Why Somali Republic is a "Perpetual Failed State" for the last 30 years?In this blog I try to answer to that question and in particular of the failure of Somali politics.How Clan Elites have been used by Regional powers and the Somali Salafist Movement and the end game plan to make Somali Republic Clan Enclaves.Who controls Somali economy and political control of Clans in Clan Enclaves.
#Somalia: "The Arab/Muslim world must save Somalia."
#Somalia: "The Arab/Muslim world must save Somalia.": Somalia has had a real year of "Change" with the election of the new parliament and the Election of a new President and Prime Minis...
"The Arab/Muslim world must save Somalia."
has had a real year of "Change" with the election of the new
parliament and the Election of a new President and Prime
Minister/Government.Its maybe the first time after the Presidency of
Abdullahi Yusuf A SOMALI Government who stands for the Somali
National/Public interest is in power.A government I hope which will
never again play "second fiddle" to the whims and Agendas of the
hegemonic power of the Tigre regime of Ethiopia.A government which
believes in the Rule of law and the human rights of its people-citizens
regardless of which clan they are from.A government which is against the
" Balkanization" of the Somali Republic in mini-Clan-enclaves run by
Puppet leaders allied to Ethiopia.There is still the scourge of
Al-Shabaab and its semi- close ally Al-ittixad business
cartels,Organized Crimes in every aspect of trade,Drug-trafficking
groups which have a deal with Ethiopia in the subdivision of Somalia and
control the economies of Somaliland,Puntland,South
central regions all part of the Somali Republic.But the most dangerous aspect which will need change
is the "minds and hearts" of the Somalis which have been made to think
as Clan-based community and not any more as One Somali community. The
other challenging factor will be how to reconcile,bring together the
two factions of our religion Islam in Somalia. Nobody talks about it as
it does not exist this "explosive" division. Today Somalis pray in
different Mosques in Eastleigh and most parts of Somalia.There is a ' cold
war" between the Ahlu- Sunna-Waljameca( Sufi-Islam) and the Wahhabi
type of Islam which have almost become dominant from the 90". They both
are in different spectrum's of the political divide in Somalia and some
years ago there were an all out war. Still now the Ethiopians are
arming Somalis(in a clan based strategy) in the Central regions in the name of Sufi- Islam but
only for their hegemonic agenda to control and subdivide even in religious terms Somalia.I hope the new
government will take up this issue with the help of the Arab/Muslim
countries.Another important issue for the new year will be how the
Ethiopian government will decide to have a relation with this Somali
assertive government who represent the Somali National Interest.They
will accept it or as usual will fight to the end?I wish happy new year
for all Somalis suffering under hunger,civil wars,in-justice and living
in those regions under the hegemony of the Ethiopian and Al-shabaab
armada in this moment.Happy New year to all mankind.Wait and see.
has had a real year of "Change" with the election of the new
parliament and the Election of a new President and Prime
Minister/Government.Its maybe the first time after the Presidency of
Abdullahi Yusuf A SOMALI Government who stands for the Somali
National/Public interest is in power.A government I hope which will
never again play "second fiddle" to the whims and Agendas of the
hegemonic power of the Tigre regime of Ethiopia.A government which
believes in the Rule of law and the human rights of its people-citizens
regardless of which clan they are from.A government which is against the
" Balkanization" of the Somali Republic in mini-Clan-enclaves run by
Puppet leaders allied to Ethiopia.There is still the scourge of
Al-Shabaab and its semi- close ally Al-ittixad business
cartels,Organized Crimes in every aspect of trade,Drug-trafficking
groups which have a deal with Ethiopia in the subdivision of Somalia and
control the economies of Somaliland,Puntland,South
central regions all part of the Somali Republic.But the most dangerous aspect which will need change
is the "minds and hearts" of the Somalis which have been made to think
as Clan-based community and not any more as One Somali community. The
other challenging factor will be how to reconcile,bring together the
two factions of our religion Islam in Somalia. Nobody talks about it as
it does not exist this "explosive" division. Today Somalis pray in
different Mosques in Eastleigh and most parts of Somalia.There is a ' cold
war" between the Ahlu- Sunna-Waljameca( Sufi-Islam) and the Wahhabi
type of Islam which have almost become dominant from the 90". They both
are in different spectrum's of the political divide in Somalia and some
years ago there were an all out war. Still now the Ethiopians are
arming Somalis(in a clan based strategy) in the Central regions in the name of Sufi- Islam but
only for their hegemonic agenda to control and subdivide even in religious terms Somalia.I hope the new
government will take up this issue with the help of the Arab/Muslim
countries.Another important issue for the new year will be how the
Ethiopian government will decide to have a relation with this Somali
assertive government who represent the Somali National Interest.They
will accept it or as usual will fight to the end?I wish happy new year
for all Somalis suffering under hunger,civil wars,in-justice and living
in those regions under the hegemony of the Ethiopian and Al-shabaab
armada in this moment.Happy New year to all mankind.Wait and see.
