is a well though analysis on the failed theoretical concept on Somalia and names of some so-called "Thinkers" who do not understand nothing about
the historical factors and the ones at play in the " so- called
perpetual failed" state situat
ion in the
Somali Republic. I will add that there have always been an Ethiopian
Agenda and Al-ittixad movement Agenda in the destruction of Somalia (from the 80" planned by Menghiste and the Somali Al-ittixad political movement) and
in the sub-sequent institution building of Somali land and Punt land as
Building blocks and models for Somalia preplanned by Ethiopia. Professor Menkhaus is not Somali and could not understand the Clan based culture of the Somali which is biggest political vehicle used by the Ethiopians and Al-Itticad to make their power base among the Somalis and use as clan-based political movement to destroy the country.. Somalis are one ethnic or Clan group but for historical reasons linked to their survival and subsistence-nomadic way of life their fought each other for centuries for water and pasture and camel raids with very far Clans or sub-Clan- neighbors.That culture of fighting has been made into folklore and poetry is the backbone of the history of every Clan and sub-clan. Every sub-clan has ingrained in their hitorical mind the wars theiy fought aganist other Somalis.The Anti- Colonialist and before them the Somali freedom fighters who fought the Ethiopians and the British/Italians have started the concept of a centralized Somalia as a culture and Nation who speaks the same language and have same ancestry., religion. .The S.Y.L political movement and the political parties of the north have decided to unite the the Somali speaking sub-Clans of the Horn and that went against the expansionist plans of the Ethiopian regime of that time which have participated in the Berlin Conference for the scramble of Africa. The Ethiopians knew that Somalia have great deal of Oil and Gas in their Somali region( region five of Ethiopia ) and have planned that to get that Oil & Gas they have to destroy Somali and subjugate them to their hegemony as a SUB-DIVIDED MINI-CLAN ENCLAVES BUNTUSTAN BREAK-AWAY Republics.. As a matter of fact in the new Somali constitution Somalia have been subdivided in new States and we have a ready made Confederation of Somali States.The last Somali conference to approve the new constitution the Elders who were there at the constituent assembly refused to ratify it.Only after the promise that things will be changed at the next parliament they passed it reluctantly. The Al-ittixad political movement has partecipated in that destruction why they have the agenda to change completely the secular system which was based the Somali republic.Both have used the Clan based political opposition movement to destroy and start a new one based on their ideas and plans.Wait and see.

Destructive Governance Model for Somalia: the case of Prof Ken Menkhaus
after the imposition of the Provisional Constitution (PC) establishing a
medieval model of governance in Somalia, Prof Ken Menkhaus, scholar and
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