Why Somali Republic is a "Perpetual Failed State" for the last 30 years?In this blog I try to answer to that question and in particular of the failure of Somali politics.How Clan Elites have been used by Regional powers and the Somali Salafist Movement and the end game plan to make Somali Republic Clan Enclaves.Who controls Somali economy and political control of Clans in Clan Enclaves.
#Somalia: It’s SOMALIA Federal Government on the BRINK of IM...
#Somalia: It’s SOMALIA Federal Government on the BRINK of IM...: If we read Somali media in these days it seems all Déjà vu. After 25 Octobert 2014 the day the reshuffle was annonced the us...
It’s SOMALIA Federal Government on the BRINK of IMPLOSION? Part 1.Wait and see.
If we read Somali media in these days
it seems all Déjà vu. After 25 Octobert 2014 the day the reshuffle was annonced the usual infighting between President and PM of the
Somali Federal government started going at full speed with all the recrimination,
accusations on the FM radios and specially the BBcsomali.com and the VoaSomali
.com,Somali websites etc. But to all accounts things are very different from past infighting's although the form is the same. Now the international community looks more united , involved - speaking openly-specially the UN, EU on the issues at stake of the reshuffle and supporting the PM reshuffle , while the Ethiopian government and IGAD countries are siding with the President. The US is silent but every body assuming they are siding with the International community and the UN. Also silent are Turkey and Qatar which I suspect are-mistakenly- siding with the President but U.A.E and Saudi Arabia I do not think they will ever accept a Somalia controlled by ETHIOPIA and a bunch of Salafist Business Cartels allied to Organized crimes. The main issue is the reshuffle of some ministries made by the Somali PM Abdiweli Sheik Ahmed and the one specially on the now "infamous" Minister for Justice and Constitutional Affairs.This Minister Mr. Abdulkadir Farah is of a unique "specimen" in the Somali political kaleidoscope.He is a well know as a so- called Salafist-secretary general of the Salafist party so-called Damu Jadid (New Blood) and in the same time "very Close" ally of the Tigre regime of Ethiopia. This party unofficially is the one who fundraised and collected money from Kuwait foundations ( to whom was working at least for the last 15 years before he became politician and Minister in 2012),Qatar organizations, who where used to finance the Election of President Hassan Sheik in 2012. Also he is the main point man of the sub colonization of the Somali Republic, the subdivision of the country in Clan-Enclaves( he was behind and signed the so- called "Addis-Ababa Agreement" for the Jubba regions which is a total failure and rejected by the Clan- communities of that region ) based on sectarian system and more importantly of the change of our legal system in a subtle way-.read my post " The Rule of Law or Rule of Militant Salafist ". While I was writing this article on Friday 07/ November it came in the news that the a Motion of no-confidence for the PM will be made on November 08 2014. Before I give my take on the main issues of this controversy and infighting let me make a short timeline of past events between PM and Presidents and the usual power struggles and manipulation of ETHIOPIA in the Somali so- called political system.. From 2000 when the IGAD group run and used by ETHIOPIA for the sub
colonization of SOMALIA started being the main architect in the institution Building
of Somali State this infighting was part of the Somali political “system”. It
was mostly engineered by the Tigre Regime of ETHIOPIA and the Somali Local political-economic actors like the Salafist Movement represented by the Salafist Business cartels, their
Close allies the Somali Organized Crimes groups- part of the Business community and Elite politicians- and the Somali Elite Clan puppet
Leaders who usually defend, promote the interest of ETHIOPIA and IGAD countries( to know more read my post called " For the New PM: lessons from a recent past" of December 2013.).
