The pseudo-Self-Determination RIGHTS of CLANS( PEOPLE(s))-ENCLAVES engineered by ETHIOPIA-IGAD countries.Wait and see.Part 1. .

          In these days-from 23-06-2014- is raging in the airwaves-Somali radio FM and the BBCSomali and VOASomali- the latest controversy about the so- called agreement between the self-declared administration of the (3) regions of South-West SOMALIA and the self-declared administration of the (6) regions of South-West SOMALIA to be from now one Regional State of the (3) Regions.. The so- called agreement was arranged” illegally” by the Somali PM MR.Abdiweli Sh.Ahmed who “looks bent on implementing at all costs” the ETHIOPIA-IGAD Agenda for SOMALI REPUBLIC: the subdivision of the SOMAL REPUBLIC in CLAN ENCLAVES based on the wrong political concept of 4.5- subdivisions of all Somali Sub-clans based on BLOOD LINEAGE not on Territorial Constituency of the inhabitants of the regions. The wrong concept was introduced at the conferences for the reestablishment of SOMALI State in Djibouti,,Carta Conference of 2000 and Nairobi,Maghabati Conference of 2004 all organized and promoted by ETHIOPIA and IGAD countries. In other words was the subdivision of Somali territory in Regions Based on Clan-Blood Lineage without the political and legal consent of all SOMALI CLAN Communities representing the SOMALI people. This is the basis of the so- called Federalism ( I suspect in reality is Confederalism between "would be" sovereign State Clan-Enclaves) based on  the new pseudo-Legal concept of the self-determination Rights of Somali Clans- (People(s))Enclaves based on Blood Lineage which have the  Right “supposedly” to declare themselves New political,Legal administrations without any grounding in the  Provisional Constitution, other Laws of Somali Republic except in the so- called Right of the Clan to "determine" their future as they were the people of a "NATION"..This Clans-Communities will  have the total control on Lands, Resources like OIL and GAS, Commerce, Security, all state trappings for States and can have their own relations with foreign powers mainly IGAD Countries like ETHIOPIA-KENYA,Republic of SUDAN who support them. Actually these so- called regional Clan-Enclaves Somali regional administrations   by meeting this Regional Sovereign states are  looking for "recognition" as new sovereign  States and are encouraged by the IGAD counties and ETHIOPIA in contravention  of the UN Security Council and AFRICAN UNION Resolutions on SOMALI REPUBLIC UNITY,Territorial Integrity and Sovereignty. There is not any Law or there has never  been any Referendum in which the Somali people-Citizens have been asked to subdivide their Republic in new Clan-Enclaves based on Blood lineage. The best models of this new novel concept is the Constitution of  the CLAN-ENCLAVES of   SOMALILAND,  CLAN Enclave  of PUNTLAND  regions  and  the so- called Addis Ababa Agreement for the JUBBA Regions - without any constraint the ETHIOPIANS have  introduced the Concept of PEOPLE(S) for CLANS in the Agreement  and  which unfortunately our "smiling"  President Hassan Sceik has signed  even it being against the so- called Provisional Constitution. Read my Blog titled " The Addis-Ababa Agreement: the Beginning of a Confederate SOMALIA". There is not any article after or before the enactment of the provisional Constitution from 2012 that Clan -Blood Lineage Communities or any other Somali Clan- communities can make a so-called  general meeting   in a Regional Town  and Declare themselves "POWER UNTO THEMSELVES" using the so-called  false concept of making Clans into  People(s) and therefore have the "will to be self-determining their destiny". That what is based all this Clan Enclaves Subdivisions: grounded on false legal premises and non-existent pseudo-legal concept.
          (To be continued)


#Somalia: The New POLITICL MAP of the SOMALI Speaking People...

#Somalia: The New POLITICL MAP of the SOMALI Speaking People...: The New POLITICAL MAP of the SOMALI Speaking People(s) of the HORN of AFRICA Part 1.Wait and see.          Above  you can see t...

