For at least the last three years i am writing on Somali issues but till
now I cannot find the reasons the International Community and countries
like the U.K government which used to colonize parts of the Somali
Republic could not came up with a viable policy originating from Somalis
of all political shades on Somalia. To give just one example in
Somalia and in the Diaspora there are the left( yes
the Left and some of the them are based in London like the
newspaper.)) the right wingers( those who preach only sub-clan based
policies and are best friend of Meles). ,The Nationalist, The Islamist who accept Rule of Law and
participatory democracy, and the Jihadist( who are sub-divided in two groups like the All_ittixad Business Cartels and the Al-Shaabab group). But unfortunately the West
and the U.S have always followed blindly the policies of the Tigre
Regime of Ethiopia for the last twenty years. To make short my brief the
last conference in London of February was a total failure as is the The
Mahiga Plan nicknamed the Road map,the Kampala Accord and lately the
GaroweI &II and Galkayo agreement between the so-called presidents of
Somalia.All this political “game plans” are founded on the “basic” ‘game
plan” of Meles of Ethiopia to have Somalia Sub-divided in Clan- and
sub-clan Mini enclaves which at the end will be a Confederation( with sub-divided Sovereignty) in one Supra- State, which have the territory of the Somali Republic,
controlled by the Ethiopians.In the meantime the economies of this mini
States are controlled by All-ittixad business Cartels who already own
all big corporations and have the biggest share of the economy like 80%
percent( including the education sector,Health sector,agriculture sector, Real Estate and constructions,Hotels,Trade,Telecommunication ,Banking, Energy like electricity and now Oil and Gas ).You cannot talk of human rights when the So-called mini-states
are there to subvert the basic rights of the people citizens by
superimposing on them an Agenda which works for their enemy. The
Ethiopians would like to-have in-Somalia a mini-failed States and the
Al-shabaab the terror group ever present in Somalia.Already they have
sent Mr. Silanyo to China and Mr.Sherif Hassan the Speaker of TFG to
Iran.. There have been a political strategic convergence between All-ittixad Business Cartels and the Tigre regime of Ethiopia on the issue of Oil and Gas which Somalia has great underground reserves onshore and Offshore. By seeking this new alliances with Iran and the China the puppet
Elites of Somalia are running away from the West and looking for
friendship and alliances to States which will not ask or even talk about
Human Rights and an accountable and transparent Somali Republic . Also in this way those American,British Companies which in 1989 for the last time have renewed their Oil concessions with the Siad barre regime will be defrauded of their rights with this new Mini-States acquired new Sovereignty. I
think that Somali problems must be resolved by Somalis and not so-called
presidents of so-called regional states which are uttering all the time
the Agenda of foreign countries.Somalis do not like the terror group
Al-Shabaab but they need an "Alternative" which does not include the
Ethiopians and IGAD.The Alternative is a “Transitional government made
of technocrats ” from all Shades of political spectrum with the
introduction of Chapter VII of the United nations Charter.The armies
could be IGAD with out the front-line States plus Muslim countries,and
other third world states.Their Mandate could be for Three years for
ending the terror menace and do nation Building-Institution Building
where Somalis are at the fore front.Things will not be easy but if the
current plans succeed let me tell you things will get worse and will be
a consolidation of power of this anti-democratic groups.The All-ittixad
business Cartels and Ethiopians will be the kingmaker of Somali
politics for years to came and the Somali people citizens of The Somali
Republic will never get their rights as citizens.Wait and see.
Why Somali Republic is a "Perpetual Failed State" for the last 30 years?In this blog I try to answer to that question and in particular of the failure of Somali politics.How Clan Elites have been used by Regional powers and the Somali Salafist Movement and the end game plan to make Somali Republic Clan Enclaves.Who controls Somali economy and political control of Clans in Clan Enclaves.
" Regime Change or "Business as Usual" for Somalia?
Somali Politics
Somali Politics.
On Somalia: "Why in Mogadishu there is Total Upheaval?"
On Somalia: "Why in Mogadishu there is Total Upheaval?": Last Saturday I went to a meeting in which a friend and relative of mine was opening a Forum for Somali Intellectuals and business people a...
"Why in Mogadishu there is Total Upheaval?"
