Why Somali Republic is a "Perpetual Failed State" for the last 30 years?In this blog I try to answer to that question and in particular of the failure of Somali politics.How Clan Elites have been used by Regional powers and the Somali Salafist Movement and the end game plan to make Somali Republic Clan Enclaves.Who controls Somali economy and political control of Clans in Clan Enclaves.
#Somalia: Somalia as Confederate state with five new Sovreig...
#Somalia: Somalia as Confederate state with five new Sovreig...: The new Somali constitution by Meles / Farole and “Gang of Six” to make a Confederate State of Somalia without the Will and Consent...
Somalia as Confederate state with five new Sovreign States..
The new Somali
constitution by Meles / Farole and “Gang of Six” to make a Confederate State of Somalia without the Will and Consent
of the people-citizens.
comment-article will be short and will look only at the political side and not
at the unconstitutionally of this document and will not analyze in detail the
articles of the now” notorious” new constitution. I am still preparing one by
one the articles and the “contradictory” meaning they give to this document and
legalize a “would be” Confederate State of Somalia without the knowledge and
consent of the Somali-People-Citizens.
What is all About the Agenda behind this new Constitution?
I will not repeat myself bit by bit (please go to my site
wardigley.blogspot.com to know how this things have evolved historically and
the influence of Ethiopia
and China)
but only the last part of the deception to have this document.
For the last six months the “notorious” Gang of six which are
made of the president of the Republic of Somalia, the Speaker of the Somali Parliament,
The self-declared president of Puntland,the self-declared president of Galmudug
and an outfit made by the Ethiopians called Sunna-Wal-Jaamaca.Plus the the so
called technocrat PM of Somalia.
groups with their master Mr.Meles Zenawi have hatched the conclusion of a
political game plan in which the Somali people citizens and the International
community will be deceived and at the End of a so-called process called Road map and
the “New Constitution” they will succeed in their more than two decades long plan of having Somalia sub-divided in breakaway
republics. How?
Mr. Farole
who was the leading actor for the cabala and Meles in the matters of the subdivision
will play very carefully this in all the so-called negotiations of the so-called
constitution between the “Gang of six” for domestic and international consumption.
Just to give you an example three months ago after a meeting by the Gang of Six
the headline in all international news were the Somali leaders agree on a
federal System. First of all you can see from the beginning the discourse and narrative
of Constitution making process was changed and given the Rights of the people
to this So-called Gang of six. But we all know Nobody can change the
Institutions of the Republic, the Borders, the Sovereignty and Unity and how
the Somali people-citizens have decided their Republic to be with out their Will
in a free and fair referendum.
Mr. Mahiga who was
the only one not part of the Gang of six was used( or maybe I have always believed
was part of the problem?) as the man to tell the international community that
every thing was going well and there was a hitch here and there and it will be smoothed
before August 2012.The Idea was to arrive close to that date when nobody can do
anything about this and it will be fait comply and everybody accept the will of the people of the Constituent assembly.
In reality every thing is so choreographed by the Gang of Six of Meles and the
Somali –people citizen “have not got any voice in the whole Saga”.
This so called “New
Constitution” was released at least five
days ago to the Somali Community elders and on the spot some of them have found out how things were
bad in the “document” and the Ultimate agenda was to sign from this elders the
acceptance of the sub-division of the Somali republic. The words of the
articles “ the federal member states” of
the Federal Republic of Somalia mean the as Mr. Farole has explained different
times” that Somalia will be made of a Confederate State in which all member
states are equal”. This cammuflage to use this meaning less of words of federal
in different times is part of the game.Secondly there are articles in which the
States decide by themselves what they like to do as a sovereign entities and
others articles were there is an interstate Commisssion Between Sovraign states like a Confederation.
But the most compelling part is the article on the concept of Federalism in the
new Constitution: you can see here the idea is to have a Confederal System but
still cannot be say out and loudly. There is a big “ confusion “ and deceit in
this document and a Constitution is about” basic rules concerning decision
making,rights,and the Distribution of Authority in a Political system”. Here I quoted
Mr. Gabriel Almond.
If this document is made to pass Somalia will have another 10 years of wars and
strive because no clan-community will accept the political strategy envisaged
by meles /China
and his Puppet leaders namely the Gang of Six. One of my next articles will try
to depict the new Scenarios the “ new
clan wars in the “Horn of Africa” against the hegemony of Ethiopia and its allies. Wait and
#Somalia: New Currency? New scam to Steal and Bribe.
