Why Somali Republic is a "Perpetual Failed State" for the last 30 years?In this blog I try to answer to that question and in particular of the failure of Somali politics.How Clan Elites have been used by Regional powers and the Somali Salafist Movement and the end game plan to make Somali Republic Clan Enclaves.Who controls Somali economy and political control of Clans in Clan Enclaves.
#Somalia: Why and Who killed the Heroine Saada Ali Warsame....
#Somalia: Why and Who killed the Heroine Saada Ali Warsamne....: Here is another comment I have written for a friend on Facebook.com after the assassination of the Somali Heroine Saada Ali Warsame.. ...
Why and Who killed the Heroine Saada Ali Warsamne.Wait and see.
Here is another comment I have written for a friend on Facebook.com after the assassination of the Somali Heroine Saada Ali Warsame..
Hi Hodan. Dont ‘get nervous or annoyed by the Somali cultural
weakness which is also called Clan-ism. Everybody in Somalia uses Clans as the
basic ideological point of any discourse. Saada was and will be a national #Heroine and that
annoys the #Salafist groups the #Ethiopians allied puppet #Leaders and what
I call the Organized crimes groups which are those who killed Saada.The last Somali #Heroine was #Hawa Tako
which participated in the #SYL movement
and was part of the uprising /fight
against colonialism and was Killed in
MOGADISHU by the Colonialist . There was a monument for her honor which was
destroyed and obliterated by Warlords -Clans infighting instigated and planned
by ETHIOPIA and the Salafist movement
in Mogadishu in 1991. For all
those who are running the Show in Mogadishu and all over Somalia-so called
regional States- for the time being #Saada was the
number one #Enemy. First she was a #Woman which is
a bad thing when they go in politics for them. Secondly she was fearless and maybe
the pioneer of the "would be Somali #feminist movement"
while respecting our Culture and Religion. Thirdly she has not that Clan streak
mentality with is used to subdivide and re-colonize our Country. She was 100 %#Nationalist. That is another bad thing for the enemies of the SOMALIS. Do not worry
she will be remembered and will be the #Uniting symbol
for all Somalis. Please read my blog the post called:"#OIL and #GAS, mini-Clan-Enclaves and ETHIOPIA-IGAD Hegemony.". Somalis are
manipulated and controlled by non-State actors like the Salafist Movement which
is allied to state Actors like ETHIOPIA, KENYA, SUDAN ect .Things will change
but like every good revolutionary we have to be patient and prepare for the
Coming Future Change. Wait and see.
#Somalia: Endemic Corruption?Somali Republic is base to Org...
#Somalia: Endemic Corruption?Somali Republic is base to Org...: This is comment/analysis I prepared after I have read in the internet the last UN Monitoring Group on SOMALIA and partially printed in m...
Endemic Corruption?Somali Republic is base to Organized Crimes and DRUG- Trafficking groups for at least the last 23 Years.Wait and see.
This is comment/analysis I prepared after I have read in the internet the last UN Monitoring Group on SOMALIA and partially printed in my Facebook page.
This is the last
November-October allegations in which Yusur #Abraar the former governor
of SOMALI Central Bank in which she has resigned( read my blog at the post called "WHY Yusur Abrar resigned from the Central bank" at last November). I BELIEVE THE#CORRUPTION IS NOT ONLY #ENDEMIC BUT PART OF the#Governance #System of #Somalia- including Central government and Clan-Enclaves like
Somaliland, Puntland and Jubba regions.. The
Somali Republic it’s not only base to Salafist Jihadist terror groups like #Alshabaab but also to Salafist Business Cartels( see my Blog the
post called “For the new PM: Lessons from a recent past” and “ Who are the
Business People of SOMALIA”) and Organized crimes who are doing all sorts of
crimes even using SOMALI State
structures –Regional Clan Enclaves and the Central- National government, UN Agencies
and other international organizations for the Import and Export of illegal Drugs
like Heroin, illegal and fake goods/medicines, counterfeit goods, expired food,
electronics, textiles, etc .In other words Somalia is not only
Safe Haven to terror Groups like #AlShabaab and
affiliated #groups but is #Home
and regional base to Salafist Business
cartels and Organized crimes groups connected to #International #crimes groups of #South-EastASIA(
last month the Australian Navy part of the Tsk Force fighting Piracy confiscated and intercepted in the Indian Ocean
two times big quantities of Heroin
directed to SOMALI ports and East AFRICA) and #Europe.#North-America,#Mexico in the #Drug-#Trafficking
and the Import of Counterfeit GOODS and fake medicines , Electronics etc.
