#Somalia: The reasons Behind Al-Shabaab attack at "Villa Som...

#Somalia: The reasons Behind Al-Shabaab attack at "Villa Som...:                     On 21/02/2014 was another Dark day for the history of the Somali (Federal) Republic. The terror/Jihadist  Group  #...

The reasons Behind Al-Shabaab attack at "Villa Somalia" the Presidential compound.(Part 1)

                  On 21/02/2014 was another Dark day for the history of the Somali (Federal) Republic. The terror/Jihadist  Group  #Alshabaab  attacked the presidential compound at “Villa Somalia”  with car bombs and nine fighters armed with Guns at  noon Friday when everybody was readying himself  for the Friday prayers and the President himself was supposed to attend the Mosque  at time Prayers at the Palace. The attack came at two of the entrances of the Compound close to the Mosque at the East side of the compound. The first question is “This was an assassination attempt directed to the President”?  While I was writing this article #Alshabaab spokesman said “It was an operation directed to kill the President”. “Or this was a spectacular attack by the Al-Shabaab“ Amniyat”( the Amniyat is the security and intelligence services who is made of the most prepared/trained and trusted of the Alshabab operatives and cadres and had always direct links with the Salafist Business Cartels  and Organized Crimes/Drug cartels who are closely  allied with the Ethiopian Intelligence) to show their capacity and strength”? “Or this was just part of the Alshabaab strategy of continuous destabilization (they don’t have a strong military presence in Mogadishu”?) to tell the Somalis, International community and some of the Salafist Business Cartels they are very powerful and can strike everybody?   I will try to answer to these questions relating them to the last acts by Al-Shabaab in the whole of Somalia linked to this last attack and especially in South- Central. There was Al-Shabaab Attack on the entrance of Mogadishu airport in which a UN convoy was attacked and the UN representative in Somalia of UNHCR escaped unhurt by almost a whisker. It was on 13 February. But innocent Somalis were killed. After that Al-Shabaab told the biggest Telekom company owned by Salafist Business Cartels “Hormud”, which is one of  the richest  and  one of the largest Conglomerates  in Somalia with Hawilad -Banking ,Real Estate, Telecommunication, Trade interests all over Somalia,  to stop all its Internet-Mobile  connections.( everybody uses mobile connections there are not land line connections) which they acquiesced to that criminal order. Then they also attacked and killed people at the main gate and parking of one of  that same Conglomerate  Hotels, the one Called “Al-Jazeera” close to the airport. The third act I would like to mention is the “assassination” of the Chief of Security-Intelligence of the Ras Kamboni group ruling Kismayo Town -Lower Jubba region in south Somalia. I am taking these last acts because these parts of Somalia-Central and South are the most important for Al-Shabaab for their concentration of population density and National resources plus hosting the biggest Salafist Business Cartels Companies, Organized crimes/Drug Cartels groups and being the political and commercial hubs/ heart of the country like Mogadishu. In Kismayo the Capital of the Jubba regions the port supplies the entire southern regions to include neighboring regions-Sovereign States and its high volume of business (including the illegal one of the export of Charcoal to Dubai the U.A.E) is one of the main sources of income for Al-Shabaab. All Somali ports including Mogadishu, Kismayo, Berbera, and Bosaso are commercially controlled by the Salafist Business cartels/Organized crimes/Drug-Cartels who uses them as entry points of illegal goods like the drug Heroin imported from Afghanistan/Pakistan. (Please read my blog “wardigley.blogspot.com” at the post titled “The criminal motives behind the car bombing in Kismayo of Ahmed Madobe…” and “Who are the business people of Somalia”).
        To understand all this acts and how these are interlinked let me make  a brief historical timeline of the President Hassan Presidency  and a description of the main domestic/Regional actors mainly Ethiopia –IGAD countries . What is their main “strategy” at this time after the formation of the last Council of Ministers and President Hassan “Political Agenda  about Somali Unity in a so- called Federal system vis-à-vis the “Ethiopian GRAND-GAME PLAN OF HAVING SOMALIA subdivided in Mini-Clan Enclaves which will be in a Confederation of SOMALI REGIONAL SOVEREIGN States”?.
