Showing posts with label Somali politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Somali politics. Show all posts

The battle for Oil in Khatuma State,Somaliland,Puntland and the TFG in Mogadishu.

In these last week there has been  a great controversy between the ruling clique or so-called elites of the Somali Republic which have been sub-divided for hegemonic reasons by thee  Tigre Regime of Ethiopia in Clan-based enclaves called Somaliland , Puntland and the so-called Transitional Government( TFG) which controls small parts of the South thanks to Amisom but is the depository of Somali Sovereignty.The London Conference of Feb 23 has had as a resolution that the TFG starts discussion/dialogue with the rebel self proclaimed State of Somaliland and resolve the long standing issue of the sub-division of Somalia.Unfortunately this good premise has opened a can of worms in the way that Somaliland has already had a plan for their future agreed upon by Meles of Ethiopia and Silanyo of Somaliland. Last year a long   time before the Conference Mr.Silanyo of Somaliland flew to Hong Kong of China and have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Chinese Government on behalf of the people of Somaliland. The memo was about  the concessions of  exploration rights of Oil and Gas  in the territories of Somaliland including the Nugal Valley ,area of Buhodle which are part of the Khatuma State and other regions of Awdal and will permit to have pipelines over their territories from the Somali region of Ethiopia in which Oil and Gas will be exported to China by Chinese companies. In exchange the so-called Somaliland administration will get recognition as a Sovereign State.In the mean time the so- called clique ruling Puntland has came to know that by accepting the Ethiopian hegemony over political matters and the control of the entire economy by All-ittixad Business Cartels they can carve and exploit the people-citizens of Puntland.There fore like Somaliland these elites called in Oil companies and in contravention of the Somali Transitional Charter started drilling for Oil in the Dharoor Valley and planned to drill later the Nugal Valley which is also claimed as their own by the Khatuma State.In few words the Administrations of Somaliland and Puntland are planning for the sub-division of Somalia in break-away Republics using Oil and gas as a means to teach that end but with the blessing of the regime of Ethiopia.The game plans has been for at least from 2009 been hatched together by the Tigre regime of Ethiopia and All-Ittixad business Cartels of all over Somalia and the representatives of the All-Ittixad in Mogadishu are the President and the Speaker.The aim is to call in China,France  and Iran which never question the state policies and the exploitation of the Somali people citizens.The All-Ittixad business Catels will have total control of the exploration and selling of the Oil and Gas through so called  private companies owned by citizens of those  regions but allied to the business cartels  just like we are  already seeing in Puntland with the company called  Horn Petroleum and already been started in Somaliland. The Ethiopians will get control of the political spheres in Somaliland and Puntland as their are already doing. In that way the Tigre regime will get his share of Somali  resources as Kick backs from Oil revenues and the All-ittixad business cartels will fund their own Jihadist agendas in a subtle way as they were  doing all this years.
But unfortunately for this "game plan " there have some additions in the political spheres.  First the Clan communities of Buhodle,Las-Anood had a meeting last year and proclaimed themselves a region state called Khatuma which is  part and parcel of the Somali Republic with no allegiance to the so-called regimes of Somaliland and Puntland and believes in the territorial integrity and Unity of Somalia in a federal state.
The main source of the petroleum reserves which Mr. Silanyo and Mr. Farole wont to appropriate for their Sub-clans is situated in the Khatuma state regions and that way the plans of those Somaliland and Puntland go up in smoke.What have done the London conference  by calling the Somalis to have a meeting to solve their problems is to open a "Pandora box" in which different  sub-Clans allied to Ethiopia and the All-ittixad business Cartels  calling themselves regional states would like to sell to China,France and Iran  and other powers the rights of the citizens of the Somali republic and in the same time sub-divide the Republic in mini break-away Republics.
To cover up all misdeeds now the regime of Somaliland and Puntland would like to sub-divide the Khatuma State area  and make things "business as usual" but the people citizens of Somalia and the sub- clans of Khatuma state are against this criminal agendas .Wait and see.