Within the big cities inside Somali Republic with Ports this Organized crimes groups
"who also pretend to be Salafist some of them” control most of the TRADE and have in their payroll Chiefs of the Police, Intelligence, Army, of all so-called Clan-ENCLAVES regional administrations and the Central Government..
The goods imported by the Salafist Business cartels/Organized Crimes don’t pay taxes in SOMALIA except small
service in MOGADISHU or small taxes in
Somaliland and Puntland and are mostly
food, Sugar, Textile, Electronics and
other items from all Somali Republic ports-Like Mogadishu, Kismayo, Bosasao, Berbera. The imported Goods are transshipped via land transportation to
ETHIOPIA which is landlocked and North-East
of Kenya and are "funding" for
Clans, Organized crimes.,#SalafistBusiness groups
allied to #ETHIOPIA and #IGAD countries regional Clan-Enclaves administrations within
SOMALIA.. #ETHIOPIA uses this goods
going in their territory as a political/economic weapon to control, manipulate the border/Clans
inside SOMALIA and so- called Clan-Enclaves regional administration and make
this Clans/ groups like the ELITE Puppet Leaders to implement its policies and
AGENDA for the HORN of AFRICA and in particular the SOMALI REPUBLIC( read my Blog the post
called “The new POLITICAL MAP for the SOMALI Speaking Clans-People(s) of the
HORN of AFRICA) .It’s also main funding for the #Salafist #BusinessCartels and
#AlShabaab in all over of the Horn of Africa. If the international
community would like to help SOMALIA they must make a "comprehensive
“approach for all over SOMALIA to tackle this #Systematic Organized
groups who control and manage all the Business activities Illegal and legal
.Also the regional powers like ETHIOPIA must be told that "Business as
usual" by being allied to Organized Crimes/ Salafist Business cartels/
groups to implement their Sinister Agenda to subdivide and re-colonize Somalia cannot go for ever. Wait and see.( Please read
my Blog wardigley.blogspot.com top ten post to know more about his iss
The pseudo-Self-Determination RIGHTS of CLANS( PEOPLE(s))-ENCLAVES engineered by ETHIOPIA-IGAD countries.Wait and see.Part 1. .