The New POLITICL MAP of the SOMALI Speaking People(s) of the HORN of AFRICA.Part 1&2.Wait and see.

The New POLITICAL MAP of the SOMALI Speaking People(s) of the HORN of AFRICA Part 1.Wait and see.


  Above  you can see the Map used by some Somali websites unknown  for their real meaning ( I suspect prepared by the  Tigre-Ethiopian Intelligence) like ( which unfortunately paves the way for the subdivision and break-away of the Somali Republic in Clan Enclaves under the hegemony of the Tigre-Ethiopian Empire. The real trick in the Map is it  uses the OLD DREAM of the Somalis in the 50”, 60” and 70" to have one Somali Nation-State for all Somalis living in the region But this map is for  totally a  different AGENDA. What is not seen is the  new new borders between the Somalis regional (sovereign) states- as planned by ETHIOPIA- and their new borders with the neighboring Nations like Ethiopia , Kenya , Djibouti. .The main Idea is the Somali Speaking Nation(s) or People(s)- as the Somali Clans are called nowadays by ETHIOPIA Intelligentsia and in the last Addis-Ababa Agreement between the Somali government and the Jubba regions patronized and prepared  by Ethiopia-  they will be  ruling almost  all that territory in the Horn of Africa with the Hegemony and sub- colonization of the TIGRE-ETHIOPIAN Empire with the dissolution of the Somali Republic. Some Puppet Leaders of the Somali Clans and sub-Clans are used for this sinister Agenda and the Future Capital of this Confederate States is JigJiga in the Somali Region of ETHIOPIA. In Other words Somali Republic  Territory will be  subdivided  in new regional Sovereign  states and under the cover of sub-Clan hegemony and Clan Hegemony within the Somali Republic. But there will be Close connections, cooperation  between this new states and the Ethiopia Empire using the Somali Region of ETHIOPIA.The Somali Region of ETHIOPIA will be part and parcel of ETHIOPIA but it connected to the sea by incorporating  it with the southern regions of SOMALI REPUBLIC  like Gedo,Lower Juba and middle Juba  and made part and parcel of the Empire of ETHIOPIA.They Will incorporate the Southern-Lower Juba,Middle Juba and GEDO- regions with a so- called Referendum by the Ruling  regional powers like the one in CRIMEA  and ETHIOPIA will make a Law to incorporate those regions.In that way  the Landlocked ETHIOPIA will have access to the Indian Ocean with the port of Kismayo  for the first time after the secession and independence of ERITREA in 1992  who used to give  them access to the Red Sea.
        This Map is to misinform, dis-inform, manipulate  the Hearts and Minds of the Somalis in general and in particular the Clans and sub-Clans who are working tirelessly for the implementation of this :"Grand--Plan" of ETHIOPIA to subjugate SOMALIA..The game Plan was started by the Emperor of ETHIOPIA after the first war between Somali Republic and ETHIOPIA with the opening in Fiyambiro of a school where a new cadre  where thought the SOMALI CULTURE ,mores and tradition in the way to understand how the Somali Political consciousness based on their culture   and to use the Somali culture as a base to subdivide and control  the SOMALIS.  See my Blog " at the post called "OIL and GAS,Mini-Clan-Enclaves,ETHIOPIA-IGAD Hegemony".The agenda was taken up by the so- called Socialist-Military Regime  of Manghiste who after another war with SOMALIA in 1977 decided to accommodate,use, give shelter,arm militarily  the  Clan-Militias of the new SOMALI Clan-based opposition groups of the SSDF,SNM,USC,SPM from inside the Ethiopian territory  against the Siad barre regime from 1978.-1979. During this time the 70" the Salafist Movement was started in SOMALIA and knowing that the only way the Somalis associate is based on Clan Culture they joined as members the new opposition groups in ETHIOPIA.The so- called marxist regime of ETHIOPIA was aware of this fact and from there it started a secret alliance between the Salafist who were members of this Clan based movements and the Menghiste regime.For the Ethiopians their enemy were the Clan Nationalist and the Elites who believed in the Unity of the SOMALI REPUBLIC not Salafist of any type. When Meles Zenawi came to power he improved and made more sophisticated the use  and alliance with the Salafist Movement which now was led by the Somali Salafist Business Cartels and  adding even other religious groups like the Ahlu- Suna waljameca ( Sufi)of the Central regions and the Gedo Regions of SOMALIA.

