#Somalia: Analyis& Comments.

#Somalia: Analyis& Comments.: We must know that the idea of a "iJihadist Islam" which fights other Somalis has not been feasible in Somalia for at least the last fi...

Analyis& Comments.

We must know that the idea of a "iJihadist Islam" which fights other Somalis has not been feasible in Somalia for at least the last five years.We have seen the failed experiment of The Islamic courts and the sub-sequent resurgence and of
Al_shabaab joining Al-Qaida. All failed because the Somalis got tired and understood the "wrong" ideas and plans of this groups. Al-shabaab has used just like the warlords-drug-barons( linked to Ethiopia) to take power and hold to it the concepts of sub-clans,the control of resources( including the local business and its licensing) and the Islamic Religion to woo the youngsters and the idealist. All the use of this concepts including the sacred one of the religion have failed .What we need know is a Somali national State which unites all Somali clan-communities,have a just economic vision where the role of the state as regulator and participation in the economic sector is for the Somali society. Where our religion is not used anymore to kill and acquire power for a Somali group or Jihadist transnational.To implement all those ideas we need a State which is representative of every clan and sub-clan. The international community must help the Somalis to resurrect their pride,nation-hood and stop the meddling of regional powers in controlling the Somali Elites and imposing on them puppet leaders and Warlords who never wont a peaceful and just Somali republic.The international community must help the Somalis to have a strong regulatory and administration for our economy because Organized crimes groups are controlling big chunks of our economy together with the Al-ittixad business cartels( a wahhabi salafist group) which has monopolized the Somali Republic economy and national resources.Wait and see.

#Somalia: Change has came to Somalia? With a surpriise.

#Somalia: Change has came to Somalia? With a surprise.:     Last night there was a celebration in the small district of Eastleigh,Nairobi Kenya  where the biggest concentration of Somali refuge...

Change has came to Somalia? With a surpriise.

    Last night there was a celebration in the small district of Eastleigh,Nairobi Kenya  where the biggest concentration of Somali refugees and business community outside of Mogadishu lives and work. There was a celebration for the election of the new Somali president-elect Mr. Hassan Sheik Mohamud.Who is this man? What interests he represents? How he succeeded in the high wire competition where regional powers- mainly Ethiopia and in small measure Uganda and local business interest( All-Ittixad Business Cartels ),Warlords-Drug barons ,Puppet leaders allied to the Tigre regime were dictating who will win the race?
    Here I will try to answer to this questions. But first I would like to tell that myself have to eat humble pie because I thought the Old regime will be back. What happened?
     Mr. Hassan Sheik is from academia having started a private College of management studies in Mogadishu and having also opened a branch in Punt land region. He was active in the Civil society circles and also came to my knowledge four months ago when I heard him debating on The BBC.Somali service about the infamous Road map and the corruption and mismanagement in the regime of the two Sherifs(the former speaker and the former president).
      In the last six months he started canvassing about every imaginable group and most importantly he had his own party called the party of Peace and Development through which he started a Coalition Building with all the groups who were in the opposition. Prof. Samater who came from the U.S ,Mr. Formajo the former Prime minister and the other presidential contenders including the last incumbent Prime Minister were in agreement to fight together the incumbent President and during the voting sessions to put all their efforts in who has got more votes after the first round.
     Mr. Hassan the president –elect succeeded to garner all the votes necessary in the first round coming second and in the second round all his friends-competitors in the opposition including the incumbent Prime minister choose to support him in the last round against the incumbent president. It was the victory of the Change vote and it was the victory of the people-citizens compared to the Old regime.
     Every body agrees in all the Somalis I myself canvassed that the Game-changer factors in terms of the election were Three: the first is the newly-re-found alliance the between the two sheriffs (the incumbent president and the former notorious Speaker) which was declared last Sunday  has made everybody angered and instead of helping damaged the incumbent president. The notorious former speaker represented everything bad in Somali society and state in other words the corruption, mismanagement, the Tigre influence and most dangerously the monopoly of the Al-Ittixad business cartels all allied to the incumbent president. The other factor was for some clan- communities the words of Mr. Farole of Puntland that if some groups are elected he will secede from Somalia.  All those factors made the MPs linked to the puppet leaders to rebel and support Mr. Hassan who was allied to Farole and do not came from the same region. Another factor is the support the incumbent President has from the Warlords-Drug barons for whom he fought for their re-admission in the List of the nominated parliamentarians which was done yesterday before the presidential election. All this factors made even the parliamentarians linked to the puppet leaders allied to the Tigre rebel and vote in bloc refusing their Whips-warlords-Puppet leaders to vote for the incumbent President. What a historic day. For the first time the parliamentarians chosen by the warlords-puppet leaders decided to vote with their minds and hearts free from those oppressive groups and voted for Change, Somali national interest etc.
      Last but not least the Somali Civil society  and the International Community in Mogadishu have encouraged and nurtured this would be Change and have taken a neutral role when came to choose  the successor of the incumbent president. Who are the winners and the losers? My guess is for the first time the Somalis have chosen democratically a leader who is not under the influence and dictation of the Ethiopian regimes. Secondly a leader who is not blatantly linked to the Al-Ittixad business cartels, Warlords-drug-barons and puppet leaders. Change has come to Somalia. But I suspect all those reactionary forces will try to stop this change and will work very hard to make things difficult for him and the Somalis in general. I believe the international community and Amisom must show strong  commitment to fight against  the enemies of Change in Somalia and that they will stand for what the Somali people have chosen. This new President needs a strong team of like minded technocrats and intellectuals which are not linked to corruption and past mismanagement plus broad-based plans to solve all ills and problems like the issue on institution building in a national federal government .Wait and see.