We have witnessed the infighting between President Abdullahi Yusuf and his two
PMs in between 2004-2009. We have also seen the infighting between President Sheik Sharif Ahmed and
his two PMs like Omar Abdirashid Sharmarke and Mohamed Abdullahi “Farmajo”. Every time one prime Minister was
ousted and replaced by another. As the pundits at BBCSomali.com said it was an
average of one PM per year from 2000 till today.President Hassan which everybody
expected to be different –being an academic with a long experience and connections with the West- but looks he is worse or the same
pasta of all the other past Presidents. He is ousting his second PM, the first Shirdoon was ousted when he tried to replace this same Minister Mr. Farah Abdulkadir. Here I am not accusing past and present presidents to be bad or good but everyone was conditioned and pressurized by the local interest groups- mainly the Salafist Business Cartels and the Elite Clan puppet leaders to whom they were linked as Leaders and individual politician. President Abdikassim was an Al-Islah-moderate Islamist group member,former Minister in Siad Barre regime who was disliked by ETHIOPIA by being also a Nationalist who disliked ETHIOPIA and IGAD countries monopoly in Somali National Politics. His PM was a pro- West academic Mr. Ali Khalif Galayr who also disliked the Ethiopian interference and control. .The others who followed were just mere puppet Leaders there for opportunistic reasons.President Abdikassim came there by default.It was the only time the Ethiopians were outsmarted in the making of Puppet Leaders for Somalia.All other conferences and so- called elections were controlled and manipulated by ETHIOPIA-IGAD. At the Carta conference the IGAD group mainly Ethiopia was for the other candidate Mr. Abdullahi Addow in the Presidential race but the conference Clan MPs-delegates elected Abdikassim supported by the Somali Salafist Business Cartels who were financing the conference, facilitated its outcome together with the Djibouti government.The Clans Blood Lineage are all the time used to be the main system to choose the President and PM.After it was the Magbati, Nairobi conference of 2004 in which the Clan based MPs elected Abdullahi Yusuf (2004-2009) a Colonel who was one of the founding members of the Clan based opposition groups the S.S.D.F who later in 2008 will become first President of the second Clan- Enclave administration of Puntland. in 2008. He believed that with military force and the assistance of the Ethiopian-Tigre Armada which will be permitted to invade Somalia, Somalis can be ruled with Iron fist and the Salafist movement- the islamic Courts Union and Al-Shabaab - subdued or eliminated.. But unfortunately his own PM Mr. Prof. Ali Mohamed Gedi who was there thanks to Meles Zenawi regime was against him from day one.Secondly he came to realize that his best friends the Tigre Armada of Ethiopia were there to recolonize Somalia and not to fight Al-Shabaab and the Islamic Courts Union.His second PM has more sympathy to ETHIOPIA Agenda and they did not like each other because he had Presidential ambitions.
The Time of President Sheik Sharif Ahmed.
President abdullahi Yusuf was changed before his time was up.The Tigre regime of ETHIOPIA has its political game plans.They made a political deal in 2009 arranged by the Somali Salafist Business cartels/Organized crimes ( read my post of july 2014"Endemic Corruption? Somali Republic is base to Organized crimes/Drug Trafficking groups from at least last 23 years.") with some members of the now disbanded Islamic Courts Union and some of the so- called members of the Parliament who used to be so- called "rebels" and who were relocated in Asmara.Eritrea. The deal with Ethiopia was made by Sheik Sharif Ahmed -former number 2 of the Islamic courts Union- who will became President in pre- arranged presidential- Clans MPs Election in Djibouti,Djibouti Republic and Mr. Sharif Hassan- best friend of ETHIOPIA and IRAN- who will became the next Speaker of Parliament. This regime will be from 2009- 2012.
(to be continued)
The Time of President Sheik Sharif Ahmed.
President abdullahi Yusuf was changed before his time was up.The Tigre regime of ETHIOPIA has its political game plans.They made a political deal in 2009 arranged by the Somali Salafist Business cartels/Organized crimes ( read my post of july 2014"Endemic Corruption? Somali Republic is base to Organized crimes/Drug Trafficking groups from at least last 23 years.") with some members of the now disbanded Islamic Courts Union and some of the so- called members of the Parliament who used to be so- called "rebels" and who were relocated in Asmara.Eritrea. The deal with Ethiopia was made by Sheik Sharif Ahmed -former number 2 of the Islamic courts Union- who will became President in pre- arranged presidential- Clans MPs Election in Djibouti,Djibouti Republic and Mr. Sharif Hassan- best friend of ETHIOPIA and IRAN- who will became the next Speaker of Parliament. This regime will be from 2009- 2012.
(to be continued)
#SOMALIA: CLAN-ENCLAVES SECTARIANISM: The NEW Political Syst...: T his new post is the continuation of my last article entitled " WHO Runs he Show in Somalia?.The Salafist movement......"? Here ...
CLAN-ENCLAVES SECTARIANISM: The NEW Political System For Somali Federal Republic Part 1.
