Why Somali Republic is a "Perpetual Failed State" for the last 30 years?In this blog I try to answer to that question and in particular of the failure of Somali politics.How Clan Elites have been used by Regional powers and the Somali Salafist Movement and the end game plan to make Somali Republic Clan Enclaves.Who controls Somali economy and political control of Clans in Clan Enclaves.
" Brinkmanship between Somali Puppet Leaders and their Master Meles?"
As you all know from the middle of December a group of Parliamentarians were trying to sack the Speaker of the TFG Parliament the notorious Sharif Hassan. Yesterday in one of the new twists of this dramatic saga the Parliamentarians succeeded to elect a new Speaker in a controversial manner but within the "culture of impunity" usual in Mogadishu. All the news in Somali language were saying the Breaking news last night except the BBC Somali language which was silent on the biggest news. But still there is a new turn the So-Called president cxalled the so-called a meeting of the National Security committee and in a breach of his authority said that what the parliamentarians have done illegal and the notorious Speaker is the legitimate one.In onother country would have looked like a gridlock or the Supreme court would have told anybody what are his authority and his constitutional Role. Here in Somalia things work differently.Why? The main reason being the Parliamentarians and the President,the Speaker are all "puppet Leaders" appointed by the Tigre regime of Meles.If you wont to know the history please go to read my comments on my Blog wardigley.blogspt.com.As I said before there is a new game plan by Emperor Meles to replace the Speaker and quite strangely the so-called president and Speaker are refusing to back dawn easily. I suspect that the two gentlemen have sniffed mischief in their Patron Meles agenda and if one is replaced the other one will follow. This is almost a brinkmanship never seen in Mogadishu why usually Meles gives orders and everybody follows.My humble opinion which is not complete because still the battle is raging furiously in Mogadishu there is "a new strategy"by the so-called president and Speaker in their dealings with their Master Meles.or the men are afraid for their own safety and political future after August 2012.Within the next few days all will crumble or as usual will be a "compromise" between this ruling Puppet leaders and their Master.Wait and see.
Gudiga Amniga Qaranka oo go’aan deg deg ka soo saaray waxyaabihii ka dhacay Xarunta Golaha Shacabka.
(Muqdisho, January 04, 2012) Kulankii caadiga ahaa ee ay maanta isugu yimaadeen Gudiga Amniga Qaranka oo looga hadlay xaaladda amni ee dalku ku sugan yahay iyo qalalaasaha siyaasaddeed ee ka aloosan Golaha Baarlamaanka, uuna shir gudoominayay Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya Mudane Shariif Sh...
Somali Politics
Somali politics
On Somalia: "Why the puppet Leaders of Mogadishu would by-pass...
On Somalia: "Why the puppet Leaders of Mogadishu would by-pass...: This is what he said the PM of Somalia Mr. Abdiweli:" after next June Somalia will not be a transitional government".My question is ...
"Why the puppet Leaders of Mogadishu would by-pass all Rules to sell Somali national resources"
is what he said the PM of Somalia Mr. Abdiweli:" after next June
Somalia will not be a transitional government".My question is where is
in the world a government which does not rule the country entirely
,Failed ,corrupt and not have been elected by its people can call itself
Legitimate? Even in Puntalnd the people citizens cannot use the ballot
box to elected their local leaders.They do by
co-opting MPs on Clan basis which elect the so called leader.That is
what they will do in Mogadishu: by co-opting so-called MPs from Clans
and chosen by the "puppet leaders" with the supervision of the regime
of Meles and this MPs elect the president and other leaders.But this is
not a legitimate and democratic ways by which the people-citizens have
elected through the ballot in free and fair elections their leaders.