Last Saturday I went to a meeting in which a friend and relative of mine was opening a Forum for Somali Intellectuals and business people at Laico Regency in Nairobi..I would not like to be nepotistic about this but that has given me the opportunity for me the see and listen to the most seasoned Somali Politician of this days.Actually is Mr. Ali Khalif Galeir a Professor at an American University in Minnesota. Mr. Galeir spoke about what we need today in Somalia and how things will get worse if there is not a Total Regime Change in the Somali Republic .He used the words of Tsunami and earthquake as the type of " change" we need in Somalia. In other words he spoke about of what I call "Gang of six" but added their Master team-leader Mr.Mahiga.and how their are planning to consolidate power for the Groups in Power.He spoke about the Igad Armada now in Somalia which controls the Somali territory and nobody knows when they will live.I add that also they have at Ransom the Somali sovereignty and territorial integrity..
He spoke also about the upcoming new Transitional Constitution and the "new game plan of the Gang of Six".He totally rejected everything on the pipeline by this "corrupt and rapacious" clique allied to the All-Ittixad business Cartels and the New colonizers of East Africa the Tigre Regime of Ethiopia
If you look at the so-called Somali media this days you will get that there is a so-called upheaval in the political circles of Mogadishu.The Warlords-Drug-Barons,the Islamist Warlords,petty Ruling elites are all rebelling against the new order. I mean people which were allied and linked to the All-Ittixad business Cartels and the Tigre regime are starting to talk and look like they were in the opposition. They started Using the most Foolish and criminal language like " our Clan or Sub-Clan will use never accept this and that". In reality this groups have never reperesented anybody except in the Media which is used by the ruling elites to communicate its criminal agendas camouflaged as National and sub-clan interests.In few words everybody is afraid and anxious of the "Change" to came and is trying to react to manipulate and make it for the interest of the Ruling Cliques. The Ruling elites allied to Ethiopia and All-Ittixad business Cartels will never relinquish power easily which they were controlling for the Last twenty years.Furthermore they dread the Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter to be used to make real" Change" in Somalia.This Elites has become so rich they can buy everybody linked, working on Somali issues to the tune of Millions of Dollars including the Armada of IGAD in Somalia. Mr. Mahiga is just doing their bidding..The Somali -people citizens have been exploited and sub-divided in Clans and Sub-clans and the international community has been deceived and defrauded of millions of shillings all this years.Who controls the economy controls the Nation-State.. As in America the Industrial-Military groups which controls the political systems in Somalia the All-ittixad business Cartels control the economy of Somaliland, Punntland and the the South-Central including Mogadishu which is the center of this groups.
If the International community is serious about Somalia we need " a new transitional government of Technocrats" made of vetted and honest Somalis with the introduction of the Chapter VII of the United Nations Chapter in Somalia including by making blue helmets the so- called Armada of Igad.But most importantly the Tigre regime of Ethiopia must be kicked out of Somali affairs at all..Wait and see.
He spoke also about the upcoming new Transitional Constitution and the "new game plan of the Gang of Six".He totally rejected everything on the pipeline by this "corrupt and rapacious" clique allied to the All-Ittixad business Cartels and the New colonizers of East Africa the Tigre Regime of Ethiopia
If you look at the so-called Somali media this days you will get that there is a so-called upheaval in the political circles of Mogadishu.The Warlords-Drug-Barons,the Islamist Warlords,petty Ruling elites are all rebelling against the new order. I mean people which were allied and linked to the All-Ittixad business Cartels and the Tigre regime are starting to talk and look like they were in the opposition. They started Using the most Foolish and criminal language like " our Clan or Sub-Clan will use never accept this and that". In reality this groups have never reperesented anybody except in the Media which is used by the ruling elites to communicate its criminal agendas camouflaged as National and sub-clan interests.In few words everybody is afraid and anxious of the "Change" to came and is trying to react to manipulate and make it for the interest of the Ruling Cliques. The Ruling elites allied to Ethiopia and All-Ittixad business Cartels will never relinquish power easily which they were controlling for the Last twenty years.Furthermore they dread the Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter to be used to make real" Change" in Somalia.This Elites has become so rich they can buy everybody linked, working on Somali issues to the tune of Millions of Dollars including the Armada of IGAD in Somalia. Mr. Mahiga is just doing their bidding..The Somali -people citizens have been exploited and sub-divided in Clans and Sub-clans and the international community has been deceived and defrauded of millions of shillings all this years.Who controls the economy controls the Nation-State.. As in America the Industrial-Military groups which controls the political systems in Somalia the All-ittixad business Cartels control the economy of Somaliland, Punntland and the the South-Central including Mogadishu which is the center of this groups.