        The basic reasoning for the ETHIOPIANS is first to get without any Legal and Political constraints The OIL and GAS of the SOMALI regions of ETHIOPIA-vast amounts explored by US companies in the 50"- and secondly to subjugate the SOMALIS in SOMALIA .That is " the Only way"this Empire could exist and its the basis of this  new political MAP.  Read please my post called"Short rebuttal to Matt Bryden interview on the Daily Nation" and the post called"History of the alliance between Ethiopia and Al Ittixad"

( to be continued)

Part 2: The Meetings of the Somali Speaking People(s) in Garowe-Puntland region of SOMALIA and Jigjiga of ETHIOPIA.

           The new map is based on the strategy of the Ethiopian political -Grand-Plan- in "theory" and "practice".The Somali Clan Communities organized as Sovereign Clan-Enclaves as an appendix of The Ethiopian Empire like the Somali region of ETHIOPIA but with  some break-away Republics like SOMALILAND( the Plan for Somaliland agreed at the time of Menghiste with the SNM Movement)and other regions  be members of a Somali Confederation under Ethiopian sub-colonization.
          At the time  of PM Abdiweli  Ali Gaas was in power as PM in the federal government of Somalia some years ago Mr. Abdirahman Farole who was the president of the Regional state of Puntland of SOMALIA convened a meeting in Garowe capital of that region. The meeting was the first of its kind. It was of the Somali speaking Women's Organizations in the HORN of AFRICA.There was organizations from Djibouti Republic,from the ETHIOPIAN Somali Region,from Mogadishu representing the Somali women( but in reality as representative of South-Central regions),from Puntland Regions,from the regional state of HIIRAAN etc.Mr. Farole who was one of the main implementer of the ETHIOPIAN plan knew about the strategy- start changing the Borders without the knowledge of those concerned by starting meetings in which the concept of Territorial Sovereignty,UNITY of the Somali Republic Nation- State is cancelled.The main Idea was to bring together Somalis- and show the Somalis- they were different Clans in -Clan ENCLAVES regional States- divided politically with different administrations  but  which share some interests within the Horn of AFRICA.I believe the Republic of Djibouti was coerced politically in this sinister Agenda but other Clan enclaves women  Leaders were politically allied with the ETHIOPIAN regime  via their own administration. Mr. Farole also invited to Garowe last year the Mayor of Garissa  Republic of  Kenya of that time.The idea even here was to show to SOMALIS in Somalia and  in the HORN that Different Clans in different jurisdiction as States share Blood-lineage and can have the same political Agenda on the issues concerning SOMALIS in the HORN of AFRICA- in this case the former Mayor of Garissa of Kenya and Mr. Farole of Puntland shared  the AGENDA OF HAVING A SEPARATE SOVEREIGN  STATE for the Somali Regions of the Lower Jubba ,Middle Jubba and Gedo. At that time in my Post entitled the "The Clan Agenda of ETHIOPIA-IGAD for SOMALIA" I wrote that the meeting was wrong and the two persons "represented the interests of two different Sovereign Countries"