#Somalia: The Somali-Kenyan dispute on Jubbaland maybe solve...
#Somalia: The Somali-Kenyan dispute on Jubbaland maybe solve...: The last three days may well augur well for the Somalis of the Somali Republic but it looks as usual the Tigre regime of Ethiopia have ot...
The Somali-Kenyan dispute on Jubbaland maybe solved.
The last three days may well augur well for the Somalis of the Somali Republic but it looks as usual the Tigre regime of Ethiopia have other ideas. Let me start that the Somali refugees and business community(from Somalia) who are one of the richest groups in Kenya had a very troublesome last three weeks.There were acts of terrorism in Eastleigh and the Kenya government fed up with that declared that Somali refugees must be repatriated without any agreement with the UNHCR.The arrival of the President of the Somali federal Republic Mr. Hassan Sheik and the subsequent rapprochement between the two countries( read the following article) have brought back the Somalis from an economic crisis and emigration/refugee crisis which was engulfing the mind and activities of the Somalis.The two government have decided to collaborate on various issues including the issues of refugees and other pressing issues like the stay of the Kenyan Armies in Somalia and the fight against Al-Shabaab etc.The most important is the issues of Kismayo ( Lower region) and I believe the Kenyans have came to realize the policies of IGAD and Ethiopia were counter-productive in the long run for the stability,peace and development of the region as a whole. Kenya is going to have its "own input" in the border region of Jubbaland but not as the Ethiopians wonted to have a vassal state in the Jubbaland region of Somalia.I hope things went as I am thinking and would like.The President of Somalia has thanked the Government of Kenya for their assistance and giving the Somalis the opportunity to prosper as business community in Kenya. The other issues I would write are about the new "game plan" of the Tigre Regime of Ethiopia and how I see the "the entourage" and some of the things the President has said here in Nairobi at a Lunch for the Business and Somali Elites here in Nairobi.
The president is a "good"person well mannered and with a clear vision for the future of the Somali Republic and how the peoples of the region and government interact.He already put in writings his ideas which are the "guiding' principles" of the policies of his government.But the problem in Somalia there is a gap between what he is saying and wants to achieve and the overall architecture of the institutions of the State in Somalia and the personnel heading them.I mean those people of his "entourage" who call themselves the security apparatus of the Somali Republic.First they do not have any military training and secondly they have been nominated by the former president by being as him trained in Sudan and good friends of Ethiopia. The are plenty of Somali officers which had good training at Siad Barre era governments which can do this jobs and are not tainted with human rights abuses.The other group of the entourage is what I call the "Ceel Macaan" Al-Ittixad Business cartels( Ceel Macaan is a port in north Mogadishu which was used by this groups for almost 20 years instead of the Mogadishu port).This group is mostly concerned of having the monopoly of the economy and control of the political system.They were allied with the I.C.U and together with the former president they became allied with the Ethiopians in 2009.From that time they also expanded their control on the political spheres and in the four years of the two Sheriffs reign( former president and former speaker) become the most powerful in the Somali elites.They have also links with the Chinese government and business community and they would like to control the Somali national resources like Oil and Gas for their own benefit.They are still in power and the president must find a method to tell them that the government is a product of the Will of the people and their individual and Wahabist-Salafist agendas cannot control the Somali national resources or in general the Somali Nation-hood or the National interest of the Somali Federal Republic.He must find the strategy to tell this business conglomerates who are against anything public that if they wont to survive and be part of the economic structure of the country they must change their agendas and be just one group of the overall economic and political spheres not the only one.Secondly they cannot have foreign policies which are against the Somali national interests.Period. The other thing is as usual they offer money to any government which came to power and in that way corrupt the system and have undue influence in the making and application of economic policies.This groups have never paid taxes of any type to any Somali government and by paying so- called charitable huge amounts of money to the government they avoid to have any tax or accountable system to know their finances and "have a "not failed state" which is part of the economic system.The other big story is the Ethiopians having failed in the diplomatic spheres against the Somali government when it came to the Sovereignty to administer the regions of Somalia they have reverted to the Old system of dividing the Somali puppet leaders.The former speaker of the parliament who every body knows is pro-Iranian,China-man and best puppet leader of Ethiopia is in this days with a group of so-called parliamentarian in Addis-Abeba to plan with the Ethiopians how to stop the plans of the new President and bring back the Old Agenda of sub-dividing the Somali Republic in vassal states.I think unless the West and the Islamic,Arab world tells Ethiopia that their meddling in the internal affairs of Somalia and treating Somalia their own backyard to be colonized I believe Somalis will never have peace and Stability and Al-Shabaab fight will be endagered.Wait and see.
