.There is also the Al-Shabaab which is committing heinous crimes all the time against children and women like everybody and it also committing crimes of war, act of terrorism and has never been made accountable.But the main problem is that from 2004 (the Nairobi conference in which the TFG was installed) the Meles regime and IGAD have sanctioned for Somalia a political architecture were the Warlords-Drug-Barons are the ultimate powers in Somali State affairs.Be it in the so-called state regions and the TFG .During the Ethiopian occupation of Somalia of the 2006-2009 the Ethiopian army have killed 17.000 Somali as has been reported by Human rights watch and Amnesty international. Maybe lets say 10.000 thousands Somalis ( I am giving the benefit of the doubt to the Ethiopians) were enemy combatants of Al-Shabaab but what about the rest which is more than 7.000 thousands civilians killed ? Why they have to be killed in in- discriminatory way? Why the U.N and all international Human rights organization have not done anything about Somalia all this years? What kind of hidden agenda is at work? The United Nations security Council must pass a mandate in which all crimes against humanity ,all rapes against women ,recruiting of children in militias, the indiscriminate killing of civilians by Warlords,Ethiopian Army and all Shabaab must be investigated and prosecuted by ICC.If we don't have justice and the perpetrators of all that injustices/crimes are the "puppet leaders" installed by Ethiopia and IGAD for the Somali Republic, how we can have Rule of law and a functioning federal State? The London Conference as "usual" has accepted and sanctioned the warlords/Drug-barons,'puppet parliamentarians" installed by Ethiopia to also run the next government of Somalia after the 2012 August mandate.Wait and see.
Somali Politics
Somali Politics.
" Regime Change or "Business as Usual" for Somalia?
For at least the last three years i am writing on Somali issues but till
now I cannot find the reasons the International Community and countries
like the U.K government which used to colonize parts of the Somali
Republic could not came up with a viable policy originating from Somalis
of all political shades on Somalia. To give just one example in
Somalia and in the Diaspora there are the left( yes
the Left and some of the them are based in London like the Kasmo.com
newspaper.)) the right wingers( those who preach only sub-clan based
policies and are best friend of Meles). ,The Nationalist, The Islamist who accept Rule of Law and
participatory democracy, and the Jihadist( who are sub-divided in two groups like the All_ittixad Business Cartels and the Al-Shaabab group). But unfortunately the West
and the U.S have always followed blindly the policies of the Tigre
Regime of Ethiopia for the last twenty years. To make short my brief the
last conference in London of February was a total failure as is the The
Mahiga Plan nicknamed the Road map,the Kampala Accord and lately the
GaroweI &II and Galkayo agreement between the so-called presidents of
Somalia.All this political “game plans” are founded on the “basic” ‘game
plan” of Meles of Ethiopia to have Somalia Sub-divided in Clan- and
sub-clan Mini enclaves which at the end will be a Confederation( with sub-divided Sovereignty) in one Supra- State, which have the territory of the Somali Republic,
controlled by the Ethiopians.In the meantime the economies of this mini
States are controlled by All-ittixad business Cartels who already own
all big corporations and have the biggest share of the economy like 80%
percent( including the education sector,Health sector,agriculture sector, Real Estate and constructions,Hotels,Trade,Telecommunication ,Banking, Energy like electricity and now Oil and Gas ).You cannot talk of human rights when the So-called mini-states
are there to subvert the basic rights of the people citizens by
superimposing on them an Agenda which works for their enemy. The
Ethiopians would like to-have in-Somalia a mini-failed States and the
Al-shabaab the terror group ever present in Somalia.Already they have
sent Mr. Silanyo to China and Mr.Sherif Hassan the Speaker of TFG to
Iran.. There have been a political strategic convergence between All-ittixad Business Cartels and the Tigre regime of Ethiopia on the issue of Oil and Gas which Somalia has great underground reserves onshore and Offshore. By seeking this new alliances with Iran and the China the puppet
Elites of Somalia are running away from the West and looking for
friendship and alliances to States which will not ask or even talk about
Human Rights and an accountable and transparent Somali Republic . Also in this way those American,British Companies which in 1989 for the last time have renewed their Oil concessions with the Siad barre regime will be defrauded of their rights with this new Mini-States acquired new Sovereignty. I
think that Somali problems must be resolved by Somalis and not so-called
presidents of so-called regional states which are uttering all the time
the Agenda of foreign countries.Somalis do not like the terror group
Al-Shabaab but they need an "Alternative" which does not include the
Ethiopians and IGAD.The Alternative is a “Transitional government made
of technocrats ” from all Shades of political spectrum with the
introduction of Chapter VII of the United nations Charter.The armies
could be IGAD with out the front-line States plus Muslim countries,and
other third world states.Their Mandate could be for Three years for
ending the terror menace and do nation Building-Institution Building
where Somalis are at the fore front.Things will not be easy but if the
current plans succeed let me tell you things will get worse and will be
a consolidation of power of this anti-democratic groups.The All-ittixad
business Cartels and Ethiopians will be the kingmaker of Somali
politics for years to came and the Somali people citizens of The Somali
Republic will never get their rights as citizens.Wait and see.
Somali Politics
Somali Politics.
"Why in Mogadishu there is Total Upheaval?"
Last Saturday I went to a meeting in which a friend and relative of mine was opening a Forum for Somali Intellectuals and business people at Laico Regency in Nairobi..I would not like to be nepotistic about this but that has given me the opportunity for me the see and listen to the most seasoned Somali Politician of this days.Actually is Mr. Ali Khalif Galeir a Professor at an American University in Minnesota. Mr. Galeir spoke about what we need today in Somalia and how things will get worse if there is not a Total Regime Change in the Somali Republic .He used the words of Tsunami and earthquake as the type of " change" we need in Somalia. In other words he spoke about of what I call "Gang of six" but added their Master team-leader Mr.Mahiga.and how their are planning to consolidate power for the Groups in Power.He spoke about the Igad Armada now in Somalia which controls the Somali territory and nobody knows when they will live.I add that also they have at Ransom the Somali sovereignty and territorial integrity..
He spoke also about the upcoming new Transitional Constitution and the "new game plan of the Gang of Six".He totally rejected everything on the pipeline by this "corrupt and rapacious" clique allied to the All-Ittixad business Cartels and the New colonizers of East Africa the Tigre Regime of Ethiopia
If you look at the so-called Somali media this days you will get that there is a so-called upheaval in the political circles of Mogadishu.The Warlords-Drug-Barons,the Islamist Warlords,petty Ruling elites are all rebelling against the new order. I mean people which were allied and linked to the All-Ittixad business Cartels and the Tigre regime are starting to talk and look like they were in the opposition. They started Using the most Foolish and criminal language like " our Clan or Sub-Clan will use never accept this and that". In reality this groups have never reperesented anybody except in the Media which is used by the ruling elites to communicate its criminal agendas camouflaged as National and sub-clan interests.In few words everybody is afraid and anxious of the "Change" to came and is trying to react to manipulate and make it for the interest of the Ruling Cliques. The Ruling elites allied to Ethiopia and All-Ittixad business Cartels will never relinquish power easily which they were controlling for the Last twenty years.Furthermore they dread the Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter to be used to make real" Change" in Somalia.This Elites has become so rich they can buy everybody linked, working on Somali issues to the tune of Millions of Dollars including the Armada of IGAD in Somalia. Mr. Mahiga is just doing their bidding..The Somali -people citizens have been exploited and sub-divided in Clans and Sub-clans and the international community has been deceived and defrauded of millions of shillings all this years.Who controls the economy controls the Nation-State.. As in America the Industrial-Military groups which controls the political systems in Somalia the All-ittixad business Cartels control the economy of Somaliland, Punntland and the the South-Central including Mogadishu which is the center of this groups.