Here is another cartoon of the great Amin camir showing The Emperor Meles with his Pro console children of all the Somali republic.Pro console Silanyo,Pro console Faroole, Pro console,Ahlu-sunna, Pro console Galmudug,Pro console Shek Sharif. This is the reality of things in Somalia: all so-called regional states are a product of the "heinous" policies of TheTigre Regime of Ethiopia..Also all of them are "puppet leaders"installed by the Emperor Meles at different times. Wait and see.

"Its War in Somalia for 21 Years.".Why?

There is war going on for at least 21 years in Somalia .What its your contribution to stop that wars?Its a religious war between Wahhabi-Salafist( which are subdivided for tactical reasons into two groups: Al-shabaab the armed wing and All-ittixad business cartels) versus Ahlu-Sunna Waljameeca. Its a civil war between clans fueled by warlords/puppet leaders to sub-divide the clans-sub-clans. Its a proxy wars instigated by Ethiopia in which self-declared presidents like Abdifathah of Shabelle River and Silanyo of Somali land  fight against other Somali clans for political-economic reasons.Its a war by corrupt systems/puppet leaders co opted by Ethiopia as National Leaders which exploits and steals the national resources.Its a war were women are raped daily in IDP camps and abused by whoever has a Gun. Its a war were the Somali economy is controlled by few Organized groups masquerading as religious groups-All-Ittixad  business cartels..Its a war were Somali sovereignty,Unity and territorial integrity is sub-divided by neighboring countries supporter by Global Powers like China ,France, and Italy  and Iran. Its a war in Somalia.Wait and see.

"#Ambassador Mahiga is working for the #Sub-#division of #Somalia in #break-#away #Republics"

Ambassador Mahiga is not working for the Somali Nation-Building and institution Building. He is working for the sub-division of Somalia in Break-away republics and to be controlled by puppet leaders co-opted by IGAD and Ethiopia.Why he is siding with the so-called speaker of the TfG parliament the notorious Sheriff Hassan? Why he has permitted the systems of electing the next parliament being distorted to favor the Incumbent puppet leaders? Why he is talking about a "an end to transition" when he Knows at least we need 4-to 6 years to have free and fair elections in all over Somalia?He is planning to have different governments for Somalia? Somalia is not only Mogadishu and the puppet leaders made/co opted by Meles of Ethiopia in 2004 and 2009. To have elections in Somalia means all OVER the country and this can be done after the destruction of Al-Shabaab and permitting the people/citizens of the disparate regions of Somalia to be part and parcel of the republic of Somalia.The Agenda of IGad and the Ethiopians is to have at least three Republics in Somalia .Wait and see.
Mogadishu, 24 January 2012 รข The Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) for Somalia, Ambassador Augustine P. Mahiga today moved the office of the SRSG back to Mogadishu after an absence of 17 years.

Puntland Oil: All-Ittixad business Cartels Strategic Project.

