Why Somali Republic is a "Perpetual Failed State" for the last 30 years?In this blog I try to answer to that question and in particular of the failure of Somali politics.How Clan Elites have been used by Regional powers and the Somali Salafist Movement and the end game plan to make Somali Republic Clan Enclaves.Who controls Somali economy and political control of Clans in Clan Enclaves.
#Somalia: Somalia’s Leaders pledged to end state fragility.B...
#Somalia: Somalia’s Leaders pledged to end state fragility.B...: Somalia’s Leaders pledged to end state fragility by Mohamud M Uluso Friday, October 27, 2013 The opinion piece of renowned Som...
Somalia’s Leaders pledged to end state fragility.By Mohamed M.Ulusso.
Somalia’s Leaders pledged to end state fragility
by Mohamud M Uluso
Friday, October 27, 2013
Friday, October 27, 2013
The opinion piece of renowned Somali born novelist, professor Nuruddin Farah, published on the opinion pages of October 14 New York Times, under the title Somalia's Leader: Look Past the Hype, recycles the bashing lines that few Somali politicians fallen from grace with the people of Somalia have been throwing at president Hassan Sheikh Mohamud for quite some time for self-serving aims. The piece trumps up political allegations while it dismisses the truths and contexts. Surprisingly, the professor, contrary to what expected from an enlightened person like him, has lowered himself by owing and circulating hearsay stories he doubts their truthfulness.
While the government has the responsibility to explain the case of the killer of the staff members of Doctors Without Borders released by appellate judges, all other allegations crammed in the piece are personal attacks to defeat good policies beneficial for all Somalis. The allegations include the claim of loss of credibility among the Troop Contributing Countries of the African Mission in Somalia (AMISOM)-probably intended for Kenya, the disputed Central Bank fleecing, professor Ahmed Ismail Samater’s frivolous complain of losing the presidential election for vote buying, and Dr. Ali Khalif Galleyr’s preposterous allegation that unnamed British and American intelligence sources linked president Hassan to Al Shabab- a terrorist group bent to destroy any Somali government- and finally the demand for the prosecution of Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys for terrorism in difference to his allies now hailed as heroes. In conclusion, Professor Nuruddin appeals to the West to end its darling of President Hassan, and particularly to the Time Magazine to re-evaluate its claim that president Hassan as one of the 100 most influential people in the world.
First, as background, in 2006, upon the request of undisclosed but maybe now identifiable member of the defunct Islamic Courts Union (ICU), Professor Nuruddin had extensive discussions with Sheikh Hassan Aweys and other leaders during his failed mediation mission between the ICU and the former Transitional Federal Government of President Abdullahi Yusuf. In the opinion piece titled My Life as Diplomat published in the New York Times on May 26, 2007, the professor didn’t hide his distaste towards Sheikh Hassan Aweys.
Second, according to Professor Ahmed I. Samater’s admission, the abysmal failure of his presidential ambition was not principally due to money but to many other factors including strong doubt about his leadership as a Somali politician and the genuineness of his slogans, later confirmed by his sudden political conversion. Third, the pitiful leadership performances of former Prime Ministers were sufficient to take their allegations with grain of salt.
Among the 2012 presidential candidates, President Hassan was one of the most qualified presidential candidates in terms of character, education, good understanding of domestic problems and international geopolitics. He pledged to focus on establishing the foundations of the Somali State, neglected by the preceding transitional governments. That doesn’t mean that president Hassan’s leadership is without major political mistakes but the allegations in the piece are idle talk (fadhi ku dirir) stories.
The major source of the on-going political tension in Somalia is due to the clash between the clan rivalries fueled by yet to be defined federal system and the urgent need for a national integration under the rule of law for ending state fragility. The performance of the Somali government depends on many factors, including nationalistic leadership, the overcoming of the civil war bitterness and Somali elite egocentricity, and check on foreign interventions.
After more than two decades of statelessness for civil war and foreign manipulations, the first permanent national representative government, which controls only a fraction of the country, has exceptionally received diplomatic recognition from key international powers. Unfortunately, some have seen this international special treatment as a personal gift to President Hassan rather than seeing it as an opportunity for the Somali people to collectively own their country and destiny by fostering internal unity despite many differences.
The leaders of the new government pledged to restore and protect the sovereignty, dignity, territorial integrity, unity and political independence of Somalia on the basis of not on clan fiefdoms and preferences, but on national strategy founded on decentralized regional administrations connected and loyal to a democratic accountable central authority and not to foreign powers. The stay in state fragility, defined as a country where the government lacks the ability to perform the functions necessary for the security and well-being of the population languishing in poverty, insecurity and hopelessness, is immoral and unacceptable.