If the International community is serious about Somalia we need " a new transitional government of Technocrats" made of vetted and honest Somalis with the introduction of the Chapter VII of the United Nations Chapter in Somalia including by making blue helmets the so- called Armada of Igad.But most importantly the Tigre regime of Ethiopia must be kicked out of Somali affairs at all..Wait and see.
He spoke also about the upcoming new Transitional Constitution and the "new game plan of the Gang of Six".He totally rejected everything on the pipeline by this "corrupt and rapacious" clique allied to the All-Ittixad business Cartels and the New colonizers of East Africa the Tigre Regime of Ethiopia
If you look at the so-called Somali media this days you will get that there is a so-called upheaval in the political circles of Mogadishu.The Warlords-Drug-Barons,the Islamist Warlords,petty Ruling elites are all rebelling against the new order. I mean people which were allied and linked to the All-Ittixad business Cartels and the Tigre regime are starting to talk and look like they were in the opposition. They started Using the most Foolish and criminal language like " our Clan or Sub-Clan will use never accept this and that". In reality this groups have never reperesented anybody except in the Media which is used by the ruling elites to communicate its criminal agendas camouflaged as National and sub-clan interests.In few words everybody is afraid and anxious of the "Change" to came and is trying to react to manipulate and make it for the interest of the Ruling Cliques. The Ruling elites allied to Ethiopia and All-Ittixad business Cartels will never relinquish power easily which they were controlling for the Last twenty years.Furthermore they dread the Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter to be used to make real" Change" in Somalia.This Elites has become so rich they can buy everybody linked, working on Somali issues to the tune of Millions of Dollars including the Armada of IGAD in Somalia. Mr. Mahiga is just doing their bidding..The Somali -people citizens have been exploited and sub-divided in Clans and Sub-clans and the international community has been deceived and defrauded of millions of shillings all this years.Who controls the economy controls the Nation-State.. As in America the Industrial-Military groups which controls the political systems in Somalia the All-ittixad business Cartels control the economy of Somaliland, Punntland and the the South-Central including Mogadishu which is the center of this groups.
If the International community is serious about Somalia we need " a new transitional government of Technocrats" made of vetted and honest Somalis with the introduction of the Chapter VII of the United Nations Chapter in Somalia including by making blue helmets the so- called Armada of Igad.But most importantly the Tigre regime of Ethiopia must be kicked out of Somali affairs at all..Wait and see.
Somali Politics
Somali Politics.
The battle for Oil in Khatuma,Somaliland,Puntland,and TFG of Mogadishu.
these last week there has been a great controversy between the ruling
clique or so-called elites of the Somali Republic which have been
sub-divided for hegemonic reasons by thee Tigre Regime of Ethiopia in
Clan-based enclaves called Somaliland , Puntland and the so-called
Transitional Government( TFG) which controls small parts of the South
thanks to Amisom but is the depository of Somali Sovereignty.The London
Conference of Feb 23 has had as a resolution that the TFG starts
discussion/dialogue with the rebel self proclaimed State of Somaliland
and resolve the long standing issue of the sub-division of
Somalia.Unfortunately this good premise has opened a can of worms in the
way that Somaliland has already had a plan for their future agreed upon
by Meles of Ethiopia and Silanyo of Somaliland.Last year some time
before the Conference Mr.Silanyo of Somaliland flew to Hong Kong of
China and have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Chinese
Government on behalf of the people of Somaliland. The memo was about
the concessions of exploration rights of Oil and Gas in the
territories of Somaliland including the Nugal Valley ,area of Buhodle
which are part of the Khatuma State and other regions of Awdal and will
permit to have pipelines over their territories from the Somali region
of Ethiopia in which Oil and Gas will be exported to China by Chinese
companies. In exchange the so-called Somaliland administration will get
recognition as a Sovereign State.In the mean time the so- called clique
ruling Puntland has came to know that by accepting the Ethiopian
hegemony over political matters and the control of the entire economy by
All-ittixad Business Cartels they can carve and exploit the
people-citizens of Puntland.There fore like Somaliland these elites
called in Oil companies and in contravention of the Somali Transitional
Charter started drilling for Oil in the Dharoor Valley and planned to
drill later the Nugal Valley which is also claimed as their own by the
Khatuma State.In few words the Administrations of Somaliland and
Puntland are planning for the sub-division of Somalia in break-away
Republics using Oil and gas as a means to teach that end but with the
blessing of the rergime of Ethiopia.The game plans has been for at least
from 2009 been hatched together by the Tigre regime of Ethiopia and
All-Ittixad business Cartels of all over Somalia.The aim is to call in
China,France and Iran which never question the state policies and the
exploitation of the Somali people citizens.The All-Ittixad business
Catels will have total control of the exploration and selling of the Oil
and Gas through so called private companies owned by citizens of
those regions but allied to the business cartels just like we are
already seeing in Puntland with the company called Horn Petroleum and
already been started in Somaliland. The ethiopians will get control of
the political spheres in Somaliland and Puntland as their are already
doing. In that way the Tigre regime will get his share of Somali
resources as Kick backs from Oil revenues and the All-ittixad business
cartels will fund their own jihadist agendas in a subtle way as they
were doing all this years.
But unfortunately for this "game plan " there have some additions in the political spheres.First the Clan communities of Buhodle,Las-Anood had a meeting last year and proclaimed themselves a region state called Khatuma which is part and parcel of the Somali Republic with no allegiance to the so-called regimes of Somaliland and Puntland.The main source of the petroleum reserves which Mr. Silanyo and Mr. Farole wont to appropriate for their Sub-clans is situated in the Khatuma state regions and that way the plans of those Somaliland and puntland go up in smoke.What have done the London conference is by calling the Somalis to have a meeting to solve their problems is to open a "Pandora box" in which different clans calling themselves regional states would like to sell to China,France and Iran and other powers the rights of the citizens of the Somali republic and in the same time sub-divided the republic in mini break-away Republics.
To cover up all misdeeds now the regime of Somaliland and Puntland would like to sub-divided the Khatuma State and make things "business as usual" but the peole citixens of Somalia and the clans of Khatuma satate are aganist this criminal agendas .Wait and see.

is another cartoon of the great Amin camir showing The Emperor Meles
with his Pro console children of all the Somali republic.Pro console
Silanyo,Pro console Faroole, Pro console,Ahlu-sunna, Pro console
Galmudug,Pro console Shek Sharif. This is the reality of things in
Somalia: all so-called regional states are a product of the "heinous"
policies of TheTigre Regime of Ethiopia..Also all of them are "puppet
leaders"installed by the Emperor Meles at different times. Wait and see
But unfortunately for this "game plan " there have some additions in the political spheres.First the Clan communities of Buhodle,Las-Anood had a meeting last year and proclaimed themselves a region state called Khatuma which is part and parcel of the Somali Republic with no allegiance to the so-called regimes of Somaliland and Puntland.The main source of the petroleum reserves which Mr. Silanyo and Mr. Farole wont to appropriate for their Sub-clans is situated in the Khatuma state regions and that way the plans of those Somaliland and puntland go up in smoke.What have done the London conference is by calling the Somalis to have a meeting to solve their problems is to open a "Pandora box" in which different clans calling themselves regional states would like to sell to China,France and Iran and other powers the rights of the citizens of the Somali republic and in the same time sub-divided the republic in mini break-away Republics.