#Somalia: New Currency? New scam to Steal and Bribe.: The Somali president does not have the powers to decree by himself,order the printing of New Currency or Commission new currency.This a...
New Currency? New scam to Steal and Bribe.
Somali president does not have the powers to decree by himself,order
the printing of New Currency or Commission new currency.This are tasks
of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Finance.After the Council of
Ministers have approved must be made Law by the Somali parliament.Its
quite a process in which even we will need the input of the Somali
Central Bank.In other words the council of Ministers and the Parliament
have the last word on Printing,commissioning and decrying
of new currency for the Somali Republic.May I add there is not
any functioning,reliable Central Bank and there are not clear cut Laws
that will govern the administration of new currency.The President
behaves like a Dictator who is thinking of ways to steal the National
coffers and plunder the Somali economy with not legalized and
transparent Acts by the government and with out the consent of The
Parliament and the executive in charge of the economy.. I suspect the
President would like to bribe with the new Currencies for the election
of the new legislators and his own election came August 2012..I do not
see any other reasons for his rush to a printing Company in Sudan at
this conjecture of time.We also have the bad precedent that this same
company was used by the Notorious Speaker Mr. Sheriff Hassan when he
was the Minister of Finance at Mr. Sharmarke Premiership in 2009-2010
and printed billions of Somali shillings without any accountability. .Most
important after the London Conference the Somali government have
signed an agreement with the U.N and international community on
financial matters in which Somalia has a partner when it came to
financial issues .Which means they cannot take decisions alone on financial issues .What is
going on? Why even at the end of his transition the President is
behaving like an African dictator who thinks he has only"subjects" not people-citizen and Somalia as his homestead.Wait and see.
Somali President Inspects Sudanese Currency Printing House
On Somalia: "Wishful Thinking by the West.Wait and see.
On Somalia: "Wishful Thinking by the West.Wait and see.: I would like to share the thoughts of the U.K ambassador with you and I hope everybody will comment.For me its "All Wishful Thinking " ...
"Wishful Thinking by the West.Wait and see.
would like to share the thoughts of the U.K ambassador with you and I
hope everybody will comment.For me its "All Wishful Thinking " what the
ambassador is saying.In Somali we say 'fari kama Qodna" which means
there is still a lot to do in idiomatic way or its just the beginning.
To make short my comment there is an "Established Regimes" with its own
Al-ittixad business Cartels,"puppet leaders".warlords-drug-barons and
military systems( intelligence,immigration and police force
) all loyal to the Powers running the show and allied to the Meles
regime of Ethiopia..The problems of Somalia its not only
Al-Shabaab-maybe the number one enemy-but all this other groups are
part of the problem and would never(?)r accept a democratic,transparent
and accountable State in Somalia.A state where the Rule of the Law is
supreme and the people elects and chooses its own leaders.This emphasis
on the transition is part of the deceiving game of this groups why they
will came back and Rule after August and will continue to exploit and
infringe on the basic rights of the Somali people citizens.Unless this
groups face what we call " International accountability" for their
crimes against humanity and all the money and assets they stashed in
Nairobi and Dubai is frozen/blocked and given back to the Somali people
things will not change.This ruling/cliques/ elites who have the power
in Hargheisa,Mogadishu and Garowe have the political support and
assistance of regional powers , some Big powers and have
unconditional political alliance with Ethiopia.They go to meetings for
the last twenty years and have seen of all colors and deceived everybody
posing as representative of Somali clan/communities and in general
Somali people-citizens.Like every dominant group for a very long time
they do not believe they could be replaced and they make/ believe the
'masses" that they are the "only one" doing their Clan or sub-clans
interests.They have reverted to use the Old methods of the Siad Barre
regime that only loyalty to them is what is needed from the
Bureaucracy and the Security services to be promoted and enrich
themselves. By bringing a New Constitution is what the world is
believing will change things in Somalia.They are totally mistaken and
this Regime of Warlords-drug barons,Puppet leaders and Al-Ittixad
business Cartels is not worried at all about this" so-called
Constitutional order." I will wait after August to see the world came to
realize that the fight against Al-shabaab is the easiest part of the
"liberation of Somalia" and the hard part is this anti-democratic forces
which are themselves allied to Salafist/Jihadsit.Wait and see.
On Somalia: How to steal Somali National resources like OIL &G...
On Somalia: How to steal Somali National resources like OIL &G...: Somalis do not know but their elites know it.Dubai is where almost all the money stolen by Somali "puppet ;leaders and all-Ittixad busine...
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