Showing posts with label Somalia Politics.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Somalia Politics.. Show all posts

The Roots of the dis-integration of Somalia

The Somalis had a common history for a very long time based on the History of their own Clan-culture before the establishment of the Somali state in the 50-60'.After the 60' the Somalis started to have a national history which was thought in Schools as curriculum we all agreed almost with it.After came the Siad Barre regime with its own brand of ideology and there was a rewriting of Somali history as movement of wars against other regional actors and third world nationalistic movement for the oppressed-anti colonialist.In other words we conjugated our nationalist streak with the So-called Socialist camp ideology.The end result was a war with Ethiopia and the resurgence of our very dangerous clan-culture as a respite from the oppressive dictatorship of the regime. But worse than that the so-called political opposition encouraged by Ethiopia where they were based like SSDF ,SNM  and USC adopted as main policy /slogans that of clan-re-vindication which means your clan must Rule other clans with the blessing of Menghistu first and later Meles.  In  that way Somali state can be broken in mini-clan enclaves called States which only big clans control  and some will declare themselves "break away" republics.More to that the Ethiopians introduced or helped the establishment of so- called Somali mini-states like Somali-land and Puntland while they used the warlords to consolidate their control of South Somalia.In the meantime the Wahhabist( today they  are called Al-Shabaab) came to Somalia from the 70" and have their own Agenda but they also came to know  about Ethiopian plans and used  them as their own ,what a deception. They found for the early stages a population divided and confused about their rights and their long term interests. Some how Somalis have been divided in almost quasi-sectarian groups by being divided in Clans who hate each other and their religious roots which were Sufi-Islam has been changed to Wahhabist -Jihadist so they are at war with all over the world.Wait and see.
Saturday at 9:57am · · 1 person

"Change" in Somalia.

I always believed that change is very important even before I came to knew the role of "change' in Society and all other technical issues.I am always focused in " Change'" on political issues and social.But most importantly how a society like ours pastoral with some agriculturist and clan based as a culture can embrace social and political views based on Rule of Law,Human rights including the rights of women.How we can have a decentralized state/Federalism  but modern in Somalia. Where every clan feels at ease with each other and live in harmony with each other.In a region where Ethiopians and Somalis don't hate each other but live side by side and commerce and trade are free but protected by a just Law.All this "Change" is essential if we wont to save Somalis from catastrophe and" perpetual failed State" and continuous civil war. The other" Change" we need is Somalis practicing their religion Islam in peace but not at war with the world as Jihadist-Wahabist are using our clans and people/citizen.More to this the after-effect of climate change like drought  are part of our problems and we cannot solve it without peace and a stable government where the citizens right are respected.Wait and see.

Why we need " Change" in East Africa....

I would like to talk with all due respect about my brothers of Punt land and Somali land taking responsibility simply the political one about their places or regions.In few words this Lands' regions is a creation of Ethiopia to counter the so-called Greater Somalia.The Somalis from the establishment of the Somali state had an Agenda of Uniting the Somali speaking population of the Horn under one Big state typical nationalism copied from the European model of a nation- state being from the same ancestry , language and culture.All this in contravention of the Colonial borders made for every African state.In the late 60 ' the government of Egal tried to reverse that policy. We all agreed with the government of the regions in the Arusha Accord in 1968 in which the Somalis recognized the colonial borders and accepted a framework to link with the east African Community economically.In other words Somalis were choosing peace and development for their people. The Government of Siad Barre re- negated with the Accord and accused the previous government to be" traitor' of the Somali national interests .Somalia joined the so-called Socialist camp and in 77 waged an irredentist war.with Ethiopia.The aftermath of that war is with us till now and that is the main reason the Ethiopian government has adopted a policy to divide. and Rule the Somalis in the Somali Republic in mini-clan enclaves called Puntland,Somaliland,Jubbaland and so on so forth. The warlords who ruled the so-called South of Somalia from 1991 were a by- product of the wrong policies of Menghistu and Meles later. But unfortunately for the Ethiopians and more dangerously for Somalis the Wahhabi( the Salafist of today) movement started to operate in Somalia from late 70" and infiltrated the so-called opposition movements to Siad Barre even those based in Ethiopia from 1978.This two groups mainly the Wahhabist and the Ethiopians using our clan culture to divide us are responsible of the destruction and "break up" of the Somali state and consequent sub-division and Chaos .I tried to make short a very long historical period of Our national history and also I did not mention the economical factors of our demise.In conclusion the Real Change we need is with our neighbors and how to solve the long enmity and the destructive mind-set that if you are not of my clan you are my enemy.And to go back to our real religious roots which are the Sufi- Islam.The best is yet to came.All the best.


#Somalia: WHY Dr abiy AHMED WENT TO MOGADISHU? FOR OIL & GAS... : INTRODUCTION:            On 16 June MR. Abiy  Ahmed PM of Ethiopia ...