Written /September 11/2012.

The next genaration of Tigre-sponsored- government ? Wait and see

                   To tell the truth (political ) about Somalia in this last week has became a very complicated issue.
From 2004 when the first so- called government was installed in Maghabati,Nairobi by the IGAD group sperheeded  and lead by Ethiopia thinghs have been easy to interpretet because there was only one real actor and you followed that lead.What Ethiopia dictated was followed.Period.Now days thinghs look more convoluted and mixed up.More actors-regional and global  have came into play and more game-plans are and scenarios are being sold to the politician and the Somali clan- based political groupings. 
        The political game plan envisaged by the late Meles who was the teal kingmaker of Somali politics has succeeded almost because was executed  by the so- called group of six which was preparing and choosing the new members of parliament and the Clan-based  alliances to elect the new speaker and the new President , First premier.
          My analysis tells me that that plan succesed at least as 65% of the Parliamentarians are linked to the Puppet leaders who are Loyal to the Tigre regime of Ethiopia. and a mere 15%  is so- called Islamist linked to the incumbent President. The Nationalist and Democrats  are maybe 10 members of Parliament but well know and with a fiery stand on Somali issiues.The rest is opportunistic groups from every clans which will follow  the winning groups.
           At that point still things were looking and  could be understood and interpreted in the Old way Fashion and  the plans of the Tigre -sponsored puppet leaders was winning.But came the rejection of the Warlords- drug barons in the lists of the new parliament  and the puppet leaders looking  panicking and confused.There is the suspicion within the Warlords groups that the Tire regime is dumping some of them and retaining only the puppet Leaders. For the Ethiopians the Warlords maybe have became too  cumbersome and a dangerous political alliance.But they are retaining they strong alliance with the former speaker and the regional president of Puntland: this two are the real representative of the Tigre Regime of Ethiopia now in Somali politics. The incumbent president was left alone and that was one of the reasons him and his competitor the incumbent Prime minister went to the funerals of Meles in the middle of the presidential election to seek the approval and support of the Tigre regime.
          If you follow the the old scenario the new speaker has been elected by the alliance of some clans allied to the puppet leaders and other against them.The latest is the the new speaker has carved for himself a political space and would like to dethrone the Old speaker from which are the same sub-Clans and political group.Could it be true?

          The main contenders of the presidential election which would be held tomorrow  are from my point of view: the incumbent prime Minister,The incumbent President and the former Prime Minister Mr. Formajo and two new contenders in the name of a professor Samantar and Mr. Badiyow a declared brotherhood- Islamist with nationalist credentials.The first two enjoyed the support of the Tigre regime in the last three years and my opinion is the Addis-abeba  regime will stand by one of them. Mr. Formajo who is liked by most Somalis and started the current change in Somalia is hated by the Tigre because he doers not accept the sub-division of Somalia in  a Confederate State.
      The latest in Eastleigh is the former Speaker has asked Mr. Formajo and Abdiweli the incumbent premier that if they wont the votes of his regions-Clans they must promise the amnesty from prosecution for him and the warlords-drug barons. The only new story is if the new Speaker will stand for a change or his Clans- mate and those of the North west members of Parliament will follow the lead of the puppet Leaders linked to the Ethiopians. All other MPS are strong supporters of the President or the Prime minister.Wait and see.

#Somalia: New MP'S ? Maybe a new Era? WAit and see.

#Somalia: New MP'S ? Maybe a new Era? Wait and see.:                     New MP’s ? Maybe a new Era?              Last week was a very different week because a new Somali Parliament wa...

New MP'S ? Maybe a new Era? WAit and see.

                   New MP’s ? Maybe a new Era? 

