"Wishful Thinking by the West.Wait and see.

I would like to share the thoughts of the U.K ambassador with you and I hope everybody will comment.For me its "All Wishful Thinking " what the ambassador is saying.In Somali we say 'fari kama Qodna" which means there is still a lot to do in idiomatic way or its just the beginning. To make short my comment there is an "Established Regimes" with its own Al-ittixad business Cartels,"puppet leaders".warlords-drug-barons and military systems( intelligence,immigration and police force ) all loyal to the Powers running the show and allied to the Meles regime of Ethiopia..The problems of Somalia its not only Al-Shabaab-maybe the number one enemy-but all this other groups are part of the problem and would never(?)r accept a democratic,transparent and accountable State in Somalia.A state where the Rule of the Law is supreme and the people elects and chooses its own leaders.This emphasis on the transition is part of the deceiving game of this groups why they will came back and Rule after August and will continue to exploit and infringe on the basic rights of the Somali people citizens.Unless this groups face what we call " International accountability" for their crimes against humanity and all the money and assets they stashed in Nairobi and Dubai is frozen/blocked and given back to the Somali people things will not change.This ruling/cliques/ elites who have the power in Hargheisa,Mogadishu and Garowe have the political support and assistance of regional powers , some Big powers and have unconditional political alliance with Ethiopia.They go to meetings for the last twenty years and have seen of all colors and deceived everybody posing as representative of Somali clan/communities and in general Somali people-citizens.Like every dominant group for a very long time they do not believe they could be replaced and they make/ believe the 'masses" that they are the "only one" doing their Clan or sub-clans interests.They have reverted to use the Old methods of the Siad Barre regime that only loyalty to them is what is needed from the Bureaucracy and the Security services to be promoted and enrich themselves. By bringing a New Constitution is what the world is believing will change things in Somalia.They are totally mistaken and this Regime of Warlords-drug barons,Puppet leaders and Al-Ittixad business Cartels is not worried at all about this" so-called Constitutional order." I will wait after August to see the world came to realize that the fight against Al-shabaab is the easiest part of the "liberation of Somalia" and the hard part is this anti-democratic forces which are themselves allied to Salafist/Jihadsit.Wait and see.

On Somalia: How to steal Somali National resources like OIL &G...

On Somalia: How to steal Somali National resources like OIL &G...: Somalis do not know but their elites know it.Dubai is where almost all   the money stolen by Somali "puppet ;leaders and all-Ittixad busine...

How to steal Somali National resources like OIL &GAS.

Somalis do not know but their elites know it.Dubai is where almost all   the money stolen by Somali "puppet ;leaders and all-Ittixad business cartels money  is stashed and laundered.This week it hosted a so- called meeting between the President of Somalia and the president of so-called Somali land  where they signed an agreement.Here  is my enlightened opinion..

This so-called agreement is illegal and unconstitutional.There is not in the world any State called Somaliland or any president of it recognized by the Somali Republic.My opinion is what has been cooked in Dubay will not hold for legal reasons and political reasons.The Clans of Somalia cannot have anyone of its own , its so-called beak-away State and the so called president of Somalia Mr. Sharif Ahmed do not have any authority in any legal means to recognize So- called Somaliland. Both Leaders are playing hidden agendas which only Meles has supported all this years but will fail and fail badly.The Meles regime has an hegemonic agenda but more dangerously the Al-Ittixad business Cartels of so-called Somaliland and South-central Somalia namely Mogadishu are in Agreement with the Tigre Regime of Ethiopia. To subdivide Somalia under the Hegemony of Ethiopia and have the All_ittixad Business Cartels groups control the economies of both regions of Somalia.This "puppet leaders" of Somaliland and Mogadishu-TFG do not care about the National interest of Somali Nation-State and its people-citizens as whole.Every group controls its spate of territory and economies , its political apparatus for the benefit of a minority of clans or a Clan.In that way the Ethiopian hegemony is preserved and the All-Ittixad business cartels would control the economies of both territories with their Companies/Cartels based on Clan groups.More to this both Oligarchies of Somaliland and TFG-Mogadishu have their own agendas with China on Oil & Gas and the sub-division is better for them to control this resources in a private way.The other issues is dividing the Somalis you can Rule on them better because every Clan will be suspicious and will defend a new Type of nation-hood based on Clan.My conclusion is every Somali who cares about the Somali nation must oppose this Sinister agenda of the All-ittixad business cartels and the Tigre regime of Ethiopia.Wait and see.