called Somali Republic and the Republic of Kenya.In that way bringing in the Concept of Clan Blood lineage linked  to Clan Enclaves the Colonial borders between STATES are blurred  AND SPECIALLY the SOMALI REPUBLIC BORDERS.
          For the ETHIOPIAN  Grand-Plan the SOMALIS are CLANS who are for their own game plan  different  People(s) who speak the same language  but not  the same people-Citizens of a country called SOMALIA. They have to be  divided in CLAN-ENCLAVES with puppet Leaders loyal to ETHIOPIA. In this way the Borders of the Horn of AFRICA will be remade in a subtle way.
          The mother of all meetings was the convening in Jigjiga at the end of last year by the president of the Somali Region of the federal Republic of ETHIOPIA. Usually the Ethiopians being of different ETHNIC groups have a "general Meeting"  every  years of all the Nationalities/Peoples of ETHIOPIA Federal REPUBLIC. Last year the meeting was convened at Jigjiga capital of the Somali Nationality in the ETHIOPIAN empire.The Tigre regime feeling that all his plans were going smoothly( even has got a  military contingent in the African Armada called AMISOM) about the subdivision of SOMALIA and the new"Grand Plan" for SOMALIS in the HORN of AFRICA. Thought it was time to celebrate their achievement.It was organized a special Fan festival in which all Peoples of ETHIOPIA were invited Plus all the Leaders of the SOMALI Speaking People(s) of the Horn of AFRICA.The Leaders invited were The President of the Republic of Djibouti Mr. Ismail Omar Gelle,the leader of Somaliland Mr. SILANYO,the Leader of Puntland Mr. Farole ,the Leader of Jubba regions Mr. Madobe, the Governor of the Regions of Lower Shabelle( that is one of the reasons there  is Clans warfare in this days in the Lower Shabelle) and even for the   Somali Federal government which a Minister was representing.For ETHIOPIA was the "ultimate achievement".All Somali speaking/Peoples of the HORN were under their Hegemony and sub-colonization. In the pictures of the meeting and the image which was shown to SOMALIS on TVs  in the REPUBLIC and to the world it was meant to say" this People(s) the SOMALIS are part and parcel of the ETHIOPIAN  EMPIRE". But I believe the Grand Plan is bigger and still some Somalis speaking regions in HORN of  AFRICA will be recolonized by ETHIOPIA using SOMALI CLANS-sub-CLANS.
          With this meeting it meant for ETHIOPIA the dissolution "de facto" of the SOMALI REPUBLIC which was made parcels of land what I call mini- CLAN Enclaves Ruled by Puppet leaders Loyal to ETHIOPIA,CHINA,IRAN and RUSSIA. and allied with the SOMALI Business cartels.Next piece all will dwell with the political,legal and economic,Media  plans and the Local actors who are promoting this grand-plans of Ethiopia. Please read my post of last December called" For the new PM: Lessons from a recent Past".