If the International community is serious about Somalia we need " a new transitional government of Technocrats" made of vetted and honest Somalis with the introduction of the Chapter VII of the United Nations Chapter in Somalia including by making blue helmets the so- called Armada of Igad.But most importantly the Tigre regime of Ethiopia must be kicked out of Somali affairs at all..Wait and see.
Somali Politics
Somali Politics.
On Somalia: The battle for Oil in Khatuma State,Somaliland,Pun...
On Somalia: The battle for Oil in Khatuma State,Somaliland,Pun...: In these last week there has been a great controversy between the ruling clique or so-called elites of the Somali Republic which have...
The battle for Oil in Khatuma State,Somaliland,Puntland and the TFG in Mogadishu.
these last week there has been a great controversy between the ruling
clique or so-called elites of the Somali Republic which have been
sub-divided for hegemonic reasons by thee Tigre Regime of Ethiopia in
Clan-based enclaves called Somaliland , Puntland and the so-called
Transitional Government( TFG) which controls small parts of the South
thanks to Amisom but is the depository of Somali Sovereignty.The London
Conference of Feb 23 has had as a resolution that the TFG starts
discussion/dialogue with the rebel self proclaimed State of Somaliland
and resolve the long standing issue of the sub-division of
Somalia.Unfortunately this good premise has opened a can of worms in the
way that Somaliland has already had a plan for their future agreed
upon by Meles of Ethiopia and Silanyo of Somaliland. Last year a long
time before the Conference Mr.Silanyo of Somaliland flew to Hong Kong
of China and have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Chinese
Government on behalf of the people of Somaliland. The memo was about
the concessions of exploration rights of Oil and Gas in the
territories of Somaliland including the Nugal Valley ,area of Buhodle
which are part of the Khatuma State and other regions of Awdal and will
permit to have pipelines over their territories from the Somali region
of Ethiopia in which Oil and Gas will be exported to China by Chinese
companies. In exchange the so-called Somaliland administration will get
recognition as a Sovereign State.In the mean time the so- called clique
ruling Puntland has came to know that by accepting the Ethiopian
hegemony over political matters and the control of the entire economy by
All-ittixad Business Cartels they can carve and exploit the
people-citizens of Puntland.There fore like Somaliland these elites
called in Oil companies and in contravention of the Somali Transitional
Charter started drilling for Oil in the Dharoor Valley and planned to
drill later the Nugal Valley which is also claimed as their own by the
Khatuma State.In few words the Administrations of Somaliland and
Puntland are planning for the sub-division of Somalia in break-away
Republics using Oil and gas as a means to teach that end but with the
blessing of the regime of Ethiopia.The game plans has been for at least
from 2009 been hatched together by the Tigre regime of Ethiopia and
All-Ittixad business Cartels of all over Somalia and the representatives
of the All-Ittixad in Mogadishu are the President and the Speaker.The
aim is to call in China,France and Iran which never question the state
policies and the exploitation of the Somali people citizens.The
All-Ittixad business Catels will have total control of the exploration
and selling of the Oil and Gas through so called private companies
owned by citizens of those regions but allied to the business cartels
just like we are already seeing in Puntland with the company called
Horn Petroleum and already been started in Somaliland. The Ethiopians
will get control of the political spheres in Somaliland and Puntland as
their are already doing. In that way the Tigre regime will get his
share of Somali resources as Kick backs from Oil revenues and the
All-ittixad business cartels will fund their own Jihadist agendas in a
subtle way as they were doing all this years.
But unfortunately for this "game plan " there have some additions in the political spheres. First the Clan communities of Buhodle,Las-Anood had a meeting last year and proclaimed themselves a region state called Khatuma which is part and parcel of the Somali Republic with no allegiance to the so-called regimes of Somaliland and Puntland and believes in the territorial integrity and Unity of Somalia in a federal state.