The president is a "good"person well mannered and with a clear vision for the future of the Somali Republic and how the peoples of the region and government interact.He already put in writings his ideas which are the "guiding' principles" of the policies of his government.But the problem in Somalia there is a gap between what he is saying and wants to achieve and the overall architecture of the institutions of the State in Somalia and the personnel heading them.I mean those people of his "entourage" who call themselves the security apparatus of the Somali Republic.First they do not have any military training and secondly they have been nominated by the former president by being as him trained in Sudan and good friends of Ethiopia. The are plenty of Somali officers which had good training at Siad Barre era governments which can do this jobs and are not tainted with human rights abuses.The other group of the entourage is what I call the "Ceel Macaan" Al-Ittixad Business cartels( Ceel Macaan is a port in north Mogadishu which was used by this groups for almost 20 years instead of the Mogadishu port).This group is mostly concerned of having the monopoly of the economy and control of the political system.They were allied with the I.C.U and together with the former president they became allied with the Ethiopians in 2009.From that time they also expanded their control on the political spheres and in the four years of the two Sheriffs reign( former president and former speaker) become the most powerful in the Somali elites.They have also links with the Chinese government and business community and they would like to control the Somali national resources like Oil and Gas for their own benefit.They are still in power and the president must find a method to tell them that the government is a product of the Will of the people and their individual and Wahabist-Salafist agendas cannot control the Somali national resources or in general the Somali Nation-hood or the National interest of the Somali Federal Republic.He must find the strategy to tell this business conglomerates who are against anything public that if they wont to survive and be part of the economic structure of the country they must change their agendas and be just one group of the overall economic and political spheres not the only one.Secondly they cannot have foreign policies which are against the Somali national interests.Period. The other thing is as usual they offer money to any government which came to power and in that way corrupt the system and have undue influence in the making and application of economic policies.This groups have never paid taxes of any type to any Somali government and by paying so- called charitable huge amounts of money to the government they avoid to have any tax or accountable system to know their finances and "have a "not failed state" which is part of the economic system.The other big story is the Ethiopians having failed in the diplomatic spheres against the Somali government when it came to the Sovereignty to administer the regions of Somalia they have reverted to the Old system of dividing the Somali puppet leaders.The former speaker of the parliament who every body knows is pro-Iranian,China-man and best puppet leader of Ethiopia is in this days with a group of so-called parliamentarian in Addis-Abeba to plan with the Ethiopians how to stop the plans of the new President and bring back the Old Agenda of sub-dividing the Somali Republic in vassal states.I think unless the West and the Islamic,Arab world tells Ethiopia that their meddling in the internal affairs of Somalia and treating Somalia their own backyard to be colonized I believe Somalis will never have peace and Stability and Al-Shabaab fight will be endagered.Wait and see.
#Somalia: Who owns Somalia?Al-shabaab or Ethiopia-IGAD?Not S...
#Somalia: Who owns Somalia?Al-shabaab or Ethiopia-IGAD?Not S...: Fight against al Shabaab instructive model for future: U.S. general www.hiiraan.com (Reuters) - The African Union war against al Shaba...