The President of the regional state of Puntland Mr.Faroole  has started last Tuesday 15 January 2012   the drilling and exploration of Oil wells in the Dharoor Valley and Nugal Valley of Puntlamd.The project will be implemented by the Canadian company Africa Oil a new outfit and its subsidiary Range Resources of Australia.In 90 days Oil will be produced and a Production Sharing agreement is in place.What is the historical background to this sudden announcement by Mr.Faroole? What are the future implication : legal and political for the regional state of Puntland? Can he really Mr.Froole manage to produce Oil in a "clan based and failed/corrupt  administration"? Can he produce Oil in a regional State where Rule of Law is not common and applied daily?
First let me start with saying that I believe OIL and Gas is one of the reasons of the Somali Problem.The Ethiopian regime of Meles has came to know of the vast reserves of Oil and Gas  in Somalia and has encouraged and prodded the so-called regional States like Somali land and Punt land to be break away Republics and explore Oil and Gas for themselves by reneging on old agreements and even the renewals passed as Law in Parliament  by the Abdullahi Yusuf government in  2006.In the year 2007 the Puntland regional state made a comprehensive agreement with the Range/Africa groups to have all minerals in the region rights of exploration  given to Africa Oil.There was an uproar in Mogadishu which  represents the Somali Republic and everything was stopped till now.In Somalia there is not a valid law which makes the regional states empowered to produce Oil or export any other mineral.Those companies are infringing on the Somali republic sovereignty by assisting the so- called administration of Puntland to export Oil and whoever buys it is going against International law.There is not any law even agreed by the Puntland regional state which regulates the drilling ,production and export of the Oil .There is not any law which regulates in a transparent way how all the money from the sale of the Oil  its accounted and used for the benefit of the people citizens of Puntland regional state and how much of that Oil revenue will be allocated to district level and the federal/national  government.
But the biggest issue i would like to take up is the participation/and economic control  of the all-Ittixad bussiness cartels  as major stakeholders in the overall project and shareholders in the small companies like Horn petroleum which is part of the companies involves like Africa Oil and Range resources.In the last two years the Range group have seen it cannot drill and produce Oil for export with  the risk  like a group linked to Al-Shabaab/Al-Qaeda based 350 Km in the mountains  regions close to the sea which had close relations with the Al-Qaeda of the Arabian peninsula / Yemen. The other factor was the Clans and sub-clans  of the Dharoor valley and others which were not feeling had the ownership and participation of the future  wealth from the Oil.  How to solve all those problems in the region state and  how to circumvent the  rights of sovereignty invoked by the central./federal government of Mogadishu?  How to make  accomplish all those goals ? What the so- called analyst of the Somali issue miss all the time is the enormous political   power  and influence  wielded and enjoyed by the All-Ittixad Business cartels all over Somalia and the inter-link between this groups even in the different regions/clan enclaves  of the Somali Republic. The All-ittixad business Cartels  groups all over Somalia are Wahabi-Salafist and have loose links with al-Shabaab ,have almost the total control of every business activity  all over Somalia and have as a business methods criminal tactics which they have refined by living and working under a Stateless /failed -country and society.
The All-Ittixad groups have known of the Oil issue for a very long time and always had the plan to control those strategic resources of then Somali- Nation State. They have for a very long time recruited in their ranks people who used to work for the Somali state at Said Barre time and became well informed of all the Oil exploration sites and value.
For the first time the All-ittixad business cartels of Puntland and Mogadishu have collaborated with the so-called central government and convinced them that a sub-divided  Somalia will not opposed by Ethiopia and in that way the exploitation of Oil in Puntald will be in their strategic  interest.The President,the notorious speaker and PM have given the  nod in an informal way and being bribed although the Speaker and the president are allied to this groups The implementation of the project was made possible by the good contacts of Al-Ittixad bussiness cartels of Puntland which convinced Mr. Atam the ringleader of Al-Shbaab of  Puntland through his Clan elders that the extraction of Oil is in the overall interest of the Wahabi-Salafist groups of Somalia and in particular Portland.Secondly  All-Ittixad  business cartels have a huge amounts of Cash which came from the financing of The Pirates Operations for the Five years.We Somalis know that the youngsters which were doing the piracy were financed in their operation by this groups and the young men got only 50% of the overall ransom.The world has paid 170 million for the last five years and you divide by two.
With all this cash the All-Ittixad business cartels allied themselves with Mr. Faroole which they were also the group who finances his election in the first place. They bought the Clans/sub-clans Elders ,so- called politicians of the region and everybody which they would see will oppose their project.More to that they are part of the companies which are getting the contracts and sub-contracts.The President Farole and his sons ,Mr. Cadde Musse and his young advisers in the project will be shareholders in the companies  of this mammoth undertaking for the regional economy.Wait and see.

"Emperor Meles versus Kenya,Uganda and Djibouti over Somali Hegemony?"

Emperor Meles versus Kenya,Uganda and Djibouti on Somali Hegemony?