        President Hassan was elected and inaugurated in September 2012 by a new parliament were the majority was Elite Clan Puppet Politicians -at least 175-who are closely allied to the ETHIOPIAN-Tigre regime and the big wigs/warlords were from the parliament of 2004 made in Mbaghati, Nairobi, Kenya. The parliament is made of 275 members subdivided in Clan communities from all over Somali (federal) Republic. (Please read my blog titled “For the New PM: Lessons from a recent Past”). The President Hassan said in his Manifesto and agenda that he was for a democracy, Rule of law and a country were ISLAM WAS THE RELIGION OF THE STATE as already stated in our constitution but with the promise to fight the JIHADIST Al-Shabaab group. In his first speech he stood for a United Somalia where the Federal system was a devolved system of governance based in regional administrative authorities. All that was well for the oppressed people- citizens of Somalia.  But this has brought him in a “collusion course” with the Elite Clan Puppet Leaders/Regional puppet  leaders who were following the Agenda of ETHIOPIA and IGAD to subdivide the SOMALI REPUBLIC in CLAN ENCLAVES for the last 23 years and were supported in their game plans now even by the #AMISOM forces. This was the real problems  in 2013 presidential governance of Hassan Sheik . He also came in disagreement with his PM Mr. Shirdoon who was more nationalist than his Ministers who were signing agreements against the “Sovereignty”,"Unity" and "Territorial integrity" of the Somali (federal) Republic. Those agreements with Kenya linked with the so- called maritime “dispute” over the Continental Shelf boundaries and the one on the Air Space with a Somali regional administration called Somaliland. All those agreements were disowned by the Council of Ministers but there were also the Addis Ababa agreement on the transitional administration for the Jubba regions and the so- called Kampala Communiqué who were in some parts an "appeasement" to the Tigre regime of Ethiopia and curtailing our Somali National “sovereignty” to have self rule in the internal affairs of the Somali m (Federal) Republic specially in matters of security.
          In few words during the last six /seven months of his Presidency he has chosen a policy of "compromise" with Ethiopia when it came to matters of security in  what I call “ limited military interference by Ethiopia like AMISOM participation ” but still with the Somali sovereignty and  the “direction  in general”   of the Somali national affairs as he thought in the hands of Somalis. Also by reappointing a new PM Mr. Abdiweli  Sheik Ahmed, who has yet to became still his "own Man " and think about his would be legacy in Somali political history( the last Shirdoon was totally disliked by the Ethiopians and the Salafist members of the Ministers of councils ).  Our President Hassan  has always  though that he was infallible as political thinker  and concentrated all powers in  himself , made a new council of Ministers with the PM and made of Salafist Business Cartels representative members to whom  he was linked politically , Elite Clan puppet politicians closely allied to Ethiopia  and a small number of honest politicians. With this kind of ministerial cabinet President Hassan was thinking he will navigate all waters and compromise with all “politically” interested groups in Somali affairs domestically and regionally. He was “absolutely Naïve” because he did not understand the “Real nature of Somali politics” which was totally controlled by “forces outside” the national interest of the Somali “People-citizens”. That Somali politics was controlled by Salafist Business cartels sitting in the back seat  with  Organized crimes and Ethiopia linked  Elite Clan Puppet Leaders at the front seat.The only group who tried to represent the Somali national interests was put in the oppositions-those I call the Clan Nationalist- and he “accepted’ as members of the cabinet those who represented Organized Crimes/Drug cartels as ministers. The security /Intelligence and Defense two portfolios were given to Salafist and “representatives” of the Ethiopian-Iranian interests in Somali politics.
(To be continued)


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