Why Somali Republic is a "Perpetual Failed State" for the last 30 years?In this blog I try to answer to that question and in particular of the failure of Somali politics.How Clan Elites have been used by Regional powers and the Somali Salafist Movement and the end game plan to make Somali Republic Clan Enclaves.Who controls Somali economy and political control of Clans in Clan Enclaves.
Why two different East African Armies are have two command centers in Somalia?
Annexation,Partition or vassal state "objectives" for Somalia
Somali Politics
Somali Politics.
On Somalia: Why in Somalia there is two different command cent...
On Somalia: Why in Somalia there is two different command cent...: I would like to give not only an opinion but facts about the "ongoing Somali conflict" and Why Kenya is wrong on this one. First of All a...
Why in Somalia there is two different command centres of East African Armies?
I would like to give not only an opinion but facts about the "ongoing Somali conflict" and Why Kenya is wrong on this one. First of All as Kenyan Ministers said "Somali government was re-established in Maghabaati,Kenya in 2003-2004" but the fact is the Kenyan government at that time where neutral and the Ethiopian government was running the Show with “Warlords-Drug-barons" and Former President Abdullahi Yusuf. From let's say the 80" the different governments of Ethiopia had a plan to sub-divide the Somali Republic in Mini-Clan-Enclaves like Somali-Land , Punt land and Bay-Bakol land,Benadir land and the latest Jubbaland( now called Azania) which General Omar Haji and the Ethiopians could not agree in establishing in 1996-1998. There are two questions now: why the Kenyan which has always supported the Unity and territorial Integrity of Somalia has changed its position and has joined the Ethiopian Idea that Somalia must be sub-divided in Mini-Clan enclaves run by clans which are fighting against each other as regional- States? What is the financial/economic motivation behind this new policy? And why Amisom which is fighting Al-Shabaab is finding itself isolated with the TFG when is at its best in the War against Al-Shabaab? Why Ethiopia and Kenya are ganging up against Uganda and Burundi both in the East-African Union? All this are big question and I will start with the new creature called” Azania” the brain-child of Mr.Gandi which is the Old game of the Ethiopians with a new name. Mr. Gandi got finances from the French Oil company Total Inc. which he promised the rights of future Oil explorations in Jubbaland and Gedo and (4) four months ago he declared himself President in a Hotel in Nairobi. But now looks he convinced the Kenya establishment that a “satellite regional government” with him as a President will defend the security of Kenya and will cushion against the terror group Al-Shabaab. The only problems is why not pass through the TFG and Amisom and make a multilateral move? Why not use the good offices of the U.N and African Union? From the latest interviews on the BBC things are getting out of hand and it looks there is regional- geopolitical dispute which is getting dirty with Somali clan- connotation and affiliations. Somalia needs real friends who are Fighting Al-Shabaab within the framework of African Union and United Nations but most of All there is a already a contingent of An African Army sanctioned by the International community and I do not think we need two different command centers of African Armies. I believe The African Union and the U.N must intervene fast in this “war of words” before it got out of hand and the enemies of the Rule of Law in Somalia, democratic-federal - institutions come back to run the Somalia Agenda in East Africa. Wait and see.
On Somalia: Kenya must be wary of any Ethiopian endorsment.Why...
On Somalia: Kenya must be wary of any Ethiopian endorsment.Why...: The truth of the Story is the region does not back Kenya if we are talking about Igad and namely the Meles regime of Ethiopia . In public ...
Kenya must be wary of any Ethiopian endorsment.Why.?
The truth of the Story is the region does not back Kenya if we are talking about Igad and namely the Meles regime of Ethiopia . In public is a total support but privately Meles abhors any involvement by Kenya.The Ethiopians have controlled and directed the Somali politics from as early as the 80" through the " the so- called opposition movements" and later at Mgahabati,Nairobi in 2003-2004 they appointed a regime loyal to them while the Kenyans were watching in their home soil..Do you think the Ethiopians will relinquish so easily a regional hegemony? Do you think the Regime of Warlords and/parliamentarians all allied to the Ethiopians and al-Shabaab will give away power so easily? I do not think so.The Kenyans must work within the East African community/Amisom and start thinking about Nation- building and Institution building for Somalia and not only the Jubbaland or a buffer zone. Kenyans have the capacity and the resources to deploy if the use their historical closeness to Somalia and the vast business network from Somalia all based in Nairobi.More to that the civil/political muscle of Somali Diaspora also based in Nairobi.Another important issue is the war for" hearts and minds of the Somali people/citizens inside Somalia and the Kenyan local Somalis which have close business/community ties with the Somalis in Somalia.Last but not least is the "intricate web of clan/business and political "vested interests"which were all allied to Al-Shabaab which controls Somali economy and are mostly based in Kenya and Dubay. Wait and see.
#Somalia: WHY Dr abiy AHMED WENT TO MOGADISHU? FOR OIL & GAS... : INTRODUCTION: On 16 June MR. Abiy Ahmed PM of Ethiopia ...
The Somalis have been subdivided for a very long time let's say from the 80" in clans- communities which are fighting each other f...
In these last week there has been a great controversy between the ruling clique or so-called elites of the Somali Republic which have ...
The New POLITICAL MAP of the SOMALI Speaking People(s) of the HORN of AFRICA Part 1.Wait and see. Above you can see t...
INTRODUCTION: On 16 June MR. Abiy Ahmed PM of Ethiopia went to visit Mogadishu as part of his new political offensive ...
INTRODUCTION: In this post I will try to explain from the point of view of- a Somali from Somali Republic- if it can ...
In these days-from 23-06-2014- is raging in the airwaves-Somali radio FM and the BBCSomali and VOASomali- the latest controversy...
This is comment/analysis I prepared after I have read in the internet the last UN Monitoring Group on SOMALIA and partially printed in m...
My Hope is UNSOM,International Community will not follow blindly the wrong policies,strategies of IGAD-AMISOM-...
Mr. Bryden is one of those intellectuals who obfuscated Somali issues for a very long time and are without knowing maybe implementing t...
T his new post is the continuation of my last article entitled " WHO Runs he Show in Somalia?.The Salafist movement......"? Here ...