To cover up all misdeeds now the regime of Somaliland and Puntland would like to sub-divided the Khatuma State and make things "business as usual" but the peole citixens of Somalia and the clans of Khatuma satate are aganist this criminal agendas .Wait and see.
Somali Politics
Somali Politics.
" Why al-Shabaab Tried to Kill The Somali PRime Minister."
I would like to send my deepest condolences to the families of Aden
Haji Yabarow and Sacid Mugambo which have been assassinated by
Al-Shabaab yesterday at the Somali Theater.The real target of the
Al-Shabaab was the Prime Minister and
his cabinet.Unfortunately for them they failed to reach the
target..Like the assassination of the late Minister Mr.Caddow and his
colleagues at Shamo hotel in 2009 by Al-shabaab the agenda was to Kill
those who are fighting for change in Somalia.The motive of the attempted
assassination was to eliminate the MP which like his former colleagues
was trying his best to have Rule of Law and working government.The real
actors in Somali politics the Al-ittixad Business Cartels and the
Warlords/Drug barons do not like any change and the purported
candidature of the Prime Minister to be the next President come August
2012.The New York times and the East African have both written that the
Harvard-educated economist Mr.Abdiwali Ali Gaas would be the next
president. If you are not a person which is 100% Loyal to this groups you
cannot be President of Somalia .I believe the things have hotted up a
lot when it comes to the "Political game" in Mogadishu.The London
Conference and the appointment of an ambassador in Mogadishu has made
cards to be re-arranged by the Al_ittixad business Cartels and their
allies the warlords-Drug-Barons which are the representative of the
Meles regime.There have been a pact for a very long time between the
Al-Ittixad business cartels/Warlords/ drug-barons
and the Tigre Regime of Ethiopia in which the West has been duped to
believe things will be better in Somalia.
The All-ittixad business
cartels( the former financiers of the Islamic Courts and business
individuals organized as Cartels) have loose links with Al-Shabaab with
whom they share the Wahabi salafist ideology. The Somali government-
Establishment is controlled by this two
groups and the Tigre Regime of Ethiopia..The Tigre regime of Meles would
never like to have or neither accept a working ,stable ,independent
minded government which pursues the National Interest of the Somali
nation, which is not "perpetually failed "in Somalia.. All-Ittixad
Business Cartels and warlords-Drug-barons agree on that same Agenda.Wat
and see.
Somali Politics
Somali Politics.
"Why Al-Shabaab have tried to Kill the Prime minister of Somalia"
- First I would like to send my deepest condolences to the families of Aden Haji Yabarow and Sacid Mugambo which have been assassinated by Al-Shabaab yesterday at the Somali Theater.The real target of the Al-Shabaab was the Prime Minister and his cabinet.Unfortunately for them they failed to reach the target..Like the assassination of the late Minister Mr.Caddow and his colleagues at Shamo hotel in 2009 by Al-shabaab the agenda was to Kill those who are fighting for change in Somalia.The motive of the attempted assassination was to eliminate the MP which like his former colleagues was trying his best to have Rule of Law and working government.The real actors in Somali politics the Al-ittixad Business Cartels and the Warlords/Drug barons do not like any change and the purported candidature of the Prime Minister to be the next President come August 2012.The New York times and the Est African have both written that the Harvard-educated economist Mr.Abdiwali Ali Gaas would be the next president.If you are not a person which is 100% Loyal to this groups you cannot be the next President of Somalia .I believe the things have hotted up a lot when it comes to the "Political game" in Mogadishu.The London Conference and the appointment of an ambassador in Mogadishu has made cards to be rearranged by the Al-ittixad business Cartels and their allies the warlords-Drug-Barons which are the representative of the Meles regime.There have been a pact for a very long time between the Al-Ittixad business cartels/Warlords/
drug-barons and the Tigre Regime of Ethiopia in which the West has been duped to believe things will be better in Somalia.Wait and see. 12 minutes ago · - Ahmed Ali WardigleyThe All-ittixad business cartels( the former financiers of the Islamic Courts and business individuals organized as Cartels) have loose links with Al-Shabaab with whom they share the Wahabi salafist ideology. The Somali government Establishment is controlled by this two groups and the Tigre Regime of Ethiopia..The Tigre regime of Meles would never like to have or neither accept a working ,stable ,independent minded government which pursues the national interest of the Somali nation, which is not "perpetually failed "in Somalia.. All-Ittixad Business Cartels and warlords-Drug-barons agree on that same Agenda.Wat and see.
Somali Politics
Somali Politics.
Why the ICC is not investigating crimes against humanity by Warlords,Al-Shabaab and Ethiopian Army?
the year of 1993 the Somali Jurist association in a letter given to
UNITAF( the international forces) and the United Nations which were
running the country under a U.N Security Resolution asked for
Accountability for the Human Rights abuses
and war crimes committed during the Civil war by the Warlords and
organized groups including the Siad Barre regime which collapsed 1991.It was discussed at
the first Humanitarian conference organized by the U.N made in
Addis-Abeba that same year but unfortunately the Somali groups/Warlords
which were controlling spates of territory sub-divided in Sub-Clans
refused any accountability for the crimes committed during the 1991-93 period. I believe this
warlords which were supported by Ethiopia mostly did not wont any real
peace and reconciliation at that time nor they wont it now. A lot of
water has passed under the bridge and the crimes have multiplied ten
times and we are at a point that everybody believes that the" Norm is
impunity" if you are an officer in the so-called TFG or so-called regional states.
The Ethiopians and IGAD have adopted the same culture of killing Somalis
as they were Colonial forces trying to subjugate the people-citizens. I
am writing about this groups because they are signatories of
international covenants on human rights and the officers of Somali
government are under also international Laws concerning the rights of
Somali-citizens even when the State is Failed like in Somalia. Still
armed militia representing different groups who says are representing
Authorities are killing people-citizens and for the last four months
five journalist have been killed in Somalia including the region of
Punt land.There is also the Al-Shabaab which is committing heinous
crimes all the time against children and women like everybody and it
also committing crimes of war,act of terrorism.But the main problem is that from 2004 the Meles regime and IGAD have sanctioned for Somalia a political architecture were the Warlords-Drug-Barons are the ultimate powers in Somali State affairs.Be it in the so-called state regions and the TFG.During the Ethiopian occupation of Somalia of the 2006-2009 the ethiopian army have killed 17.000 Somali as has been reported by Human rights watch and Amensty international.Maybe lets say 10.000 thousands( I am giving the benefit of the doubt to the ethiopians) were enemy combatants of Al-Shabaab but what about the rest which is more than 7.000 thousans civilians? why they have to be killed in in- discriminatory way? Why the U.N and all international Human
rights organization have not done anything about Somalia all this years?
