The case of Madam YusurAbraar the Central Bank
Governor resigning after seven weeks on the Job is one of the worst Scandals
happened to the government of President Hassan Sheik. In the more developed
democracies were the concept of transparency and accountability is the
cornerstone of the “workings” of governance this would have prompted the
resignation of the Minister of Finance or even higher up in government. We all
know that Somalia is one of the most corrupt Nations on Earth and that
corruption is what we “ call the Norm rather than the Exception”. But even
knowing all this does not make us forgiving or understand how on earth
Ministers and directors of the Presidency linked to Damu Jadid pro-Salafist group can think they can
steal “Public money” with “Impunity” with a total disregard to the Public good
and the National Public interest. I had a hope and still have that President
Hassan Sheik will reign on the Big grand scale acts of Corruption and will
accept the small amounts being almost impossible to control this culture
of corruption and mismanagement.
I believe that the
acts of corruption on large or small are acts are “existential treats “against
the promotion and the National Institution Building of our failed State and
reestablishment of Our nation-State”. This type of corruption I always asserted
is part of the game plans of the Ethiopians and their ally the IGAD
countries to say Somalis cannot be a viable state and must be re-colonized by
the regional powers and made Clan-Enclaves controlled by those powers. How on
Earth sums in the millions of Dollars can be attempted to be swindled
by this Ruling Elites with Total disregard of the sufferings of the
people-citizens? Some will say that the former Presidents and governments
have all been corrupt/mismanaged and stealing
of public money on large scale is a “normal business” therefore there is
not any difference between this new government of President Hassan Sheik
and the past governments starting from 2004.
We Somalis in
General and those in the Diaspora, the international community
and even of those “not corrupt elites” in Mogadishu we were hoping the
“business as usual “of stealing public money will diminish to a manageable
level and the Government will treat corruption and mismanagement as
equal to “Terrorism” and being against the National Public interests. In
other words equal to the fight against #AlShabaab and being labeled as Traitor
to the Nation. No way. Still Ministers especially those in the Presidency are
behaving like nothing has changed and the Culture of Impunity is the only thing
they Know not the Law or any other punishment against their persona for the
criminal acts they commit while they are in office.
There is the story
going around in the Internet that those who tried to convince Yussur Abraar to
take part in a big scam to defraud the Somali government of Millions of Dollars
and intimidated her after she refused their plans were “ close members of
the President family” and a business man from South Africa of the same
sub-clan. For me it’s not important who are his persons but the act itself of
trying/ attempting with a high ranking officer of the Government is
itself a crime and this happens everybody knows that there will never be
punished and brought to justice for the crimes of attempting to stealing Public
money. Till this persons are brought in front of a judge and sentenced “beyond
reasonable doubt” they are innocent” but in Somalia nobody is prosecuted for
attempting/stealing Public money. I can only remember the case of two district
commissioners of Mogadishu who after they have stolen food Aid worth Thousands
of Dollars where pardoned by the former President even after they were
sentenced and found guilty by a Court of Law.
This will continue
to happen all over Somalia including the Regions of Somaliland and Puntland for
this following reasons: 1)the absence of the Rule of Law in the administration
of the “State public affairs”. 2) The Total absence of norms of Transparency
and Accountability in the running of the Public administration.3) The believe
that the President, Ministers will never be punished and brought to
justice because they know and everybody knows that they are the Kings of the
Land( Regions) and they will never be brought to account for their
crimes. In other words the Culture of Impunity is supreme in all aspects of
Governance.4) The international community I mean the West and UN have always
been part of this High scale corruption/mismanagement in the last 23 years and
in some instances’ it looks they even encouraged it when it came to the
workings of NGOs (local and international including those who say are
“religious based” including the Muslim ones) who stole millions of Dollars with
their Somali managers and collusion of International Staff. In Somalia in the
popular parlance they call “NGOs Culture” and “behavior” the acts to steal
pubic money. And the individuals who were managers, worked for NGOs are at the
forefront of this government as Ministers.5) The State in all its forms be
Regional or Federal is seen as a “Milking cow to make money “in the popular
culture and not a service to the Nation or a Public property. If this Kind of
Culture is not changed and nothing is done to Change the cultural/political
perception and the Legal workings of the
State, the same existence of the Somali Nationhood/State will be in Danger in
the future. The Salafist Business cartels that control the totality of the
Somali economy have as a policy that the existence/practice of a week
government which is corrupt and mismanaged is in their Best interest. In that
way the state is controlled by this Salafist groups and will never fulfill its
Role of defender/promoter of the interests of the People-citizens and
Somali National Interests but the promoter of the Salafist Agenda within the State.(please
read “Who are Business people of Somalia?” in my blog
There are
other groups who are allied with the Salafist Business cartels mainly the
“Organized crimes” groups which are
mostly are Salafist but their business are mainly about “expired Food stuff”,
“expired medicines”, “Expired general products” etc, Human Trafficking and all
this is done all over the greater Horn of Africa/East /Central Africa. The Other
group is the “Drug-Cartels” who import to Somalia “Heroin” from Afghanistan and
Indian Sub-Continent including Pakistan. This Drugs are then Exported to East
Africa/Central Africa and re-exported to US and Europe, Middle East.
Who are the groups who benefit
from this Corruption? First what is the Role of The Salafist Business cartels
in the Corruption/mismanagement of the Somalia State (It’s included in my
analysis the regional authorities of Somaliland and Puntalnd. Everything I say
concerning the corruption and Organized crimes/Drug Cartels groups is similar
in all over Somalia). What are the Role of Organized crimes groups and the Drug
cartels in this corruption based “governance” of the Somali State? What is the
Role of these groups in the Government machinery? What is the role of The
Ethiopian Intelligence and the Somali-Elites-Organized crimes/Drug-cartels
groups Trojan horses in the Government,and those who represent the Ethiopian
interest? How they have become corrupted (or they were before they came to
Somalia) the Armies of the Countries in Amisom? What is the Role of Amisom in
the corruption/Mismanagement of the “Cosa Publica” of Somalia? I will try to
answer these very sensitive questions which are also at the core of the issues
of corruption and mismanagement in Somalia.After I will dwell on how to Stem/stop the Illegal drugs flow to somalia
and the Organiozed crimes groups hold on part of Somali economy.( It will be in
Part.2 ( to be continued).