Who owns Somalia?Al-shabaab or Ethiopia-IGAD?Not Somali people-citizens.
Fight against al Shabaab instructive model for future: U.S. general
- The African Union war against al Shabaab in Somalia this past year
has left the Islamist group "largely in a survival mode" and is
instructive for confronting the......
Americans are as usual naive on Somali issues.The African Union or
Amisom did not drive out Al-Shabaab without a big fight.My humble
opinion is The Wahhabi-salfist of Somalia has divided themselves in
different groups and the two main
groups are:Al-Shabaab the
most radical which have foreign fighters and its policies are "partly"
made by Al-Qaida.The other group is Al-ittixad business cartels made up
of Business people,Organized crimes groups,puppet leaders all in this
time allied with Ethiopia-IGAD,China,Russia,Ira n
and some western countries.From the 80" this two groups have a parallel
lives with the Business cartels and puppet leaders leading from 1991
till 2006.From 2006 the more radical group of Al-shabaab emerged from
the ashes of Al-Ittixad political movement and I.C.U and started having
its leadership Role asserted with the Union of Islamic Courts. .From
2009 the Al-Ittixad business cartels/Puppet leaders made a strong
alliance with E
and started the strategy of weakening economically Al-shabaab to whom
they where the main financiers domestically..Al-ittixad business cartels
now was totally controlling the economy of all the Somali Republic and
for them was strategically more convenient being allied to states who
approved their long term interest to dominate the Somali economic
infrastructure and indirectly the political system. There were now
States ready to ally themselves with al-Ittixad business cartels,Puppet
Leaders/Warlords-.Drug barons/Organized crimes to get in exchange the
Somali national resources by subdividing Somalia in new Republics and
support this groups. You can see this policy in the last U.N security
council debate on the Somali Charcoal issues. States Like Russia and
China stood for the project of Ethiopia-IGAD to waive the ban on the
selling of charcoal.But I suspect things are not all clear cut and
Al-Shabaab has started using the nationalist card plus the clan/regional
cards to tell the local Ittixad Business cartels that they role will be
usurped if the" Foreign Armies" succeed and bring new groups to control
their regional economies and Foreign countries taking over their
territory.The other factor is the Somalis are clan based society and
sufi-Islam has been their main affiliation in Islam and the radical
policies of Al-Shabaab have aliened them.But still those Clans who see
their interest is better served with Al_shabaab are still part of it and
fighting for it.But this fight is not Ideological but political by
nature with also business interest connotations.
The African armies
will never succeed in defeating Al-shabaab because their are part of the
problem and would like with al-ittixad Business cartels to have a
vassal-mini-clan-enclaves states under the hegemony of Ethiopia-IGAD and
China.Wait and see.
Written on 5/ December 2012.
The African armies will never succeed in defeating Al-shabaab because their are part of the problem and would like with al-ittixad Business cartels to have a vassal-mini-clan-enclaves states under the hegemony of Ethiopia-IGAD and China.Wait and see.
History of the alliance between Ethiopia and Al-ittixad political movement.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
History of the alliance between Ethiopia and All-Ittixad political movement.Wait and see.
Its quasi reasonable analysis of the Turkey role in Somalia. What I know is our friends Turkey one time has close contacts and business dealings Al-Ittixad business cartels which are allied with Ethiopia and Al-Shabaab. Somali politics
is very complicated for those which are new comers and at first-sight if you think in black and white you will never understand it. Myself who has being involved in it for a very long time as a human rights lawyer and activist and lately as a blogger it took me a very long time to understand it and came to know how the Islamist of Al-Ittixad business cartels could be allied with States like Ethiopia, China, Iran, and France. First was about the hegemony of Ethiopia of the Somali territories but it became from the 90’ about the Oil and Gas of Somalia. For this reasons atheist State like China and Islamist-radicals like All-Ittixad business cartels are allied. The masterminds of this alliance were Somali elites warlords-drug-barons linked to All-Ittixad political movement and in the same time members of the so-called movement-oppositions based in Ethiopia in the late
80".Later during the first conference for Somalia to reestablish a transitional government in Nairobi from 2004 the alliances was remade
and strengthened including some”‘Ruling elites" of IGAD( Ethiopia,Uganda,Kenya,Tanzania,Sudan, Professional Elites in politics, business, professionals in media-print and TV and Organized crimes groups of those countries.) and the governments of China, Iran, France, Italy, Russia. From 2004 the main agenda was to outsmart the Americans, The Arab world, the Islamic world and have total control of all Somalia with sub-clans groups who call themselves autonomous regions-breakaway States and at the end have a Confederation of Somali States with names like Somaliland,Puntland,Jubbaland,Hiiraanland,Bay/Bakol land,Benadir land etc.In that way there is not anymore the Somali Republic but new states with new sovereignty and then the spoils would be divided between this international groups and Al-ittixad business Cartels who would control the economies of this new satellites states while the Ethiopians and IGAD will install leaders of their liking.