Mr. Moulid Macaani a member of the so-called Somali transitional parliament says that the so-called letter by the IGAD ministerial group is a falsehood concocted by the Speaker Sharif group.What is going on? Why the Somali "puppet" parliament is divided in two groups? one with the notorious Speaker the other with the the new Speaker elected in a controversial way? Things are really hotting up and all is linked to the end of this legislature.government next August and who will control the process to reach the next transitional government.Although things are not clear on which side of the aisle are standing some parliamentarians for me it looks there are two main groups: the Sharif Speaker allied and supported by Uganda,Kenya and Djibouti,Burundi and the other Group of they new Speaker allied and supported by Mr.Meles of Ethiopia.For the first time the supra-sovereign autfit called IGAD has cracks in its policies ,agendas directed on the future of Somalia.The battle raging in Mogadishu is who controls the next MP's and is the Kingmaker of the destiny of the Somali people-citizens.In other words regional powers and their "Puppet" leaders are shaping the rights of the Somali-people citizens.If you look closely at this groups you see one is entirely the MP's chosen by the Ethiopian at Mbaghati,Kenya in 2004 and the other is the MP's chosen in Djibouti in 2009. The First one is supporting Mr. Nunow allied to Ethiopia and the other one MR.Sharif hassan allied to Uganda,Djibouti and Kenya. In this two groups nobody is defending the Sovereignty, territorial integrity and the rights of the Somali people to chose their own Leaders and political destiny. More to this behind the scenes the Speaker Sharif is allied to IRAN,China,Russia and France( total oil has paid for the self-styled president of Azania the next break -away Republic in South Somalia) which unfortunately for Meles are all his close friends when it came to Somali Issues. Could it be the next middle men to whom our Puppet leaders take orders, guidance be Kenya ,Djibouti and Uganda? The Race for the Somali National resources mainly OIL and GAS is on high gear and I suspect nobody within IGAD trust each other. Wait and see.

Emperor Meles versus Kenya,Uganda and Djibouti on Somali Hegemony?

Mr. Moulid Macaanin a member of the so-called Somali transitional parliament says that the so-called letter by the IGAD ministerial group is a falsehood concocted by the Speaker Sharif group.What is going on? Why the Somali "puppet" parliament is divided in two groups? one with the notorious Speaker the other with the the new Speaker elected in a controversial way? Things are really hotting up and all is linked to the end of this legislature.government next August and who will control the process to reach the next transitional government.Although things are not clear on which side of the aisle are standing some parliamentarians for me it looks there are two main groups: the Sharif Speaker allied and supported by Uganda,Kenya and Djibouti,Burundi and the other Group of they new Speaker allied and supported by Mr.Meles of Ethiopia.For bthe first time the supra-sovereign autfit called IGAD has cracks in its policies ,agendas directed on the future of Somalia.The battle raging in Mogadishu is who controls the next MP's and is the Kingmaker of the destiny of the Somali people-citizens.In other words regional powers and their "Puppet" leaders are shaping the rights of the Somali-people citizens.If you look closely at this groups you see one is entirely the MP's chosen by the Ethiopian at Mbaghati,Kenya in 2004 and the other is the MP's chosen in Djibouti in 2009. The First one is supporting Mr. Nunow allied to Ethiopia and the other one MR.Sharif hassan allied to Uganda,Djibouti and Kenya. In this two groups nobody is defending the Sovereignty, territorial integrity and the rights of the Somali people to chose their own Leaders and political destiny. More to this behind the scenes the Speaker Sharif is allied to IRAN,China,Russia and Russia which unfortunately for Meles were all his close friends when it came to Somali Issues. Could it be the next middle men to whom our Puppet leaders take orders, guidance be Kenya ,Djibouti and Uganda? The Race for the Somali National resources mainly OIL and GAS is on high gear and I suspect nobody within IGAD trust each other. Wait and see.

" Brinkmanship between Somali Puppet Leaders and their Master Meles?"