Neighboring countries (Kenya and Ethiopia) have diplomatic relations with Somalia but they deliberately ignore the respect of the principles of equality of states and no-interference, and are determined to vandalize the gained international diplomatic recognition. As reported by Ethiopian Government’s News bulletin of October 23, Ethiopia establishes a strategic relationship with Somaliland and is proud of the role it played in the endorsement of the Somaliland Special Arrangement (SSA) in Brussels with the support of UK and Danish governments. In addition, Ethiopia leads the process of alienating the people in the Jubba regions. These blatant interferences are one of the major challenges facing the Somali government because it fuels internal political instability and loss of legitimacy. The expert witnesses at US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations' hearing on the Security and Governance in Somalia, held on October 8, unanimously stressed that the US government should rein in the aggressive intervention of Kenya and Ethiopia in the internal affairs of Somalia to ensure peace and stability in the Horn of Africa.
During the last eight years, the international community spent billions of dollars in the name of Somalia, but the new Government did not inherit: (a) a constitution which ends the country’s fragmentation into clan enclaves; (b) basic public administration structure; (c) an established security forces; (d) credible public record; and (e) national revenue sources except Mogadishu port revenues. Most of the country remained beyond the control of the central government’s legal authority. Nevertheless, some unscrupulous political opponents demand the fulfillment of functions and services beyond the federal government’s capacity for lack of national integration and resources as well as for lack of direct support from the international community. The politically motivated accusations targeted against the president tap the myriads of problems and challenges either left unresolved at their right forums or purposely created by foreign powers to undermine Somalia’s march towards statehood like Jubbaland crisis.
Since the constitution making process of eight years did not resolve the fragmented political power of the country, the role of the federal government remains to support and legitimize the peacemaking efforts of AMISOM forces under the United Nations Security Council Resolutions and embrace foreign dictated agenda. However, on September 16, the international community endorsed, in the context of the international engagement with fragile states, a New Deal for Somalia with the pledge of 2.5 billion dollars for 2014-2016. The New Deal is not without dangerous traps.
In general, the goal seems to be to re-establish within three years throughout Somalia the foundations of a Somali State based on the rule of law rather than on clan parochialism. The essential condition for achieving this goal is the unequivocal respect of the federal government’s leadership and immediate fulfillments of theNew Deal pledges. Moreover, the Somali people- government, politicians, religious and community leaders, and elite class- have to set aside the insistence on fractured governance structures and to seize the new opportunity for an integrated system of governance for real peaceful transformation and exit from the fragile situation. The alternative would be a continued polarization and brinkmanship that will hasten the already in progress demise of Somalia, which in turn, will increase regional insecurity.
Mohamud M. Ulusomohamuduluso@gmail.com-I copied from Hiiraan.com On line to make it Public.
#Somalia: The Criminal motives Behind the Car-Bombing of Ahm...
#Somalia: The Criminal motives Behind the Car-Bombing of Ahm...: If you follow with keen interest the Murky Somali Politics-an interconnections of Jihadist groups , Business cartels/Organized crimes/Dru...
The Criminal motives Behind the Car-Bombing of Ahmed Madobe in Kismayo,Somalia.