In these days-from 23-06-2014- is
raging in the airwaves-Somali radio FM and the BBCSomali and VOASomali- the latest controversy about the so- called agreement
between the self-declared administration of the (3) regions of South-West SOMALIA
and the self-declared administration of the (6) regions of South-West SOMALIA
to be from now one Regional State of the (3) Regions.. The so- called agreement
was arranged” illegally” by the Somali PM MR.Abdiweli Sh.Ahmed who “looks bent
on implementing at all costs” the ETHIOPIA-IGAD Agenda for SOMALI REPUBLIC: the
subdivision of the SOMAL REPUBLIC in CLAN ENCLAVES based on the wrong political
concept of 4.5- subdivisions of all Somali Sub-clans based on BLOOD LINEAGE not
on Territorial Constituency of the inhabitants of the regions. The wrong
concept was introduced at the conferences for the reestablishment of SOMALI
State in Djibouti,,Carta Conference of 2000 and Nairobi,Maghabati Conference of 2004 all organized and promoted by
ETHIOPIA and IGAD countries. In other words was the subdivision of Somali territory
in Regions Based on Clan-Blood Lineage without the political and legal consent
of all SOMALI CLAN Communities representing the SOMALI people. This is the
basis of the so- called Federalism ( I suspect in reality is Confederalism
between "would be" sovereign State Clan-Enclaves) based on the new pseudo-Legal concept of the
self-determination Rights of Somali Clans- (People(s))Enclaves based on Blood Lineage
which have the Right “supposedly” to declare themselves New political,Legal administrations without any grounding
in the Provisional Constitution, other
Laws of Somali Republic except in the so- called Right of the Clan to "determine" their future as they were the people of a "NATION"..This Clans-Communities will have the total control on Lands, Resources like
OIL and GAS, Commerce, Security, all state trappings for States and can have their own relations with foreign
powers mainly IGAD Countries like ETHIOPIA-KENYA,Republic of SUDAN who support them. Actually these so- called regional Clan-Enclaves Somali regional administrations by meeting this Regional Sovereign states are looking for "recognition" as new sovereign States and are encouraged by the IGAD counties and ETHIOPIA in contravention of the UN Security Council and AFRICAN UNION Resolutions on SOMALI REPUBLIC UNITY,Territorial Integrity and Sovereignty. There is not any Law or there has
never been any Referendum in which the
Somali people-Citizens have been asked to subdivide their Republic in new Clan-Enclaves
based on Blood lineage. The best models of this new novel concept is the Constitution of the CLAN-ENCLAVES of SOMALILAND, CLAN Enclave of PUNTLAND regions and the so- called Addis Ababa Agreement for the JUBBA Regions - without any constraint the ETHIOPIANS have introduced the Concept of PEOPLE(S) for CLANS in the Agreement and which unfortunately our "smiling" President Hassan Sceik has signed even it being against the so- called Provisional Constitution. Read my Blog titled " The Addis-Ababa Agreement: the Beginning of a Confederate SOMALIA". There is not any article after or before the enactment of the provisional Constitution from 2012 that Clan -Blood Lineage Communities or any other Somali Clan- communities can make a so-called general meeting in a Regional Town and Declare themselves "POWER UNTO THEMSELVES" using the so-called false concept of making Clans into People(s) and therefore have the "will to be self-determining their destiny". That what is based all this Clan Enclaves Subdivisions: grounded on false legal premises and non-existent pseudo-legal concept.
(To be continued)
(To be continued)
#Somalia: WHY Dr abiy AHMED WENT TO MOGADISHU? FOR OIL & GAS... : INTRODUCTION: On 16 June MR. Abiy Ahmed PM of Ethiopia ...
The Somalis have been subdivided for a very long time let's say from the 80" in clans- communities which are fighting each other f...
In these last week there has been a great controversy between the ruling clique or so-called elites of the Somali Republic which have ...
The New POLITICAL MAP of the SOMALI Speaking People(s) of the HORN of AFRICA Part 1.Wait and see. Above you can see t...
INTRODUCTION: On 16 June MR. Abiy Ahmed PM of Ethiopia went to visit Mogadishu as part of his new political offensive ...
INTRODUCTION: In this post I will try to explain from the point of view of- a Somali from Somali Republic- if it can ...
In these days-from 23-06-2014- is raging in the airwaves-Somali radio FM and the BBCSomali and VOASomali- the latest controversy...
This is comment/analysis I prepared after I have read in the internet the last UN Monitoring Group on SOMALIA and partially printed in m...
My Hope is UNSOM,International Community will not follow blindly the wrong policies,strategies of IGAD-AMISOM-...
Mr. Bryden is one of those intellectuals who obfuscated Somali issues for a very long time and are without knowing maybe implementing t...
T his new post is the continuation of my last article entitled " WHO Runs he Show in Somalia?.The Salafist movement......"? Here ...