( to be continued)

#Somalia: The New POLITICAL MAP of the SOMALI Speaking Peopl...

#Somalia: The New POLITICAL MAP of the SOMALI Speaking Peopl...:          Above  you can see the Map used by some Somali websites unknown  for their real meaning ( I suspect prepared by the  Tigre-E...

The New POLITICAL MAP of the SOMALI Speaking People(s) of the HORN of AFRICA Part 1.Wait and see.


  Above  you can see the Map used by some Somali websites unknown  for their real meaning ( I suspect prepared by the  Tigre-Ethiopian Intelligence) like ( which unfortunately paves the way for the subdivision and break-away of the Somali Republic in Clan Enclaves under the hegemony of the Tigre-Ethiopian Empire. The real trick in the Map is it  uses the OLD DREAM of the Somalis in the 50”, 60” and 70" to have one Somali Nation-State for all Somalis living in the region But this map is for  totally a  different AGENDA. What is not seen is the  new new borders between the Somalis regional (sovereign) states- as planned by ETHIOPIA- and their new borders with the neighboring Nations like Ethiopia , Kenya , Djibouti. .The main Idea is the Somali Speaking Nation(s) or People(s)- as the Somali Clans are called nowadays by ETHIOPIA Intelligentsia and in the last Addis-Ababa Agreement between the Somali government and the Jubba regions patronized and prepared  by Ethiopia-  they will be  ruling almost  all that territory in the Horn of Africa with the Hegemony and sub- colonization of the TIGRE-ETHIOPIAN Empire with the dissolution of the Somali Republic. Some Puppet Leaders of the Somali Clans and sub-Clans are used for this sinister Agenda and the Future Capital of this Confederate States is JigJiga in the Somali Region of ETHIOPIA. In Other words Somali Republic  Territory will be  subdivided  in new regional Sovereign  states and under the cover of sub-Clan hegemony and Clan Hegemony within the Somali Republic. But there will be Close connections, cooperation  between this new states and the Ethiopia Empire using the Somali Region of ETHIOPIA.The Somali Region of ETHIOPIA will be part and parcel of ETHIOPIA but it connected to the sea by incorporating  it with the southern regions of SOMALI REPUBLIC  like Gedo,Lower Juba and middle Juba  and made part and parcel of the Empire of ETHIOPIA.They Will incorporate the Southern-Lower Juba,Middle Juba and GEDO- regions with a so- called Referendum by the Ruling  regional powers like the one in CRIMEA  and ETHIOPIA will make a Law to incorporate those regions.In that way  the Landlocked ETHIOPIA will have access to the Indian Ocean with the port of Kismayo  for the first time after the secession and independence of ERITREA in 1992  who used to give  them access to the Red Sea.
        This Map is to misinform, dis-inform, manipulate  the Hearts and Minds of the Somalis in general and in particular the Clans and sub-Clans who are working tirelessly for the implementation of this :"Grand--Plan" of ETHIOPIA to subjugate SOMALIA..The game Plan was started by the Emperor of ETHIOPIA after the first war between Somali Republic and ETHIOPIA with the opening in Fiyambiro of a school where a new cadre  where thought the SOMALI CULTURE ,mores and tradition in the way to understand how the Somali Political consciousness based on their culture   and to use the Somali culture as a base to subdivide and control  the SOMALIS.  See my Blog " at the post called "OIL and GAS,Mini-Clan-Enclaves,ETHIOPIA-IGAD Hegemony".The agenda was taken up by the so- called Socialist-Military Regime  of Manghiste who after another war with SOMALIA in 1977 decided to accommodate,use, give shelter,arm militarily  the  Clan-Militias of the new SOMALI Clan-based opposition groups of the SSDF,SNM,USC,SPM from inside the Ethiopian territory  against the Siad barre regime from 1978.-1979. During this time the 70" the Salafist Movement was started in SOMALIA and knowing that the only way the Somalis associate is based on Clan Culture they joined as members the new opposition groups in ETHIOPIA.The so- called marxist regime of ETHIOPIA was aware of this fact and from there it started a secret alliance between the Salafist who were members of this Clan based movements and the Menghiste regime.For the Ethiopians their enemy were the Clan Nationalist and the Elites who believed in the Unity of the SOMALI REPUBLIC not Salafist of any type. When Meles Zenawi came to power he improved and made more sophisticated the use  and alliance with the Salafist Movement which now was led by the Somali Salafist Business Cartels and  adding even other religious groups like the Ahlu- Suna waljameca ( Sufi)of the Central regions and the Gedo Regions of SOMALIA.

        The basic reasoning for the ETHIOPIANS is first to get without any Legal and Political constraints The OIL and GAS of the SOMALI regions of ETHIOPIA-vast amounts explored by US companies in the 50"- and secondly to subjugate the SOMALIS in SOMALIA .That is " the Only way"this Empire could exist and its the basis of this  new political MAP.  Read please my post called"Short rebuttal to Matt Bryden interview on the Daily Nation and the post called"History of the alliance between Ethiopia and Al Ittixad"

( to be continued)


#Somalia: SUB-#CLANS,#OIL and #GAS,#ETHIOPIA -#IGAD-#AMISOM:                           My Hope is UNSOM,International Community  will not follow blindly the wrong policies,strategies of IGAD-AMISOM-...