If you follow with keen interest the Murky Somali Politics-an interconnections of Jihadist groups , Business cartels/Organized crimes/Drug-cartels and Ethiopian intelligence manipulation,plots- you will be puzzled even at the latest assassination attempt on the convoy of Mr. Ahmed Madobe by a suicide car- bomb in the middle of Kismayo town last Thursday Sept 12 /2013 . On 27 August 2013 , before the attempt, there has been a political deal in Addis-Ababa in which ,strangely the Ethiopian government is guarantor, and Mr. Ahmed Madobe was recognized by the Somali federal government as Leader and chairman ( of the executive,legislative and judiciary,Security) of the Jubba administration made of lower Jubba,middle Jubba and Gedo regions. The Somali government got in exchange to be the "sole representative of Somali sovereignty and Nation-State".It was a biased deal which has not taken into account the will of the people of the regions and was not even made in good faith by the Ethiopians which were directing the whole saga.Also they were diplomatically told that the Somali government will never accept Subdivision and they have to change their Plans by the international community.Why you would ask? The main reason being that the Ethiopians-Tigre Elites and some of the Somali-Kenyan establishment,Kenyan Business tycoons were allied with some groups who were representing Big Oil companies like Statoil of Norway represented by a former PM and Total oil which was represented by a former Minister of defence,Clan Communities in this political kaleidoscope of this regions and were advocating for an Independent and Sovereign Somali regional state in Jubba regions in a Confederate Somali State.This new deal makes Jubba regions Part and Parcel of Somalia but gives exorbitant powers to Mr. Madobe as Leader.This was not good for this groups and they had their own game plans which were are now being executed by the Ethiopian Intelligence using Al-Shabaab in this car-bombing. First they have putted in the deal this exorbitant powers of the Leader must not be changed in following negotiations and it must be intact. Secondly they wont " a political and security crisis" in which Mr. Ahmed Madobe will accept their own game- plan and will not accept any negotiation to bring in more clans -communities in the administration and security services. That is the reason the car- bomb by Al-shabaab was organized by the Ethiopian Intelligence community. My theory has always been that the Ethiopians had contacts within the Al-Shabaab of Ahmed Godane and the Salafist Business cartels which are linked with Al-Shabaab. Ahnmed Madobe was transported from the airport in a armoured vehicle made of steel by Amisom while his staff and others travelled in his own car-convoy.The man-Ahmed Madob- will be made to believe in this pre-planned operation and accept all the suggestions,game plans of the Ethiopian intelligence and the Hawks in the Somali clans community,representatives of Oil companies who are against any agreement unless its the recognition of a new sovereign state in South of Somalia.The other motivation at work its the Ethiopians would like as stated in the Kampala communique only the Amisom African armies to be stationed in Kismayo without the Re-hatting to UN blue helmets. Therefore with this bombing any UN intervention/deployment would be scared. More to that at Art. 33 of the Kampala Communique its approved that Amisom and" the Chiefs of Staff of Ethiopia" within the framework of "Amisom Military operations.........to work out the modalities and development of an Amisom Multinational force to deployed to Kismayo". We can see Ethiopians are back in the security issues and my opinion is they are against any Multinational force be it African or UN multinational force.Their game plan is to be involved directly in the security issues of the Jubba regions now with a UN mandate to make legitimate their own security game-plans.With this car-bombing they are telling the world that the place is so dangerous that they are the Only state who can afford and capable to fight against this dangerous extremism group of Al-Shabaab. All lies made to confuse and scare the Intentional community and even the Somali government which they hold hostage thanks to IGAD Organization and Amisom Armies. From the timing of the Operation the car-bomb,the detailed execution,the knowledge of the arrival of Ahmed Madobe,the exact car to bomb all makes this operation being -pre-planned by the Ethiopians but executed by Al-Shabaab.If you ask me how its possible this Unholy alliance ? First I will direct you to read some of my blogs like " History of the alliance between the Somali Al-Ittixad movement and the Ethiopians" going back to the 80". and other more recent in which I spoke in detail about the strategic importance for Ethiopia and its backers -China,France, Iran,Italy- of the Jubba regions. The other Scenario behind this car- bombing , is one in which the Salafist business cartels/Drug-Cartels who were using the port of Kismayo together with Al-Shabaab have seen endangered their interests of exporting charcoal to the Arab Gulf states in which al-Shabaab and this Salafist cartels were making enormous profits in tandem with the Ras-Kamboni Militia of Ahmed Madobe( Please read last UN report on Somalia) and importing Heroin from Afghanistan and Pakistan in which they were re-exporting using Somali Drug-cartels active in Somalia to Europa,US via the great Horn of Africa countries. This two criminal activities are in danger to be stopped if the agreement/ deal reached in Addis-Ababa came into effect after six months and the Somali government stops the charcoal export and brings its owns Staff and security to the airport and Kismayo port..Al-Shabaab and the Salafist Business Cartels/Dug-cartels will loose enormous amounts of millions of Dollars therefore its most likely they have decided to have this car-bombing to scare any involvement which will change the Status Quo. The Third option is Al-Shabaab itself has seen a window of opportunity in the opposition of this agreement by the majority of clan-communities of the regions and with this car bombing show them their power and capacity and tell them that the only way they can get the resources of the regions is to ally themselves with AL-Shabaab-Al-Qaeda. All this options- scenarios are interlinked and have as a base the main alliance of the Salafist Business cartels/Organized crimes groups and "The Ethiopian intelligence". Al-Shabaab one time is "tool" other time protagonist but never its missing its connections with the Salafist groups/Organized crimes of all over Somalia.Wait and see.
