The new African recolonization for Somalia and the 50th anniversary of The African Organization.

Sometimes you wonder where are the citizens-people of the Somali Republic,its government and civil society groups and even the so-called leaders of Somaliland.The town of Sheikh is in the sovereign territory of the Somali republic specially in the regions of Somaliland.Then what is this story that IGAD a regional intergovernmental body will run technical school in Sheikh?The IGAD group has and had always an agenda for the Somali Republic:Somali territorial sovereignty in one Republic (as they had planned a long time ago and supported by the European Union) must be subdivided in mini Clan enclaves-regional authorities and all the territories the Somalis live be in Ethiopia( sovereign state) or Kenya(sovereign state) must came under the sovereign powers of IGAD or in other words Ethiopia who is the precursor of the Plan.If the Sheikh technical school will work for the entire region it does not mean the Town of Sheikh is not anymore part of Somalia.The European Union must make an agreement with the Somali federal government and the Somaliland regions to assist that Technical school not IGAD or Ethiopia.For the last 22 years the Somali people-citizens have been subject to this kind of agreements as they were not any more a sovereign power under the Somali Republic with its borders. Which happens to be the Colonial one which the Ethiopian government would like to change by supporting this kinds of agreements and the subdivision of Somalia in new sovereign Clan based so-called regional states.They are talking of pan-africanism but this for me is the new type of colonialism practiced by our so-called African states called IGAD which is working for global powers to take over the Somali national resources like OIL and Gas  in the 50th anniversary of the inception of the African Organization.Wait and see


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