The Plan of the Somali "puppet leaders" is to by- pass all democratic
norms and by calling themselves legitimate and not any more a
"transitional government" start exploiting the Somali national
resources by selling this resources in corrupt deals to Foreign
countries.Wait and see
Wasaaraha XKMG Soomaaliya oo sheegay in bisha Juun ee sannadkan la
dooranayo baarlamaan cusub Arbaco, Jannaayo 04, 2012 (HOL) − Ra'iisul
wasaaraha xukuumadda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya, C/weli Maxamed Cali ayaa
sheegay in bisha Juun ee sannadkan 2012 lasoo dooranayo baarlamaan cusub
oo soo doorta dowlad joogto ah...See More
Somali Politics
Somali politics
On Somalia: "How tobe so-called President,open a political par...
On Somalia: "How tobe so-called President,open a political par...: The former District commissioner of beledweyne says he does not recognize the so-called administration made by the Ethiopian army in ...
"How tobe so-called President,open a political party in Somalia".
former District commissioner of beledweyne says he does not recognize
the so-called administration made by the Ethiopian army in
Beledweyne.Mr. Abdilatifh the self-proclaimed president of Hiran River
state has been financed in the past by Ghaddafi. Visited Tripoli with a
delegation made of him, Mr. Morgan and the son of Siad barre Maslah
almost 9 months ago and they have been financed by Gadafhi
regime to the tune of 10 million dollars of that time.Mr. Abdilatifh
went to Addis Abeba after that visit and gave part of that money to the
Tigre Regime in exchange of the so-called presidency of River State
.The other guys started a so-called political party called the
Democratic Party .Everybody in Eastleigh which is "politically
connected" can tell you about this macabre story which 'explains" the
corruption,war- lord-ism and how the Tigre regime sees Somalia and its
people-citizen.Wait and see.
Aadan Garaaso “Dadka reer Hiiraan gudaha iyo dibada ma garanayaan wax la yiraah Maamul Shabelle” | J
hore Magaalada Beledweyn Aadan Cabdi Ciise (Garaaso) oo ka mid ah
Saraakiisha Ahlusuna ayaa ku eedeeyay Maamulka la magac baxay Dooxada
Shabelle inay falal amni daro ka wadaan Magaalada, isagoo tilmaamay in
aanay jirin cid garaneysa ama ku kalsoon yihiin dadka reer Hiiraan
gudaha iyo di...
Somali Politics
Somali politics
On Somalia: The warlords-Drug-barons,All-ittixad Bussines cartels"gamePlan"Part !!.
On Somalia: The warlords-Drug-barons,All-ittixad Bussines cart...
On Somalia: The warlords-Drug-barons,All-ittixad Bussines cart...: Yesterday the so-called President of the TFG in Mogadishu has told Somalis on the speech for the New year that the Impeachment/sacking o...
#Somalia: WHY Dr abiy AHMED WENT TO MOGADISHU? FOR OIL & GAS... : INTRODUCTION: On 16 June MR. Abiy Ahmed PM of Ethiopia ...
The Somalis have been subdivided for a very long time let's say from the 80" in clans- communities which are fighting each other f...
In these last week there has been a great controversy between the ruling clique or so-called elites of the Somali Republic which have ...
The New POLITICAL MAP of the SOMALI Speaking People(s) of the HORN of AFRICA Part 1.Wait and see. Above you can see t...
INTRODUCTION: On 16 June MR. Abiy Ahmed PM of Ethiopia went to visit Mogadishu as part of his new political offensive ...
INTRODUCTION: In this post I will try to explain from the point of view of- a Somali from Somali Republic- if it can ...
In these days-from 23-06-2014- is raging in the airwaves-Somali radio FM and the BBCSomali and VOASomali- the latest controversy...
This is comment/analysis I prepared after I have read in the internet the last UN Monitoring Group on SOMALIA and partially printed in m...
My Hope is UNSOM,International Community will not follow blindly the wrong policies,strategies of IGAD-AMISOM-...
Mr. Bryden is one of those intellectuals who obfuscated Somali issues for a very long time and are without knowing maybe implementing t...
T his new post is the continuation of my last article entitled " WHO Runs he Show in Somalia?.The Salafist movement......"? Here ...