As you all know from the middle of December a group of Parliamentarians were trying to sack the Speaker of the TFG Parliament the notorious Sharif Hassan. Yesterday in one of the new twists of this dramatic saga the Parliamentarians succeeded to elect a new Speaker in a controversial manner but within the "culture of impunity" usual in Mogadishu. All the news in Somali language were saying the Breaking news last night except the BBC Somali language which was silent on the biggest news. But still there is a new turn the So-Called president cxalled the so-called a meeting of the National Security committee and in a breach of his authority said that what the parliamentarians have done illegal and the notorious Speaker is the legitimate one.In onother country would have looked like a gridlock or the Supreme court would have told anybody what are his authority and his constitutional Role. Here in Somalia things work differently.Why? The main reason being the Parliamentarians and the President,the Speaker are all "puppet Leaders" appointed by the Tigre regime of Meles.If you wont to know the history please go to read my comments on my Blog I said before there is a new game plan by Emperor Meles to replace the Speaker and quite strangely the so-called president and Speaker are refusing to back dawn easily. I suspect that the two gentlemen have sniffed mischief in their Patron Meles agenda and if one is replaced the other one will follow. This is almost a brinkmanship never seen in Mogadishu why usually Meles gives orders and everybody follows.My humble opinion which is not complete because still the battle is raging furiously in Mogadishu there is "a new strategy"by the so-called president and Speaker in their dealings with their Master Meles.or the men are afraid for their own safety and political future after August 2012.Within the next few days all will crumble or as usual will be a "compromise" between this ruling Puppet leaders and their Master.Wait and see. Gudiga Amniga Qaranka oo go’aan deg deg ka soo saaray waxyaabihii ka dhacay Xarunta Golaha Shacabka. ‎(Muqdisho, January 04, 2012) Kulankii caadiga ahaa ee ay maanta isugu yimaadeen Gudiga Amniga Qarankaร‚ oo looga hadlay xaaladda amni ee dalku ku sugan yahay iyo qalalaasaha siyaasaddeed ee ka aloosan Golaha Baarlamaanka, uuna shir gudoominayay Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya Mudane Shariif Sh...

"Why the puppet Leaders of Mogadishu would by-pass all Rules to sell Somali national resources"

This is what he said the PM of Somalia Mr. Abdiweli:" after next June Somalia will not be a transitional government".My question is where is in the world a government which does not rule the country entirely ,Failed ,corrupt and not have been elected by its people can call itself Legitimate? Even in Puntalnd the people citizens cannot use the ballot box to elected their local leaders.They do by co-opting MPs on Clan basis which elect the so called leader.That is what they will do in Mogadishu: by co-opting so-called MPs from Clans and chosen by the "puppet leaders" with the supervision of the regime of Meles and this MPs elect the president and other leaders.But this is not a legitimate and democratic ways by which the people-citizens have elected through the ballot in free and fair elections their leaders. The Plan of the Somali "puppet leaders" is to by- pass all democratic norms and by calling themselves legitimate and not any more a "transitional government" start exploiting the Somali national resources by selling this resources in corrupt deals to Foreign countries.Wait and see
Ra'iisul Wasaaraha XKMG Soomaaliya oo sheegay in bisha Juun ee sannadkan la dooranayo baarlamaan cusub Arbaco, Jannaayo 04, 2012 (HOL) − Ra'iisul wasaaraha xukuumadda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya, C/weli Maxamed Cali ayaa sheegay in bisha Juun ee sannadkan 2012 lasoo dooranayo baarlamaan cusub oo soo doorta dowlad joogto ah...See More

"How tobe so-called President,open a political party in Somalia".

The former District commissioner of beledweyne says he does not recognize the so-called administration made by the Ethiopian army in Beledweyne.Mr. Abdilatifh the self-proclaimed president of Hiran River state has been financed in the past by Ghaddafi. Visited Tripoli with a delegation made of him, Mr. Morgan and the son of Siad barre Maslah almost 9 months ago and they have been financed by Gadafhi regime to the tune of 10 million dollars of that time.Mr. Abdilatifh went to Addis Abeba after that visit and gave part of that money to the Tigre Regime in exchange of the so-called presidency of River State .The other guys started a so-called political party called the Democratic Party .Everybody in Eastleigh which is "politically connected" can tell you about this macabre story which 'explains" the corruption,war- lord-ism and how the Tigre regime sees Somalia and its people-citizen.Wait and see.
Gudoomiyihii hore Magaalada Beledweyn Aadan Cabdi Ciise (Garaaso) oo ka mid ah Saraakiisha Ahlusuna ayaa ku eedeeyay Maamulka la magac baxay Dooxada Shabelle inay falal amni daro ka wadaan Magaalada, isagoo tilmaamay in aanay jirin cid garaneysa ama ku kalsoon yihiin dadka reer Hiiraan gudaha iyo di...