In the 80” when this quasi inhuman agenda was hatched the Regime of Menghiste needed to control Somalia by subdividing it in sub-clan based States. The two main leaders of the U.S.C- Manifesto group who said no to the Ethiopian hegemony were assassinated in Italy, masterminded by Somali Ittixad leaders’ members of the U.S.C and the Ethiopians, with the complicity of Italian mafia and the Italian intelligence services in April and July1990. The two were my late father Ali Mohamed Ossoble who was one time vice-president of The S.N.M(1984-1987) and later president of the U.S.C Roma( 1989-1990) and DR. Ismail Giumale Ossoble who started the Manifesto group(1990). After
the assassination of these two leaders the U.S.C was taken over in Ethiopia-Nairobi by pro-Ethiopian groups and in Mogadishu by the All-Ittixad political movement members masquerading as U.S.C leaders. That is main reason instead of fighting against the Siad Barre regime for" regime change" the U.S.C started a civil war and the total destruction of the State infrastructures in Mogadishu and all over Somalia. The Militia of the U.S.C in Mogadishu and the S.N.M( in the north) and S.S.D.F in (northeast) were looting and destroying every system connected with the Somali state and started as a policy to have sub-Clan Based regions-areas.
The other policy of Al-Ittixad is to take over the economies of all regions of Somalia specially the Trade, Communication Hawilaad/money-remittances,the education systems starting from the madrasa to the universities. The policy of the Ethiopians to subdivide the Somalis in sub-clans groups which are fighting each other,have borders between themselves and ruled by Warlords/puppet leaders was made the main agenda. The ittixad Movement accepted this model agreed with the Ethiopian and conceal any accusation that they were controlling the political spheres in all regions and central government.
(To bee continued)-next piece the will be about(1) Organized crimes,(2)How the Ethiopians made the alliance with All_ittixad business Cartels(3)The economic expansion of the All-ittixad business cartels and their connection with International companies and Organized crimes.
#Somalia: WHY Dr abiy AHMED WENT TO MOGADISHU? FOR OIL & GAS... : INTRODUCTION: On 16 June MR. Abiy Ahmed PM of Ethiopia ...
The Somalis have been subdivided for a very long time let's say from the 80" in clans- communities which are fighting each other f...
In these last week there has been a great controversy between the ruling clique or so-called elites of the Somali Republic which have ...
The New POLITICAL MAP of the SOMALI Speaking People(s) of the HORN of AFRICA Part 1.Wait and see. Above you can see t...
INTRODUCTION: On 16 June MR. Abiy Ahmed PM of Ethiopia went to visit Mogadishu as part of his new political offensive ...
INTRODUCTION: In this post I will try to explain from the point of view of- a Somali from Somali Republic- if it can ...
In these days-from 23-06-2014- is raging in the airwaves-Somali radio FM and the BBCSomali and VOASomali- the latest controversy...
This is comment/analysis I prepared after I have read in the internet the last UN Monitoring Group on SOMALIA and partially printed in m...
My Hope is UNSOM,International Community will not follow blindly the wrong policies,strategies of IGAD-AMISOM-...
Mr. Bryden is one of those intellectuals who obfuscated Somali issues for a very long time and are without knowing maybe implementing t...
T his new post is the continuation of my last article entitled " WHO Runs he Show in Somalia?.The Salafist movement......"? Here ...