This new post is the continuation of my last article entitled " WHO Runs he Show in Somalia?.The Salafist movement......"? Here I will go forward and write shortly on other issues like the Baidowa demonstrations and the underling events, the new political thinking of what I call the "Clan Enclaves Sectarianism" Concept which is also the basis of this new Institutions Building.like the "pseudo self-Determination Rights". The Bakara market closure as a protest against new government Taxes by the Salafist Business Cartels( Read my post the Somali Business people)..The new type of so- called legal" "Hybrid" system seen in the Military courts of Puntland, Federal government , Kismayo-Lower Juba- in which The Sura' of the Holy Qura'n and the Penal code are mixed( read my post "Rule of the Law or Rule of Militant Salafist" of February 2013)..The Invasion of the Clan Militia of Somaliland regional State at the inauguration day of Ali Khalif Galeir as President of the New regional state of Khatumo and other like the new Disarmament policy of Somali federal government of disarming the Private militia Warlords.Organized crimes,Drug traffickers and so- called security Companies( which have been stopped for the time being.). . I will give numbers to the "events" as continuations and links to the past events I have taken up::
(4)The important event I would like to mention here is the demonstration in Baidowa- where one person was killed and others injured- against the support of Somali government and UNSOM/IGAD of the new formation of Clan -Enclaves by siding with the group of the three(3) regions While I was writing this article Mr. Nick Kay went to Baidowa and met with the speaker of the Parliament Mr. Jawari to facilitate reconciliation between the two groups and the installment of an administration..( Read my post the " The Pseudo-Self-Determination Rights of Clans-People(s) Enclaves engineered by ETHIOPIA-IGAD countries of July 2014"). Both groups are supported by the Tigre regime of ETHIOPIA and the Bay/Bakol regions have Ethiopian Army as AU/Amisom contingent.One group is led by Mr.Sharif Hassan former speaker of Somali federal parliament- best friend of IRAN-CHINA-ETHIOPIA-who is the political Baron of that Clan Community-Blood Lineage group-of the so-called three (3) regional states.Actually his half brother is the self declared president of that regional state..The other group is led by Mr. Madobe Nunow another former speaker who is allied to ETHIOPIA-IGAD countries.
The main issues here are two how big is the Clan-Enclaves Blood lineage regions and who will be the "Political Baron" of he so-called regional state( only one can be the main Baron) and how to deal with the region which the majority of the inhabitants are not same Clan-Blood Lineage like the Lower Shabelle region.The Plan by ETHIOPIA-IGAD later adopted by Somali government and UNSOM, and so-called international community is to have the regions of Bay,Bakol and Lower Shabelle as one regional state unit called the "South West State". There were controversy within this two groups headed by the two former speakers about the real number of regions -Three or Six regions- which this so- called South West regional state will be made .Looks now they have settled on the Three regions( all planned and manipulated by ETHIOPIA-IGAD countries).There is a conference in this time which is aiming to solve this problems. This Clan Enclaves regional States are all based on two Political Principles-including the existent ones like Puntland, Somaliland, Galmudug- that one Clan Blood Lineage is the main Ruler of the Regional State and the model is a Sectarian type of Clan Power Supremacy which is the other Principle.
( to be continued)
Part 2: Why I Use the Word Clan Enclaves Sectarianism?
I use the word Clan- Enclaves sectarianism which in this Somali regional/ national contest has a big Meaning almost like an ideology to Rule the CLANS and subdivide them by the Somali Elite Puppet Leaders.
First I write about what the Wikipedia Encyclopedia says.: Sectarianism: according to one definition,is Bigotry,Discrimination or Hatred arising from attaching importance to perceived Differences between Subdivision within a Group, such as between different Denominations of a religion,Class,Regional or factions of a Political Movement..
My owns definition of the Clan-Sectarianism has cultural meaning,economic ownership of Land,mineral resources, like OIL and GAS, and all economic activities of that Region State.
My cultural sectarian meaning of a Clan is: a group which sees themselves different from others as history of Clans,Cultural poetry,,Blood lineage-ancestry,pastoral land and the new Territorial land,water wells and an "overwhelming Rights" on the land in which they live which is far different and "superior" from those Rights of the general citizen-people who can came to live,inhabit in the so- called region state.
The "political" meaning of the Clan Enclaves sectarianism is based on the principle " of the would be "Political supremacy" of the main Clan or Sub-clan ,the appropriation of resources ,appointments, in the political spheres of Institutions, security institutions like military,Intelligence and Police of the regional state, sub regions etc".
The socio- economic meaning of "Clan Enclaves Sectarianism" is based on the principle," that our Clan or Sub-Clan has absolute ownership,supreme right on the exploitation,ownership of the local- regional resources, be agricultural land,mineral resources like OIL and GAS,jobs, state and local appointment's, fishing rights etc. . All this so- called rights are based on Clan Blood Lineage Rule of the Clan but none is based on real legal norms. of the Somali Republic.
Which means the Salafist Business Cartels/Organized Crimes groups of that region or sub regions organized as Clans at the village level ,Town, or Clan regional group will Control,Monopolize the resources of that region be it Trade or any other activity like Telecom,Education, Health,Hawilad or money transfer etc.
In other words this "Clan-Enclaves Sectarianism" as a Model to our administrative Institutions of Regions will be codified and implemented as the political Model in all Somali Republic regions by the Elite Clan -Puppet Leaders and the Monopolistic Salafist Business Cartels/Organized Crimes groups.