#Somalia: AMISOM,Salfist Cartels,Ethiopia-IGAD All in One.
#Somalia: AMISOM,Salfist Cartels,Ethiopia-IGAD All in One.: There is a Meeting going on at this time at the compound of the Presidency which is the main office of the president and almost all mi...
AMISOM,Salfist Cartels,Ethiopia-IGAD All in One.
There is a Meeting going on at this time at
the compound of the Presidency which is the main office of the president and almost
all ministers present on what we call "Radical Religious Extremism” in
Somalia.. At 500 hundred meters from the meeting place Al-Shabaab explodes this
morning ( Saturday 07/09/2013) a deadly
Bomb which kills at least 15 "citizens”. I think the President and his
Prime Minister, Ministers must make a honest analysis of the situation and
accept the facts that they cannot fight Al-Shabaab without the assistance/cooperation
of Somali citizens and not with "security services" controlled
by Ethiopians-IGAD and sympathizers of Religious Fundamentalism-Extremism. At
the meeting live on Somali TVs( even in Nairobi,Eastleigh) were articulate
religious arguments by Sheicks, so-called Salafist politicians ,religious
scholars, Clan Elders, who were blaming
only "youngsters and few misguided individuals" for the extremism which have made Somalia
"Safe Haven" to Terrorist and Organized crimes/Drug-cartels. There
were not any mention of the Structural and Institutional systems which produce,
promote, and their supportive Business Cartels companies. The Madrasas ,
schools, Colleges which have produced hundreds and hundreds of young Somalis
ready to be used by terrorist or assist them and are still training Somali
youngsters with Curriculums not prepared or supervised, approved by Somali
federal government..There were not any mention of the alliance between this
groups the Extremist and the Ethiopia-IGAD group who would like to have a week
Somali state which must always rely on the assistance and support of the AMISOM
armies. President Hassan Sheick, His Prime Minister and the real friends of Somalia( the US ,EU,
Turkey, UK, Arab Nations) must go back to the drawing board and make clear cut policies to
have a clean-security services (armies, police, intelligence) from the
infiltration of the Extremist and which can stand for the National Public
Interest of Somalia. Why not recruit the Ahlu-Sunna waljameca groups ( not
those allied to Ethiopia?) which are the
majority of Somalis and are against this extremist? Why not have a clear policy
on the Somali National federal Agenda
and tell the neighboring Nations that a Somalia which is the Save haven of Terror
and Organized crimes/Drug-cartels is against the wishes of the Somali
people-citizens and cannot be tolerated by Somalis and the international
community? To do all this things its needed the intervention and stationing in
Somalia of professional soldiers from a Muslim country like Turkey as advisers
and mentors together with the Americans and the Europeans trainers for the
Somali security services (Police, Army, Intelligence).The Somali Salafist
Business Cartels/Organized Crimes must came to realize that they alliance with
Amisom and Ethiopia is unsustainable and could not be implemented. They are the
ones who are giving Al-shahaab the support base and using it as
"Tool" to destabilize Somalia till they reach their goal to subdivide
Somalia in Clan-Enclaves and control its national resources like OIL and GAS
with their ally Ethiopia-IGAD countries. They need a week Somali state which is corrupt, mismanaged( till know there is not even a national tax code or a any taxation paid by this groups who own the entire Somali economy) ,which do not have any economic public sector even health and education must be under their control as its now. The real friends of Somalia must have a concerted plan for Somalia. The honest elites cannot have a voice and the Somali commoner is not consulted. Only so-called clan advocates and Salafist Business Cartels have the capacity to influence and direct the Somali policies. Wait and see.
with their ally Ethiopia-IGAD countries. They need a week Somali state which is corrupt, mismanaged( till know there is not even a national tax code or a any taxation paid by this groups who own the entire Somali economy) ,which do not have any economic public sector even health and education must be under their control as its now. The real friends of Somalia must have a concerted plan for Somalia. The honest elites cannot have a voice and the Somali commoner is not consulted. Only so-called clan advocates and Salafist Business Cartels have the capacity to influence and direct the Somali policies. Wait and see.
#Somalia: VISION 2016: PRINCIPLES AND RECOMMENDATIONS.( By S...: VISION 2016: PRINCIPLES AND RECOMMENDATIONS. Sept.2-6-2013-Mogadishu Somalia. Preamble: The Vision 2016 Confe...
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