On Somalia: Miscellaneous:China&Russia,British betrayal &Tigre...

On Somalia: Miscellaneous:China&Russia,British betrayal &Tigre...: Lat night I remembered that we have to tell the Ethiopians and the China governments that in the U.N Charter there is the right of self d...

Miscellaneous:China&Russia,British betrayal &Tigre recolonization.

Lat night I remembered that we have to tell the Ethiopians and the China governments that in the U.N Charter there is the right of self determination of people but NOT for CLANS like in Somalia.Those governments I mentioned above I suspect they are supporting that kind of dreamlike project which do not have any legal basis.State-Nations are based on the concept of the self-determination of its people to have their own Nation and self Rule for their own people.In Somalia we are of the same people-Somalis,same language-Somali ,same culture-Somali and same Religion-Islam.There fore I do not see how we can use the right of self determination unless there is a new school of thought started By Meles based on the concept of self-determination for Somali Clans.This Idea of every Somali Clan having its own so-called State is a Project of the Tigre Regime of Ethiopia in which Somalis see other Somali Clans as their first enemies and the Ethiopians as their primary friends-brothers.This animosity and hatred is made between Clans and regions of Somalia for the simple reasons of having Somalia sub-divided in Mini-clan-enclaves and use their national resources of OIL and Gas to dominate them. Such states like China,Iran,Russia and France are part of the project being allied to the Regime of  Meles.Unfortunately my Somali brothers are focused only in this internal wars and in the subdivision of their Motherland.Wait and see.

By Law there are not" two" presidents t in Somalia but just one.The British government by encouraging and sponsoring such kind of baseless Statements by " Somali Puppet" Leaders in Mogadishu and Hargeysa are infringing on the Basic rights of the Somali people-citizens to choose their destiny and have their own nation-State.No Law have till now emended the Act of Union of 1961 and no Referendum has been nae to ask l all Somali people if they like their Beloved Country dismembered and made small entities controlled by the Tigre Regime of Ethiopia..The Ethiopian regime have planned and executed the sub-division of Somalia in Clan enclaves so- called break -away Republics from early 1992. That is the reason of the existence of the so-called State of Somali land. Those inept and corrupt " puppet leaders " in Mogadishu which are not also legitimate do not have the Right to recognize or meet any so-called president of so-called Somali land. The Somali People-citizens must be consulted even in this period and not any action can be taken in this "transitional period" which would jeopardize The Unity, territorial integrity and Sovereignty of the Somali Republic.Even if Mr. Silanyo has signed last year a Memorandum of Understanding with the Chinese Government on the Oil reserves of the Nugaal Region Valley , Awdal Region .But those " puppet Leaders of Mogadishu do not have any rights to accept and appease those criminal Agendas which uses Oil as a means to sub-divide Somalia.Wait and see.

The Tigre regime have now shown the naked truth about their stay in Somalia.They will stay " in other words how they like and where they like".Period.This also shows the weakness of the Western powers which are paying for Amisom army which is also in Somalia and how the East African governments and African Union are power less when it came to the Hegemony of Ethiopia..The Somali Clan- communities do not like The Ethiopians army or its hegemonic policies but are made hostage to them by " puppet leaders" which some are afraid their time in power is coming to the end.Therefore the Tigre army must be there to propel its hegemonic project about Somalia.When there is not any Ethiopian Army even Al-Shabaab looses the "catalyst "factor which is the Ethiopians army.Waitb and see.