           Last week was a very different week because a new Somali Parliament was inaugurated on the 20 of August and all news was on  the death of the PM of Ethiopia who was the real Ruler of the Somali Republic. We all know that Somalia has been “  a perpetual failed State” “run by puppet Leaders and Warlords-Drug-barons” for the last twenty years and this thanks to the Ethiopian regimes of Menghiste and Meles Zenawi and the Somali- Wahhabi-Salafist Movement of Al-Ittixad Political movement who later became the I.C.U/Al-Shabaab and its ally The Al-Ittixad business Cartels.
       I will start with the Death of Meles.Let me say more to the Ethiopian Establishment  and Tigre Elites who Rule that country  this was a shock and loss to the Somali Puppet Leaders of Somaliland,Puntland and the TFG incumbent politicians of Mogadishu specially the Incumbent president and the Former speaker of Parliament till August 20.Why? Mr. Meles was the most powerfull politician of the Region and was the one who dictated where the Somali Agenda was going and where will go. Who will be the next president of Somalia and the next Speaker and Prime Minister. He was the man who planned and made implemented the new Somali Constitution ( a concotations of norms which will make Somalia a Confederal State) through the “Somali puppet leaders” and to give you an example made a so-called state a town with less than 5.000 people in the central regions. There was a game plan by the Tigre regime of Ethiopia on who will be the next members of Somali Parliament. The demise of Meles was a Game –Changer at least for some parts.
          Another example of how the late Meles was influencing the Somali Politics was how in Somali talk shows he is  mentioned and there is even a controversy on Who sends a condolences and if that is un-Islamic and against the Somalis. What uproar..
      The other factor which influenced the composition of the Members of the parliament is for the first time the international community which is the paymaster of the Somali TFG , AMISOM and so-called  Somali regional States has requested and got a vetting process in the selection of new MP’s. This new vetting method has denied the Warlords-Drug-barons to be anymore member’s of Somali parliament, some of the Al-Ittixad business Cartels representative and puppet parliamentarians linked to Ethiopia.
       The Somali people-citizens rejoiced for this new bold move which was meant to improve the quality of the parliament and the process to have accountability for the Somali-citizens. Things are not so easy in Somalia. The incumbent president, the former Speaker who are the best allies of the Al-Ittixad business cartels, Warlords-drug barons got so angered that they started threatening the Somalis ,the International community and as usual they manipulated those UNPOS and Amisom representative to tell the world and their Countries namely Uganda that with out the warlords,Al-Ittixad representative and this pro-Ethiopian candidates to be members of parliament  there will be Chaos  and back to civil-wars.
           This warlords-drug-barons which directed,started and fomented the Somali civil wars from 1991 were the individuals the incumbent president was fighting for. Anyway Mr. Mahiga and officers of Amisom have pushed the international community to relent on the Rules and maybe admit as members some criminals-warlords and friends of the incumbent President who are former members of I.C.U allied to al-Shabaab. As  I know from yesterday my estimate is the pro-Ethiopian groups have got 20% to 30% of the members and the all_ittixad almost 15% to 20% of the total members of the parliament with at least 36 members remaining to be nominated.
If we compare to the parliament of Mbaghati, Nairobi of 2004 and the following compromise- parliament of 2009 there is a reasonable change but nobody can be sure till know if they will be influenced of the Old politics of following the Agendas of the All-Ittixad and warlords-Drug-barons,pro-Ethiopians puppet leaders. There are some more enghlitened, intellectuals and democratic individuals than previous parliaments but we still do not know if they will be corrupted and or stand for the rights of Somali people-citizens and the Unity of the Somali Republic.
          Within the selection of the Parliament there was going on the game of the election of the future president and Speaker. The type of the members of the Parliament would decide what type of leaders we will have and what direction the Somali  national politics will take. Already is started the campaigning for the speaker and that  of the President and ugly tactics of Fear-mongering  are being used like if I am not elected there will not be any Somali political process  and Amisom will not be in Mogadishu to fight al-Shabaab. This fear mongering tactics are from the incumbent president, former speaker and the Old pro-Ethiopian puppet leaders and their allies the Warlords-drug barons.
 They are afraid of the new crop of Leaders who are from the Diaspora which have plans to Change the old Status quo and have a Somali not anymore sub-divided in mini-clan enclaves to be  recognized as would be Sovereign States under a new Confedarate State envisioned by the so-called new constitution.
         There is a fierce political warfare going on in Mogadishu at this moment between those who would like to have a new dawn for the Somali Republic and the Somali –people citizens and those of the Old Guard which would like to have the Old status Quo. Who will win? Wait and see.

Written on 25 August 2012.  


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