What kind of hidden agenda is at work? the United Nations security Council must pass a mandate in which all crimes against humanity ,all rapes aganist women ,recruiting of children in militias, the indiscriminate killin of civilians by Warlords and all Shabaab must be investigated and prosecuted by ICC.If we don't have justice and the perpetrators of all that injustices/crimes are the "puppet leaders" installed by Ethiopia and IGAD for the Somali Republic how we can have Rule of law and a funtioning federal State? The London Conference as "usual" has accepted and sanctioned the warlords/Drug-barons,'puppet parliamentarians" installed by Ethiopia to also run the next government of Somalia after the 2012 August mandate.Wait and see.
Somali Politics
Somali Politics.
Ambassador Mahiga and the fictitous Ahlu-Shek group of President Sherif.
Today I would like to comment on an interview by Mr. Mahiga U.N
Special Envoy for Somalia.The interview was on Sunday ( March 04 2012)
at the Somali service of the BBC..In that now infamous interview Mr.
Mahiga says” that the group of the Ahlu-Scek controls the presidency
and are blocking any effort to have real process”First let me explain
that the Amb. Mahiga is not an impartial broker in the Somali politics
but he is associated and linked with the the President,the speaker and
the "Gang of Six " which are the signatories of the Garowe Principles I
& II. Somalia is in a transition from the regime of Mbaghabati
.Nairobi of 2004( when the transitional government mandate started) and
the new groupings from the Djibouti accord added to it in 2009 to a new
process that will take this government mandate expire in August 2012.
More to that lately the international community.Turkey and the Arab
community have shown more interest in Somalia than the "business as
usual "approach which Ethiopia and IGAD were the only regional powers
running the show of "installing puppet leaders" as ruling elites. Plus
the recent conference in London of 23 February which have really
internationalized the Somali issues. Ambassador Mahiga is addressing all
those groups and is indirectly saying that in the government there are
two groups: the group co opted in Nairobi of 2004 and the group of the
Islamist which have been added to them in 2009 from the Djibouti accord
of 2009..He is also addressing the international community and the
Somali domestic audience by supplying with them a false "information"
which is all part of the "deception plans" of Ethiopia and IGAD. Why
Mahiga is lying and why there is this "deception plan"? To answer to
this questions we have to go back into the history of Somalia.
From 2006 till 2009 Somalia was under military occupation from Ethiopia which was fighting the Union of the Islamic courts, an Islamist political and military movement which compromised of JIhadist and moderate and took over almost all of South Somalia.The Islamist where defeated and the moderate within them has been made part of the next government thanks to what we call the Djibouti Accord of 2009.This president Sharif and his group which were part of the Union of Islamic Courts joined the government. Unfortunately the main group of the moderate Islamist only person remaining in the government is the President Sharif. All the the prominent personalities which were Ministers have been sacked and made redundant after one year of the Djibouti accord. The main ideological agenda to have representatives of the Islamist who abhor terror in government and in the political conversation has been abolished and vanished after almost one year.The two more prominent figures after the President Mr. Caddow a distinguished scholar and Islamist was assassinated while he was Minister in Mogadishu and the other Minister for internal security ,a nationalist but allied to those groups was also assassinated in Beled-weine cental region Of Hiiraan.This two Ministers were killed by Al-Shabaab but you wonder how the most important figures in government could be so easily killed while their government is watching.My humble opinion is the Intelligence services of Ethiopia and the Warlord-drug-barons and the All-ittixad business Cartels are all involved.
Coming back to Mahiga interview the main aim is to tell the whole world and Somalis that the Islamist are in power and there is not any need to have further reconciliation with Islamist who accept Rule of Law, participatory democracy and are against terror.There is not also the need to have "a conversation" with the Islamist groups in the Somali society.Why Mahiga is taking this line of action? What interests he is defending?
Ambassador Mahiga like any other person which is not Somali will note care about Somalis if the "puppet ruling elites " do not care about their country.Secondly there is not any check and balance in the Media or so-called Civil Society which have all been co-opted De-facto in the regime or paid huge sums of money.The few Journalist who dared to came against this "rapacious-criminal puppet Elites" allied with Ethiopia have been killed in broad daylight in Mogadishu.Just for the last two months two journalist have been killed.
What is at play is a convergence of interests and alliance between the Ethiopians ,IGAD and the Somali Warlords-Drug-barons,puppet parliamentarians and those who control at least 70% of the Somali Economy the ALL-Ittixad business Cartels.This alliance between foreign powers and Somali corrupt political-economical Elites would like to have one of the "Gang of Six" which is made of the President, Speaker,Prime Minister,and the Chieftains of Punt land,Galmudug and Ahlu-Sunna Waljameeca of Cabuud-Waak and Guriceel districts.
There is not any group called Ahlu-Shek in government and the name has been borrowed by an Islamist group which used to exist in the 70" and was Lead by the famous Shek Mohamed Moallin and after his dead the group dissolved.
I would like to conclude that the Somali tragedy is exacerbated by the regional powers which are all trying to control Somalia for political hegemony and the Huge quantities of Oil and gas which are on-shore and off-shore .Wait and see..

From 2006 till 2009 Somalia was under military occupation from Ethiopia which was fighting the Union of the Islamic courts, an Islamist political and military movement which compromised of JIhadist and moderate and took over almost all of South Somalia.The Islamist where defeated and the moderate within them has been made part of the next government thanks to what we call the Djibouti Accord of 2009.This president Sharif and his group which were part of the Union of Islamic Courts joined the government. Unfortunately the main group of the moderate Islamist only person remaining in the government is the President Sharif. All the the prominent personalities which were Ministers have been sacked and made redundant after one year of the Djibouti accord. The main ideological agenda to have representatives of the Islamist who abhor terror in government and in the political conversation has been abolished and vanished after almost one year.The two more prominent figures after the President Mr. Caddow a distinguished scholar and Islamist was assassinated while he was Minister in Mogadishu and the other Minister for internal security ,a nationalist but allied to those groups was also assassinated in Beled-weine cental region Of Hiiraan.This two Ministers were killed by Al-Shabaab but you wonder how the most important figures in government could be so easily killed while their government is watching.My humble opinion is the Intelligence services of Ethiopia and the Warlord-drug-barons and the All-ittixad business Cartels are all involved.
Coming back to Mahiga interview the main aim is to tell the whole world and Somalis that the Islamist are in power and there is not any need to have further reconciliation with Islamist who accept Rule of Law, participatory democracy and are against terror.There is not also the need to have "a conversation" with the Islamist groups in the Somali society.Why Mahiga is taking this line of action? What interests he is defending?
Ambassador Mahiga like any other person which is not Somali will note care about Somalis if the "puppet ruling elites " do not care about their country.Secondly there is not any check and balance in the Media or so-called Civil Society which have all been co-opted De-facto in the regime or paid huge sums of money.The few Journalist who dared to came against this "rapacious-criminal puppet Elites" allied with Ethiopia have been killed in broad daylight in Mogadishu.Just for the last two months two journalist have been killed.
What is at play is a convergence of interests and alliance between the Ethiopians ,IGAD and the Somali Warlords-Drug-barons,puppet parliamentarians and those who control at least 70% of the Somali Economy the ALL-Ittixad business Cartels.This alliance between foreign powers and Somali corrupt political-economical Elites would like to have one of the "Gang of Six" which is made of the President, Speaker,Prime Minister,and the Chieftains of Punt land,Galmudug and Ahlu-Sunna Waljameeca of Cabuud-Waak and Guriceel districts.
