The Roots of the dis-integration of Somalia

The Somalis had a common history for a very long time based on the History of their own Clan-culture before the establishment of the Somali state in the 50-60'.After the 60' the Somalis started to have a national history which was thought in Schools as curriculum we all agreed almost with it.After came the Siad Barre regime with its own brand of ideology and there was a rewriting of Somali history as movement of wars against other regional actors and third world nationalistic movement for the oppressed-anti colonialist.In other words we conjugated our nationalist streak with the So-called Socialist camp ideology.The end result was a war with Ethiopia and the resurgence of our very dangerous clan-culture as a respite from the oppressive dictatorship of the regime. But worse than that the so-called political opposition encouraged by Ethiopia where they were based like SSDF ,SNM  and USC adopted as main policy /slogans that of clan-re-vindication which means your clan must Rule other clans with the blessing of Menghistu first and later Meles.  In  that way Somali state can be broken in mini-clan enclaves called States which only big clans control  and some will declare themselves "break away" republics.More to that the Ethiopians introduced or helped the establishment of so- called Somali mini-states like Somali-land and Puntland while they used the warlords to consolidate their control of South Somalia.In the meantime the Wahhabist( today they  are called Al-Shabaab) came to Somalia from the 70" and have their own Agenda but they also came to know  about Ethiopian plans and used  them as their own ,what a deception. They found for the early stages a population divided and confused about their rights and their long term interests. Some how Somalis have been divided in almost quasi-sectarian groups by being divided in Clans who hate each other and their religious roots which were Sufi-Islam has been changed to Wahhabist -Jihadist so they are at war with all over the world.Wait and see.
Saturday at 9:57am · · 1 person

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