The main source of the petroleum reserves which Mr. Silanyo and Mr. Farole wont to appropriate for their Sub-clans is situated in the Khatuma state regions and that way the plans of those Somaliland and Puntland go up in smoke.What have done the London conference by calling the Somalis to have a meeting to solve their problems is to open a "Pandora box" in which different sub-Clans allied to Ethiopia and the All-ittixad business Cartels calling themselves regional states would like to sell to China,France and Iran and other powers the rights of the citizens of the Somali republic and in the same time sub-divide the Republic in mini break-away Republics.
To cover up all misdeeds now the regime of Somaliland and Puntland would like to sub-divide the Khatuma State area and make things "business as usual" but the people citizens of Somalia and the sub- clans of Khatuma state are against this criminal agendas .Wait and see.
is another cartoon of the great Amin camir showing The Emperor Meles
with his Pro console children of all the Somali republic.Pro console
Silanyo,Pro console Faroole, Pro console,Ahlu-sunna, Pro console
Galmudug,Pro console Shek Sharif. This is the reality of things in
Somalia: all so-called regional states are a product of the "heinous"
policies of TheTigre Regime of Ethiopia..Also all of them are "puppet
leaders"installed by the Emperor Meles at different times. Wait and see.

But unfortunately for this "game plan " there have some additions in the political spheres. First the Clan communities of Buhodle,Las-Anood had a meeting last year and proclaimed themselves a region state called Khatuma which is part and parcel of the Somali Republic with no allegiance to the so-called regimes of Somaliland and Puntland and believes in the territorial integrity and Unity of Somalia in a federal state.
The main source of the petroleum reserves which Mr. Silanyo and Mr. Farole wont to appropriate for their Sub-clans is situated in the Khatuma state regions and that way the plans of those Somaliland and Puntland go up in smoke.What have done the London conference by calling the Somalis to have a meeting to solve their problems is to open a "Pandora box" in which different sub-Clans allied to Ethiopia and the All-ittixad business Cartels calling themselves regional states would like to sell to China,France and Iran and other powers the rights of the citizens of the Somali republic and in the same time sub-divide the Republic in mini break-away Republics.
To cover up all misdeeds now the regime of Somaliland and Puntland would like to sub-divide the Khatuma State area and make things "business as usual" but the people citizens of Somalia and the sub- clans of Khatuma state are against this criminal agendas .Wait and see.
Somali Politics
Somali politics
On Somalia: The battle for Oil in Khatuma,Somaliland,Puntland,...
On Somalia: The battle for Oil in Khatuma,Somaliland,Puntland,...: In these last week there has been a great controversy between the ruling clique or so-called elites of the Somali Republic which have ...
On Somalia: The battle for Oil in Khatuma,Somaliland,Puntland,...
On Somalia: The battle for Oil in Khatuma,Somaliland,Puntland,...: In these last week there has been a great controversy between the ruling clique or so-called elites of the Somali Republic which have ...
#Somalia: WHY Dr abiy AHMED WENT TO MOGADISHU? FOR OIL & GAS... : INTRODUCTION: On 16 June MR. Abiy Ahmed PM of Ethiopia ...
The Somalis have been subdivided for a very long time let's say from the 80" in clans- communities which are fighting each other f...
In these last week there has been a great controversy between the ruling clique or so-called elites of the Somali Republic which have ...
The New POLITICAL MAP of the SOMALI Speaking People(s) of the HORN of AFRICA Part 1.Wait and see. Above you can see t...
INTRODUCTION: On 16 June MR. Abiy Ahmed PM of Ethiopia went to visit Mogadishu as part of his new political offensive ...
INTRODUCTION: In this post I will try to explain from the point of view of- a Somali from Somali Republic- if it can ...
In these days-from 23-06-2014- is raging in the airwaves-Somali radio FM and the BBCSomali and VOASomali- the latest controversy...
This is comment/analysis I prepared after I have read in the internet the last UN Monitoring Group on SOMALIA and partially printed in m...
My Hope is UNSOM,International Community will not follow blindly the wrong policies,strategies of IGAD-AMISOM-...
Mr. Bryden is one of those intellectuals who obfuscated Somali issues for a very long time and are without knowing maybe implementing t...
T his new post is the continuation of my last article entitled " WHO Runs he Show in Somalia?.The Salafist movement......"? Here ...