There is not any group called Ahlu-Shek in government and the name has been borrowed by an Islamist group which used to exist in the 70" and was Lead by the famous Shek Mohamed Moallin and after his dead the group dissolved.
I would like to conclude that the Somali tragedy is exacerbated by the regional powers which are all trying to control Somalia for political hegemony and the Huge quantities of Oil and gas which are on-shore and off-shore .Wait and see..
Somali Politics
Somali Politics.
"Comment written on 23 Feb. on London Conference"
I hope the U.K office for Somalia will circulate all the documents of this conference to all Somalis.Including websites in English and Somali.Almost for 20 years even U.N resolutions IGAD, African Union are not circulated widely to the wider SOMALI CITIZENS.Just for an example nobody knows what is in the now Notorious "Road map" for Somalia by Amb.Mahiga and Somali TFG.This time the Somali people needs transparency and accountability if the world is really serious about Somali affairs. Secondly without the wider participation of the Somali-citizens- public in determining their destiny no conference will bring any Solutions. SOMALIS must be on the forefront in finding solutions and even analyzing problems.This hegemony from other countries specially Africans and others in telling the Somalis what to do and how to solve their problems must end. In few words Somalis must be empowered to make, chart their own destiny.This "puppet leaders' imposed over Somalis by the Ethiopians, IGAD States and African Union,the sub-division of Somalia in Clan-enclaves which is not real on the ground must end. The world must assist Somalis to re-discover, re-make their nation-State,Institutions in a Federal administered government .Where every Somalis have the right to reside where he likes,do business and contribute in the development of Somali Society.The fight against terror can be won when the Somalis are participating and are willing to do it. No foreign power which does not speak Somali or its " puppet- soldiers-leaders" can fight against Al-Shabaab-Al-Qaida with out the participation and ownership of the fight by the Somali- Clan communities-citizens. I hope with the London conference a new era is started for the Somali Nation and people-citizens.Wait and see.
Somali Politics
Somali Politics.
"Safe haven for terror,Wahhabist and Drug-barons "
The Arab world has embraced the concept of People's power but still in Somalia and our friends and brothers Somalis living outside which profess to be Islamist do not like that democratic and revolutionary concept.Why? Why our Islamist are bent to say everything from the west is bad while enjoying those freedoms? Somalis must come to accept that in Somalia like any other country there are different political thinking and maybe parties , still embryonic but based on real ideological values which respect the dignity and rights of people-citizens. Somalia cannot be Save Haven for Terror, warlords-drug-barons supported by Ethiopia,Organized crime and Wahhabist bent only on having a " perpetual failed State"The other big problem is the Somalis have been told by this groups for the last twenty years that Clan ism is the best ideology to believe and the issue of State- Nation hood must be pursued only at the level of Sub-clan. In Other words every sub-clan must have his own Flag,So-called State,be a member of IGAD and repudiate the history and the values the Somalis have shared for a very long time.In this way it will be out in few years of the African map what we call still the territory of the Somali Republic.In its place will be small failed states recognized by the regional powers and other big powers.This is the game plan of the warlords-Drug-barons ,All-Ittixad -bussines Cartels and the so-called IGAD States.Wait and see.
Somali Politics
Somali Politics.
Open letter to the Brithish Government on the eve of London conference.
First of all I have great respect for what the U.K government is doing to salvage a country which have been" a perpetual failed State" and save haven for Terror for more than two decades.I do not think that all "things" could be solved at the London Conference but at least I hope the British Government could tell those" states on the front line" like Ethiopia,Kenya and Djibouti that they are part of the problem.I remember in 2003-2004 when the Peace conference for Somalia was going on in Nairobi and the Somali Warlords-Drug barons ,politician puppet leaders were installed parliamentarians,Speaker and Ministers by the Ethiopian Regime of Meles Zenawi.The same story repeated at the Djabouti conference why the Ethiopians made a deal with the new group of the President Sharif and the new list was made by The now notorious Speaker Sharif Hassan.This kind of Parliamentarians/puppet leaders do not represent the National interest of Somali people-citizens.I have been political refugee from 1988 and I know quite a bit of Somali political history. .Let me tell your government that the Somali Quagmire has been made primarily by the hegemonic ambitions of the different Ethiopian regimes. Which after the debacle of the War by the Somalis of 1977 decided to sub-divide Somalia in break-away Republics under their control and hegemony. The Somali political oppositions of the 80' has been used by the Ethiopian to implement that agenda from those days.The end result was the creation of so-called break-away republic of Somali land and what we call semi-autonomous region of Puntland which in my opinion is another break-away Republic in the waiting.All this misfortunes for the Somali people-citizens have been perpetuated with the West in general looking the other way and appeasing the criminal Agendas of Ethiopia. The common Somali believes that everything happened to them Why the West have been accomplice to Ethiopia.But as people like me know the Story is more complicated because the Group of the Wahhabi Salafist came to Somalia from the 70' and infiltrated the political opposition themselves and used them to destroy the Somali Republic while deceiving the Ethiopians.The Meles of this world have been used and being used today to carry the agenda of the Wahhabist: to have a" perpetual failed state" even subdivided till the Wahhabist have the capacity and power to control and subjugate the Somali-people citizen of all the Somali Republic.But for my point of view the I suspect there have been a convergence in at lesat the last five years between the Agendas of Ethiopia and the Wahhabist which are represented today by All-Ittixad business Cartels and Al-Shabaab.Al-Qaeda..The convergence is between the All-ittixad business Cartels and the Meles regime on how to have for them total control of Somali national resources like Oil and Gas in Somali land,Punt land and the new state of Azania.This new fond alliance is primarily economical and political and would like to have a new political System for Somalia in which emirates failed- States organized as clan- enclaves controlled by this puppet leaders/All-ittixad busines Cartels take the name of Break-away republic under the hegemony of Ethiopia and IGAD. More to that the Ethiopian have brought into this dangerous game the government of China .France,Iran and Italy to accept and recognize this new game plan/meaning break-away Republics and be part of the future exploitation of the Somali national Resources like Oil and Gas. Could the British help the Somalis to help Themselves? Could the British, the Arab League and mainly Turkey help the Somalis to avoid this recolonization of their Beloved land and country? Could the Somalis regain their sovereignty and the people citizens of Somalia permitted to decide their destiny? Wait and see.
Somali Politics
Somali Politics.
The meeting in London of 23 February on Somalia.Wait and see.