On Somalia: Finally the U.S Flexes its Muscles for the Somali ...

On Somalia: Finally the U.S Flexes its Muscles for the Somali ...: Last week the Government of the United states has finally came out of the sit in the sidelines of Somali issues and they have shown they ...

Finally the U.S Flexes its Muscles for the Somali Poeple-Citizens.

Last week the Government of the United states has finally came out of the sit in the sidelines of Somali issues and they have shown they are the only power which can have a "big" stick for  the solution of the Somali long-time  nightmare.
The Istanbul resolutions have reiterated the long held international stand that the Somali sovereignty ,territorial integrity and Unity are inviolable( therefore putting for the time being things in clear perspective) but has not made any declaration on how to end the long Rule of the Somali "puppet leaders" and bring to conclusion the fight against Al-Shabaab.The three things the U.S have done in the last week are some how Historical: a) going to Mogadishu,b) Putting the Al-shabaab terror group leadership in reward scheme for whoever gets information on them, c) Telling the warlord-drug-barons and" puppet Leaders' that if they obstruct the Somali "Regime change"of August 2012  they will have their accounts frozen as a reward. Anyway the money owned by this warlords-drug-barons and Somali "puppet leaders" is stolen ,ill-gotten wealth from the Somali state and people.

Lets start with the visit.By going to Mogadishu Mr.Carson the U.S "boss" for Africa has shown the  world the geopolitical interest of the U.S for Somalia and how they are serious, committed  on Somali issues.Miss Frazier has visited Mr. Abdullahi Yusuf the president of Somalia  at that time in 2006-2007 time in Baidowa(Central  -west regions) but nobody came to Mogadishu all this years except a black-American senator some years ago. Its true that the U.S was the biggest donor in the Somali scene in relief / humanitarian aid plus paying for the African contingent Amisom  but that was not enough when the  Somali Political Agenda was set in a quasi-colonial mode by the regional powers specially the Ethiopian regime of Meles Zenawi.
By going to Mogadishu directly and stating their  aim to the Somali-people citizens the U.S can bring hope to  Somalia.Secondly by putting money on the head of the most powerful leaders of the terror group Al-shabaab  the U.S have shown that they are the only country which have the "Big stick" and can assist in concrete ways the demise and defeat of  this Jihadist  groups. But we must be careful  in thinking the Salafist/Jihadist Al-Shabaab  are the only group which are anti-democratic and against the Rule of law and participatory democracy.There are also the All-Ittixad business cartels,Warlords-drug-barons and the Puppet leaders  who have been allied to Al-Shabaaab for a very long time and still control the economy and the Political scene.
The other big change in U.S politics is going out clearly against the spoilers which we all know are the warlords-drug-barons and the "puppet leaders " who have been installed by the Ethiopian regime of Meles .By stating clearly  that if this groups obstruct the Somali political process geared toward a New Constitution and a "'Regime change" their Banks accounts will be frozen it was a Big Knock Out for those groups. This criminal groups "purporting" to be politicians and administrators of Somalia have amassed  a vast amounts of Money( together with the Al-ttixad business cartels my estimate is about between 4- to 6 billions U.S Dollars) which is deposited in countries where the Rule of Law protects them and they are in the same time having Hostage the Somali people-citizens rights to have rule of law and Democracy in Somalia.
I believe by having International accountability for this criminal gangs is the only way the Somali people can be saved from the continuous Failed State status and they can choose the regime and individuals they would like to ruled upon.Some steps have been taken forward but we can never think the game is over or we are half  the road  but this maybe is the first big  salvos in the long struggle to have Somali people-citizens  rights restored and the Re-establishment of a viable Somali Republic State.Wait and see.


#Somalia: WHY Dr abiy AHMED WENT TO MOGADISHU? FOR OIL & GAS... : INTRODUCTION:            On 16 June MR. Abiy  Ahmed PM of Ethiopia ...