                          My Hope is UNSOM,International Community  will not follow blindly the wrong policies,strategies of IGAD-AMISOM-ETHIOPIA in the latest fight/campeign against AlShabaab by #AMISOM forces with #ETHIOPIAN #ARMY. Ethiopia and IGAD countries had always a strategies to #subdivide SOMALI Clans and sub-CLANS in those allied to them ( some are even still  ex-AlShabaab members but siding with IGAD) and those who are siding with Al-Shabaab( they are used and manipulated by the their Salafist Clan ELITES). In that way we have  and are  going to have a society- Clan- Communities divided and made enemies for a very long time maybe for another twenty years.Secondly#AlShabaab and #ETHIOPIA would like to have this continuous strive and division to subdivide the Somali CLANS-sub-CLANS for their own strategies("the next strategy of Al-Shabaab is to have Clans-Sub-Clans who are fighting for them" for Clan Re-vindication in URBAN Guerrilla warfare and terrorist Acts ").One of the strategies is to control some of the CLANS and SUB CLANS of those regions were its proven there is #OIL and #GAS thanks to the previous( of the 50" and 60") exploration and rights  of #US #OIL #Companies.The main Agenda of #ETHIOPIA was to subdivide All Somalia in Clan Clan-Enclaves#regional #sovereign States therefore to change Somalia and in that way controlled by Clans closely linked/Allied to their policies.Those companies who had agreement with Somali previous governments will loose their rights with this new sovereign states like #SOMLILND,#PUNTLAND,#HIIRAANLAND,#Central regions Land,Benadir Land,JUBBA regions Land, etc.All are Clans based groupings in which some Clans are"in power" and others have to be segregated therefore they have to join Al-Shabaab to get "Power".The Ethiopian strategy is to control the SOMALI #OIL and #GAS #BASINS all over SOMALIA like the BASIN of #NUGAL,the basin of #AWDAL some  in the #Somaliland regions and  some part of #Puntland.To control the #MUDUG-#GALGADUUD regions #BASIN,the #LOWER #Shabelle Basin and the GEDO-JUBBA regions Basin.This strategy is executed by using Somali Clans-sub clans who are inhabitants of those regions.But in the same time alienate some of the Clans who live there.That is what is already going on in #SOMALILAND,PUNTLAND,HiIIRAN REGIONS,MUDUG, JUBBA regions,Shabeelle Lower and Middle.IF you wont power you side with ETHIOPIA-IGAD or you join AL-Shabbab for CLAN  RE-Vindication..WAIT and see
AMISOM, IGAD and UNSOM Somalia heads meet with international...The heads of UNSOM, IGAD and AMISOM have met with International representatives in Nairobi. United Nation envoy to Somalia Nickolas Kay, African U
Top of Form

This picture shows how the religious powers were working with the Somali national government.In other words our religious leaders were for a Somali Nation-Hood and to promote the National interests of The #Somali People--Citizens.Our #Religious#leaders were not working for #Foreign powers like #Ethiopia under the guise of Clan community like the Ahlusunna Waljames of the Central region and they were not employed and used by Non State-Actors like the Salafist /Jihadist of Al-Qaida allied to #AlShabaab.In this picture there is #harmony between the Temporal and Spiritual powers.This must be a lesson for our Leaders of Today be it religious and Political.Also the Somali two main religious groupings the #Salafi and the #Sufi must revisit their Agenda and make and adopt the Somali#National interests as their main guiding #principle.That is the Only way the Somali people-citizens could be saved from #Terrorism/#Jihadism and the #Hegemony and#recolonization of #Ethiopia.Wait and see.


In the picture is the National Religious Leader Sheik Muhidin ELI and former Presiden of SOMALIA MR.
Abdirashid  Ali Sharmarke.


#Somalia: WHY Dr abiy AHMED WENT TO MOGADISHU? FOR OIL & GAS... : INTRODUCTION:            On 16 June MR. Abiy  Ahmed PM of Ethiopia ...