I first start by saying any meeting about Somalia will be worthwhile only if representatives of the Somali people citizens are there.In other words if those calling for the meeting will not invite those" puppet leaders of the TFG,Somali land ,Puntland all installed by Meles of Ethiopia. .But the real elders, honest politicians,Civil society,women and Diaspora.Secondly meetings declarations are worth some thing when they are implemented:would Ethiopia which is the" main villain" in Somali affairs accept to give up on the Somali Monopoly? Will IGAD another "villain" accept change of the Status Quo? Will the new actors like China ,France,Italy and Iran give up on their new found influence in Somali affairs? For almost 21 years the West has made mistakes after mistakes on how to handle the Somali issues and made Somalia hostage today to two main groups: The Wahabi-Salafist which controls the economy and have an armed wing in the name of Al- Shabaab the terror group and the hegemonic imperialism of Ethiopia which concurs with the Salafist in having a" perpetual failed State" situation and Somalia sub-divided in breakaway Republics.The good news is things are moving differently by how the so-called Somali political landscape have reacted to this meeting in the U.K on 23 February. Every warlord,drug-Lord and puppet politicians is worried about things to came . Meles the emperor himself is trying to assert himself by behind the scenes supporting,directing the change in the leadership of the parliament by siding with the So-called leader Madobe Nunow.Today in the TFG parliament we have two Speakers: one is the notorious Sheriif hassan best ally of Iran,China and France.The other is Madobe Nunow which have been elected by the parliamentarians all linked to Meles as new Speaker in a controversial election. More to that the visit to Mogadishu of the British Foreign affairs Secretary Mr. Hague has made things more hot because he brought with him the new ambassador to Mogadishu.By bringing an ambassador to Mogadishu the British have formally recognized the TFG as the sole representative of the Somali sovereignty which will put to an end the endeavor of Somali land to be recognized as a break-away Republic by China in exchange of Oil and Gas concessions. Wait and see.
Somali Politics
Somali Politics.
PUNTLAND OIL: All-ittixad bussines Cartels Projects.
The President of the
regional state of Puntland Mr.Faroole has started last Tuesday 15
January 2012 the drilling and exploration of Oil wells in the Dharoor
Valley and Nugal Valley of Puntlamd.The project will be implemented by
the Canadian company Africa Oil a new outfit and its subsidiary Range
Resources of Australia.In 90 days Oil will be produced and a Production
Sharing agreement is in place.What is the historical background to this
sudden announcement by Mr.Faroole? What are the future implication :
legal and political for the regional state of Puntland? Can he really
Mr.Froole manage to produce Oil in a "clan based and failed/corrupt
administration"? Can he produce Oil in a regional State where Rule of
Law is not common and applied daily?
First let me start with saying that I believe OIL and Gas is one of the reasons of the Somali Problem.The Ethiopian regime of Meles has came to know of the vast reserves of Oil and Gas in Somalia and has encouraged and prodded the so-called regional States like Somali land and Punt land to be break away Republics and explore Oil and Gas for themselves by reneging on old agreements and even the renewals passed as Law in Parliament by the Abdullahi Yusuf government in 2006.In the year 2007 the Puntland regional state made a comprehensive agreement with the Range/Africa groups to have all minerals in the region rights of exploration given to Africa Oil.There was an uproar in Mogadishu which represents the Somali Republic and everything was stopped till now .In Somalia there is not a valid law which makes the regional states empowered to produce Oil or export any other mineral.. Those companies are infringing on the Somali republic sovereignty by assisting the so- called administration of Puntland to export Oil and whoever buys it is going against International law.There is not any law even agreed by the Puntland regional state which regulates the drilling ,production and export of the Oil .There is not any law which regulates in a transparent way how all the money from the sale of the Oil its accounted and used for the benefit of the people citizens of Puntland regional state and how much of that Oil revenue will be allocated to district level and the Federal/National government.
But the biggest issue I would like to take up is the participation/and economic control of the all-Ittixad bussiness cartels as major stakeholders in the overall project and shareholders in the small companies like Horn petroleum which is part of the companies involves like Africa Oil and Range resources.In the last two years the Range group have seen it cannot drill and produce Oil for export with the risk like a group linked to Al-Shabaab/Al-Qaeda based 350 Km in the mountains regions close to the sea which had close relations with the Al-Qaeda of the Arabian peninsula / Yemen. The other factor was the Clans and sub-clans of the Dharoor valley and others which were not feeling had the ownership and participation of the future wealth from the Oil. How to solve all those problems in the region state and how to circumvent the rights of sovereignty invoked by the Central./Federal government of Mogadishu? How to make accomplish all those goals ? What the so- called analyst of the Somali issue miss all the time is the enormous political power and influence wielded and enjoyed by the All-Ittixad Business cartels all over Somalia and the inter-link between this groups even in the different regions/clan enclaves of the Somali Republic. The All-ittixad business Cartels groups all over Somalia are Wahabi-Salafist and have loose links with al-Shabaab ,have almost the total control of every business activity all over Somalia and have as a business methods criminal tactics which they have refined by living and working under a Stateless /failed -country and society.
The All-Ittixad groups have known of the Oil issue for a very long time and always had the plan to control those strategic resources of the Somali- Nation State. They have for a very long time recruited in their ranks people who used to work for the Somali State at Said Barre time and became well informed of all the Oil exploration sites and value.
For the first time the All-ittixad business cartels of Puntland and Mogadishu have collaborated with the so-called central government and convinced them that a sub-divided Somalia will not opposed by Ethiopia and in that way the exploitation of Oil in Puntald will be in their strategic interest.The President,the notorious speaker and PM have given the nod in an informal way and have been been bribed although the Speaker and the president are allied to this groups The implementation of the project was made possible by the good contacts of Al-Ittixad bussiness cartels of Puntland which convinced Mr. Atam the ringleader of Al-Shbaab of Puntland through his Clan elders that the extraction of Oil is in the overall interest of the Wahabi-Salafist groups of Somalia and in particular Portland.Secondly All-Ittixad business cartels have a huge amounts of Cash which came from the financing of The Pirates Operations for the Five years.We Somalis know that the youngsters which were doing the piracy were financed in their operation by this groups and the young men got only 50% of the overall ransom.The world has paid 170 million for the last five years and you divide by two.
With all this cash the All-Ittixad business cartels allied themselves with Mr. Faroole which they were also the group who finances his election in the first place. They bought the Clans/sub-clans Elders ,so- called politicians of the region and everybody which they would see will oppose their project.More to that they are part of the companies which are getting the contracts and sub-contracts.The President Farole and his sons,Mr. Cadde Musse and his young advisers in the project will be shareholders in the companies of this mammoth undertaking for the regional economy.Wait and see.
First let me start with saying that I believe OIL and Gas is one of the reasons of the Somali Problem.The Ethiopian regime of Meles has came to know of the vast reserves of Oil and Gas in Somalia and has encouraged and prodded the so-called regional States like Somali land and Punt land to be break away Republics and explore Oil and Gas for themselves by reneging on old agreements and even the renewals passed as Law in Parliament by the Abdullahi Yusuf government in 2006.In the year 2007 the Puntland regional state made a comprehensive agreement with the Range/Africa groups to have all minerals in the region rights of exploration given to Africa Oil.There was an uproar in Mogadishu which represents the Somali Republic and everything was stopped till now .In Somalia there is not a valid law which makes the regional states empowered to produce Oil or export any other mineral.. Those companies are infringing on the Somali republic sovereignty by assisting the so- called administration of Puntland to export Oil and whoever buys it is going against International law.There is not any law even agreed by the Puntland regional state which regulates the drilling ,production and export of the Oil .There is not any law which regulates in a transparent way how all the money from the sale of the Oil its accounted and used for the benefit of the people citizens of Puntland regional state and how much of that Oil revenue will be allocated to district level and the Federal/National government.