The all conquering" CHINA" in" Somalia."

China donates equipment to AMISOM

Monday, December 26, 2011

China on Sunday provided a donation worth about 30 million Chinese RMB (around $4.76 million) to the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) in support of the Union's peace building effort in that country. Xie Xiaoyan, the newly appointed Chinese ambassador to Ethiopia and Permanent Representative of China to the AU, has handed over the donation to Ramtane Lamamra, AU Commissioner for Peace and Security in a ceremony held at the AU Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Speaking on the occasion, Xie said China plays positive role in peace and security of the African continent. He said China continues working with the AU in the area of peace and security on the continent.
Ramtane said the donation is another contribution of China in support of AU's peace building effort in Somalia.
The Commissioner said the contribution would reinforce the effectiveness and efficiency of AMISOM.
He also commended the Chinese government for the donation and expressed hope that China would further cooperate with the AU in peace and security as well as in others areas.
The Commissioner particularly told Xinhua that he had a fruitful discussion with the Chinese Ambassador on the strategic partnership between China and the AU.
"We have covered a number of grounds including the most important issues in Africa, those governance related crisis and conflicts as well as the crisis and conflicts that we are experiencing in the Horn of Africa and that is essential issues related to Sudan and to Somalia," said the Commissioner.
"The signing of this agreement by which the Chinese government is once making yet another contribution to the peace making, and peace building effort which has been developed by the AU through AMISOM. This is indeed an important contribution in kind by China which would reinforce the effectiveness and efficiency of AMISOM by providing AMISOM with some troop protection equipment the focus being on the need for us to rise the level of comfort of protection and security of our peacekeepers and we are glad that China is on position to assist us in that effort," he noted.
Lamamra has also stated that China has been cooperating with Africa in different sectors to the development and strengthening of human and institutional capacity of the African continent.
"This is not the first contribution and certainly it is not the last one. Very symbolic is we move towards the dedication of the new office and conference complex which is donated by the government of China, one has to remind all of us this significant and steady contribution of China not only to peace and security of the continent, but also to the development and strengthening of the human and the institutional capacity of our continent," said the Commissioner.
"This is a strategic partnership that encompasses all fields of activities and our sectors," he said, adding that "as we moved more forward developing our partnership and cooperation, then there will be other achievements in the peace and security as well as in other areas."

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  This is an article I copied from a Somali website.Its self-explanatory on who China will use to get to Somali  OIL and Gas.Wait and see.

The Somali Quagmire.

The Somali Quagmire.

by Ahmed Ali Wardigley on Wednesday, August 31, 2011 at 1:58pm
The Somali Quagmire is going on from 1991 and after the failed intervention of the UN and the U.S of 1993-1994 the west have decided to leave the Somali issues to the Regional powers specially Ethiopia.This regional power first have not the capability of Nation-building of a new Somali state because they  are part of the Problem.Secondly they have their own agenda to have Somalia divided in Clan- Enclaves regions,Warlords-drug barons running the Show and the Al-Shabaab controlling part of the Territory.Why? Simple.Mr.Meles needs a security treat to tell the Ethiopians and the world because if there is peace in Somalia will not Rule Ethiopia. Also he gets from Somalia the Finance to pay voters every time there is election in Ethiopia .But the worrisome thing is still the man controls the political process in Somalia and will never relinquish unless the Ethiopian people gets rid of him. The famine and the Drought can be solved when there is a viable,functional State in Somalia which is not" perpetual failed state" and Somalia is not a "a save haven for terror and Drug barons,organized crime" who all agree to have this Status Quo with the approval of Mr.Meles PM of Ethiopia. Wait and see.
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#Somalia: WHY Dr abiy AHMED WENT TO MOGADISHU? FOR OIL & GAS... : INTRODUCTION:            On 16 June MR. Abiy  Ahmed PM of Ethiopia ...