In these days-from 23-06-2014- is
raging in the airwaves-Somali radio FM and the BBCSomali and VOASomali- the latest controversy about the so- called agreement
between the self-declared administration of the (3) regions of South-West SOMALIA
and the self-declared administration of the (6) regions of South-West SOMALIA
to be from now one Regional State of the (3) Regions.. The so- called agreement
was arranged” illegally” by the Somali PM MR.Abdiweli Sh.Ahmed who “looks bent
on implementing at all costs” the ETHIOPIA-IGAD Agenda for SOMALI REPUBLIC: the
subdivision of the SOMAL REPUBLIC in CLAN ENCLAVES based on the wrong political
concept of 4.5- subdivisions of all Somali Sub-clans based on BLOOD LINEAGE not
on Territorial Constituency of the inhabitants of the regions. The wrong
concept was introduced at the conferences for the reestablishment of SOMALI
State in Djibouti,,Carta Conference of 2000 and Nairobi,Maghabati Conference of 2004 all organized and promoted by
ETHIOPIA and IGAD countries. In other words was the subdivision of Somali territory
in Regions Based on Clan-Blood Lineage without the political and legal consent
of all SOMALI CLAN Communities representing the SOMALI people. This is the
basis of the so- called Federalism ( I suspect in reality is Confederalism
between "would be" sovereign State Clan-Enclaves) based on the new pseudo-Legal concept of the
self-determination Rights of Somali Clans- (People(s))Enclaves based on Blood Lineage
which have the Right “supposedly” to declare themselves New political,Legal administrations without any grounding
in the Provisional Constitution, other
Laws of Somali Republic except in the so- called Right of the Clan to "determine" their future as they were the people of a "NATION"..This Clans-Communities will have the total control on Lands, Resources like
OIL and GAS, Commerce, Security, all state trappings for States and can have their own relations with foreign
powers mainly IGAD Countries like ETHIOPIA-KENYA,Republic of SUDAN who support them. Actually these so- called regional Clan-Enclaves Somali regional administrations by meeting this Regional Sovereign states are looking for "recognition" as new sovereign States and are encouraged by the IGAD counties and ETHIOPIA in contravention of the UN Security Council and AFRICAN UNION Resolutions on SOMALI REPUBLIC UNITY,Territorial Integrity and Sovereignty. There is not any Law or there has
never been any Referendum in which the
Somali people-Citizens have been asked to subdivide their Republic in new Clan-Enclaves
based on Blood lineage. The best models of this new novel concept is the Constitution of the CLAN-ENCLAVES of SOMALILAND, CLAN Enclave of PUNTLAND regions and the so- called Addis Ababa Agreement for the JUBBA Regions - without any constraint the ETHIOPIANS have introduced the Concept of PEOPLE(S) for CLANS in the Agreement and which unfortunately our "smiling" President Hassan Sceik has signed even it being against the so- called Provisional Constitution. Read my Blog titled " The Addis-Ababa Agreement: the Beginning of a Confederate SOMALIA". There is not any article after or before the enactment of the provisional Constitution from 2012 that Clan -Blood Lineage Communities or any other Somali Clan- communities can make a so-called general meeting in a Regional Town and Declare themselves "POWER UNTO THEMSELVES" using the so-called false concept of making Clans into People(s) and therefore have the "will to be self-determining their destiny". That what is based all this Clan Enclaves Subdivisions: grounded on false legal premises and non-existent pseudo-legal concept.
(To be continued)
(To be continued)
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