But the biggest issue I would like to take up is the participation/and economic control of the all-Ittixad bussiness cartels as major stakeholders in the overall project and shareholders in the small companies like Horn petroleum which is part of the companies involves like Africa Oil and Range resources.In the last two years the Range group have seen it cannot drill and produce Oil for export with the risk like a group linked to Al-Shabaab/Al-Qaeda based 350 Km in the mountains regions close to the sea which had close relations with the Al-Qaeda of the Arabian peninsula / Yemen. The other factor was the Clans and sub-clans of the Dharoor valley and others which were not feeling had the ownership and participation of the future wealth from the Oil. How to solve all those problems in the region state and how to circumvent the rights of sovereignty invoked by the Central./Federal government of Mogadishu? How to make accomplish all those goals ? What the so- called analyst of the Somali issue miss all the time is the enormous political power and influence wielded and enjoyed by the All-Ittixad Business cartels all over Somalia and the inter-link between this groups even in the different regions/clan enclaves of the Somali Republic. The All-ittixad business Cartels groups all over Somalia are Wahabi-Salafist and have loose links with al-Shabaab ,have almost the total control of every business activity all over Somalia and have as a business methods criminal tactics which they have refined by living and working under a Stateless /failed -country and society.
The All-Ittixad groups have known of the Oil issue for a very long time and always had the plan to control those strategic resources of the Somali- Nation State. They have for a very long time recruited in their ranks people who used to work for the Somali State at Said Barre time and became well informed of all the Oil exploration sites and value.
For the first time the All-ittixad business cartels of Puntland and Mogadishu have collaborated with the so-called central government and convinced them that a sub-divided Somalia will not opposed by Ethiopia and in that way the exploitation of Oil in Puntald will be in their strategic interest.The President,the notorious speaker and PM have given the nod in an informal way and have been been bribed although the Speaker and the president are allied to this groups The implementation of the project was made possible by the good contacts of Al-Ittixad bussiness cartels of Puntland which convinced Mr. Atam the ringleader of Al-Shbaab of Puntland through his Clan elders that the extraction of Oil is in the overall interest of the Wahabi-Salafist groups of Somalia and in particular Portland.Secondly All-Ittixad business cartels have a huge amounts of Cash which came from the financing of The Pirates Operations for the Five years.We Somalis know that the youngsters which were doing the piracy were financed in their operation by this groups and the young men got only 50% of the overall ransom.The world has paid 170 million for the last five years and you divide by two.
With all this cash the All-Ittixad business cartels allied themselves with Mr. Faroole which they were also the group who finances his election in the first place. They bought the Clans/sub-clans Elders ,so- called politicians of the region and everybody which they would see will oppose their project.More to that they are part of the companies which are getting the contracts and sub-contracts.The President Farole and his sons,Mr. Cadde Musse and his young advisers in the project will be shareholders in the companies of this mammoth undertaking for the regional economy.Wait and see.
Somali Politics
Somali Politics.
"Emperor Meles versus Kenya ,Ugamda and Djabouti for Hegemony over Somalia?
Mr. Moulid Macaani
a member of the so-called Somali transitional
parliament says that the so-called letter by the IGAD ministerial group
is a falsehood concocted by the Speaker Sharif group.What is going on?
Why the Somali "puppet" parliament is divided in two groups? one with
the notorious Speaker the other with the the new Speaker elected in a
controversial way? Things are really hotting up and all is linked to the
end of this legislature.government next August and who will control the
process to reach the next transitional government.Although things are
not clear on which side of the aisle are standing some parliamentarians
for me it looks there are two main groups: the Sharif Speaker allied
and supported by Uganda,Kenya and Djibouti,Burundi and the other Group
of they new Speaker allied and supported by Mr.Meles of Ethiopia.For
bthe first time the supra-sovereign autfit called IGAD has cracks in its
policies ,agendas directed on the future of Somalia.The battle raging
in Mogadishu is who controls the next MP's and is the Kingmaker of the
destiny of the Somali people-citizens.In other words regional powers and
their "Puppet" leaders are shaping the rights of the Somali-people
citizens.If you look closely at this groups you see one is entirely the
MP's chosen by the Ethiopian at Mbaghati,Kenya in 2004 and the other is
the MP's chosen in Djibouti in 2009. The First one is supporting Mr.
Nunow allied to Ethiopia and the other one MR.Sharif hassan allied to
Uganda,Djibouti and Kenya. In this two groups nobody is defending the
Sovereignty, territorial integrity and the rights of the Somali people
to chose their own Leaders and political destiny. More to this behind
the scenes the Speaker Sharif is allied to IRAN,China,Russia and France( Total Oil paid for the self-styled president of Azania in waiting in Kenya)
which unfortunately for Meles are all his close friends when it came
to Somali Issues. Could it be the next middle men to whom our Puppet
leaders take orders, guidance be Kenya ,Djibouti and Uganda? The Race
for the Somali National resources mainly OIL and GAS is on high gear
and I suspect nobody within IGAD trust each other. Wait and see.
Somali politics
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Somali Politics
Somali Politics.
"The United Arab emirates used as a Tool by IGAD."
The United Arab Emirates will host an experts meeting in February aimed at seeking a local solution to Somalia's instability, Kenya's ministry of foreign official said on Saturday.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Second Counselor in the Horn of Africa Division, Anthony Safari, told journalists in Nairobi that the one-day technical conference will target all relevant stakeholders in order to find lasting peace in Somalia.
"The UAE sponsored conference will take into account the needs of local Somalis as part of plans to bring normalcy, especially in regions liberated from the Al-Shabaab militant group," he said.
"The resolutions will be forwarded to the Somali Conference to be held in late February in London," Safari said.
"The world has realized that an unstable Somalia poses a great danger not only to local citizens but also to its neighbors and the rest of the Horn of Africa," the ministry official said.
He added that Kenya assumed the seat to chair the African Union Peace and Security Council in January this year. "We will use the position to further lead and guide the debate in order to consolidate peace in Somalia," he added.
Safari said that Kenya is waiting for a definite decision on whether or not to be allowed to join the Africa Union Mission in Somalia (AMISON) in January.
The remarks come as the African Union on Thursday asked the United Nations to authorize an increase of its peacekeeping force in war-torn Somalia by 5,700 to 17,700 amid mounting attacks by the rebels.
Monica Juma, Kenya's ambassador to the UN, made the announcement. The African force, called AMISOM, has been functioning under UN mandate since 2007 in the lawless Horn of Africa nation.
"The highlights were: the need to increase the AMISOM troops from 12,000 to 17,700, the need to fast track the creation of an administrative unit in the liberated areas,"Juma said, after presiding over a meeting of the AU's Peace and Security Council in the Ethiopian capital.
The AMISOM currently comprises Djiboutian, Ugandan and Burundian soldiers, who have been deployed since 2007 to protect the Western-backed government from the Al-Shabaab in the war- shattered capital.
Kenya sent troops into southern Somalia mid October last year to fight the Al-Shabaab militia which Nairobi blames for a series of cross-border attacks and kidnappings of foreigners.
Somalia has been ravaged by a nearly uninterrupted civil war since the 1991 ouster of president Siad Barre sparked vicious bloodletting by rival militias fighting for power.
Source: Xinhua
In the above article you can see the mischief in which everybody is treating the Somali Tragedy. First you can see how the Somali conspiracy have became internationalized with the entry of a Big actor like China which is supporting the Supra-sovereign outfit called IGAD.The other story is everybody is speaking as there is not a stake-holders called Somali people-citizens which are the real owners of the Land in question and are the sovereign entity responsible of the territorial integrity,Unity and any National or Local structures of administration/representation.The lady called Juma,Kenya's ambassador to the U.N, she is talking in my eyes like the The Tigre regime which have sub-divided and recolonized Somalia for the Last 20 years with the complicity of the western Nations. As we all know Somalis from Somalia living in Kenya in the Town of Naivasha living in a big mansion -thanks to Total Oil finances- a Somali-french citizen nicknamed Gandi who has himself proclaimed President of a State called Azania which in turns would like to take over the territory in question of South Somalia which Lady Juma is talking about.Sometime I wonder if the Kenyans and Ugandans have become like the Ethiopians and would like to make all over Somalia so-called break-away Republics with the aim of controlling/exploiting the national resources of those regions of OIL and GAS. To confound things Ethiopians like to use the good image of Kenya to manipulate the Arab countries to whom Somalia is part and parcel because is a member of the Arab League and as a culture and religion is close to them. I love Kenya because for so many years after i have escaped from Somali-warlords-drug-barons and All-Ittixad groups in the 90' they gave refuge and peace to me and many Somalis but now I see they are being used by the Hegemonic agenda of Ethiopia allied with China,Iran and France to sub-divide Somalia as a break-away Republics of Azania,Puntland,Somali land and the Great Benadir etc.Wait and see.
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Somali Politics
Somali Politics.
"The New invasion of Somalia by Emperor Meles"
First of all I would like to say is another blow to Somalis coming into the new year.I remember that in the year December 2006 the Ethiopian army invaded Somalia but after three Years they left Somalia worse then it was.The Ethiopian are not there to do Nation Building,Institution Building for Somalia but to divide the Somalis into Bantustan-Clan enclaves that they wold like to call Somali break-away States in the near future.Yesterday a young man called Abdfathah has been installed as Puppet leader by the Meles regime as the President of Shabelle River State(another fictitious puppet State).The so-called Somali government of Mogadishu has agreed with their Master Meles "to be assisted in the fight" against AL-Shabaab but not to have another so-called clan mini state-Buntustan type to sub-divide Somalia.The main strategic - reason of the invasion is to have by middle of this year the total subdivision of Somalia in mini-clan-Bantustan enclaves all over Somalia.Already we have Somaliland ,Puntland, Azania is in the pipeline and others will come. Meles does not like the the So-called Road-map started by the U,N to bring together the so-called authorities made by him in the last twenty years and have a so-called failed- federal state in mid August. All this Blah- blah of fighting AL-Shabaab is fake, For the regime of Meles Al-Shabaab is needed to control Somalia.Without al-shabaab there will not be any justification to interfere into Somalia, infringing on the Sovereignty of Somalia.The Regime of Meles is an authoritarian-militaristic type and to control the Somali region of Ethiopia and the different nationalities of Ethiopia the Tigre( they are 5 million within a population of 75 million) the Regime needs instability in Somalia.To wrap all Meles needs to exploit and use in the future the vast deposits of Oil and Gas of the Somali region of Ethiopia and of the Somali Republic for the long term interest of the Tigre Therefore he must sub-divide Somalia in Bantustan-mini-Clan enclaves under his Hegemony and the rights of Exploitation given to China, France,Iran,Italy,Russia countries which will give him the political protection to Rule Ethiopia and Somalia for ever. I use the word for ever because the mind of Meles is modeled on Emperor Haile Selassie power structure,and vision of the region and the world. Wait and see.
Somali Politics
Somali Politics.
Why two East African Armies have two different Command centers in Somalia
Why two east African Armies have two different command centers in Somalia?
- I would like to give not only an opinion but facts about the "ongoing Somali conflict" and Why Kenya is wrong on this one. First of All as Kenyan Ministers said "Somali government was re-established in Maghabaati,Kenya in 2003-2004" but the fact is the Kenyan government at that time where neutral and the Ethiopian government was running the Show with “Warlords-Drug-barons" and Former President Abdullahi Yusuf. From let's say the 80" the different governments of Ethiopia had a plan to sub-divide the Somali Republic in Mini-Clan-Enclaves like Somali-Land , Punt land and Bay-Bakol land,Benadir land and the latest Jubbaland( now called Azania) which General Omar Haji and the Ethiopians could not agree in establishing in 1996-1998. There are two questions now: why the Kenyan which has always supported the Unity and territorial Integrity of Somalia has changed its position and has joined the Ethiopian Idea that Somalia must be sub-divided in Mini-Clan enclaves-Bantustan States run by clans which are fighting against each other as regional- States? What is the financial/economic motivation behind this new policy? And why Amisom which is fighting Al-Shabaab is finding itself isolated with the TFG when is at its best in the War against Al-Shabaab? Why Ethiopia and Kenya are ganging up against Uganda and Burundi both in the East-African Union? All this are big question and I will start with the new creature called” Azania” the brain-child of Mr.Gandi which is the Old game of the Ethiopians with a new name. Mr. Gandi got finances from the French Oil company Total Inc. which he promised the rights of future Oil explorations in Jubbaland and Gedo and (4) four months ago he declared himself President in a Hotel in Nairobi. But now looks he convinced the Kenya establishment that a “satellite regional government” with him as a President will defend the security of Kenya and will cushion against the terror group Al-Shabaab. The only problems is why not pass through the TFG and Amisom and make a multilateral move? Why not use the good offices of the U.N and African Union? From the latest interviews on the BBC things are getting out of hand and it looks there is regional- geopolitical dispute which is getting dirty with Somali clan- connotation and affiliations. Somalia needs real friends who are Fighting Al-Shabaab within the framework of African Union and United Nations but most of All there is a already a contingent of An African Army sanctioned by the International community and I do not think we need two different command centers of African Armies. I believe The African Union and the U.N must intervene fast in this “war of words” before it got out of hand and the enemies of the Rule of Law in Somalia, democratic-federal - institutions come back to run the Somalia Agenda in East Africa. Wait and see.
Somali Politics
Somali Politics.
#Somalia: WHY Dr abiy AHMED WENT TO MOGADISHU? FOR OIL & GAS... : INTRODUCTION: On 16 June MR. Abiy Ahmed PM of Ethiopia ...
The Somalis have been subdivided for a very long time let's say from the 80" in clans- communities which are fighting each other f...
In these last week there has been a great controversy between the ruling clique or so-called elites of the Somali Republic which have ...
The New POLITICAL MAP of the SOMALI Speaking People(s) of the HORN of AFRICA Part 1.Wait and see. Above you can see t...
INTRODUCTION: On 16 June MR. Abiy Ahmed PM of Ethiopia went to visit Mogadishu as part of his new political offensive ...
INTRODUCTION: In this post I will try to explain from the point of view of- a Somali from Somali Republic- if it can ...
In these days-from 23-06-2014- is raging in the airwaves-Somali radio FM and the BBCSomali and VOASomali- the latest controversy...
This is comment/analysis I prepared after I have read in the internet the last UN Monitoring Group on SOMALIA and partially printed in m...
My Hope is UNSOM,International Community will not follow blindly the wrong policies,strategies of IGAD-AMISOM-...
Mr. Bryden is one of those intellectuals who obfuscated Somali issues for a very long time and are without knowing maybe implementing t...
T his new post is the continuation of my last article entitled " WHO Runs he Show in Somalia?.The Salafist movement......"? Here ...