(4)The important event I would like to mention here is the demonstration in Baidowa- where one person was killed and others injured- against the support of Somali government and UNSOM/IGAD of the new formation of Clan -Enclaves by siding with the group of the three(3) regions While I was writing this article Mr. Nick Kay went to Baidowa and met with the speaker of the Parliament Mr. Jawari to facilitate reconciliation between the two groups and the installment of an administration..( Read my post the " The Pseudo-Self-Determination Rights of Clans-People(s) Enclaves engineered by ETHIOPIA-IGAD countries of July 2014"). Both groups are supported by the Tigre regime of ETHIOPIA and the Bay/Bakol regions have Ethiopian Army as AU/Amisom contingent.One group is led by Mr.Sharif Hassan former speaker of Somali federal parliament- best friend of IRAN-CHINA-ETHIOPIA-who is the political Baron of that Clan Community-Blood Lineage group-of the so-called three (3) regional states.Actually his half brother is the self declared president of that regional state..The other group is led by Mr. Madobe Nunow another former speaker who is allied to ETHIOPIA-IGAD countries.
The main issues here are two how big is the Clan-Enclaves Blood lineage regions and who will be the "Political Baron" of he so-called regional state( only one can be the main Baron) and how to deal with the region which the majority of the inhabitants are not same Clan-Blood Lineage like the Lower Shabelle region.The Plan by ETHIOPIA-IGAD later adopted by Somali government and UNSOM, and so-called international community is to have the regions of Bay,Bakol and Lower Shabelle as one regional state unit called the "South West State". There were controversy within this two groups headed by the two former speakers about the real number of regions -Three or Six regions- which this so- called South West regional state will be made .Looks now they have settled on the Three regions( all planned and manipulated by ETHIOPIA-IGAD countries).There is a conference in this time which is aiming to solve this problems. This Clan Enclaves regional States are all based on two Political Principles-including the existent ones like Puntland, Somaliland, Galmudug- that one Clan Blood Lineage is the main Ruler of the Regional State and the model is a Sectarian type of Clan Power Supremacy which is the other Principle.
( to be continued)
Part 2: Why I Use the Word Clan Enclaves Sectarianism?
I use the word Clan- Enclaves sectarianism which in this Somali regional/ national contest has a big Meaning almost like an ideology to Rule the CLANS and subdivide them by the Somali Elite Puppet Leaders.
First I write about what the Wikipedia Encyclopedia says.: Sectarianism: according to one definition,is Bigotry,Discrimination or Hatred arising from attaching importance to perceived Differences between Subdivision within a Group, such as between different Denominations of a religion,Class,Regional or factions of a Political Movement..
My owns definition of the Clan-Sectarianism has cultural meaning,economic ownership of Land,mineral resources, like OIL and GAS, and all economic activities of that Region State.
My cultural sectarian meaning of a Clan is: a group which sees themselves different from others as history of Clans,Cultural poetry,,Blood lineage-ancestry,pastoral land and the new Territorial land,water wells and an "overwhelming Rights" on the land in which they live which is far different and "superior" from those Rights of the general citizen-people who can came to live,inhabit in the so- called region state.
The "political" meaning of the Clan Enclaves sectarianism is based on the principle " of the would be "Political supremacy" of the main Clan or Sub-clan ,the appropriation of resources ,appointments, in the political spheres of Institutions, security institutions like military,Intelligence and Police of the regional state, sub regions etc".
The socio- economic meaning of "Clan Enclaves Sectarianism" is based on the principle," that our Clan or Sub-Clan has absolute ownership,supreme right on the exploitation,ownership of the local- regional resources, be agricultural land,mineral resources like OIL and GAS,jobs, state and local appointment's, fishing rights etc. . All this so- called rights are based on Clan Blood Lineage Rule of the Clan but none is based on real legal norms. of the Somali Republic.
Which means the Salafist Business Cartels/Organized Crimes groups of that region or sub regions organized as Clans at the village level ,Town, or Clan regional group will Control,Monopolize the resources of that region be it Trade or any other activity like Telecom,Education, Health,Hawilad or money transfer etc.
In other words this "Clan-Enclaves Sectarianism" as a Model to our administrative Institutions of Regions will be codified and implemented as the political Model in all Somali Republic regions by the Elite Clan -Puppet Leaders and the Monopolistic Salafist Business Cartels/Organized Crimes groups.
It already controls the economies and the Political spheres in Mogadishu-Benadir Regions,Puntland State Region, Somaliland State region, and partially in Lower Jubba-Kismayo city port, and Gerdo region.In all this regions everything is organized and based on the Clan concept of Clan Blood Lineage as social structures and Administrative/Political structures. And the Salafist Business Cartels of those Clans in the regions control the economies be it legal or illegal.( read my post called "Endemic Corruption? Somali Republic base to Organized Crimes/Drug Traffickers for at least the last 23 years.")..
This clan Enclaves sectarianism is not even just between the Clans or sub Clans of the regions or sub regions.Some will be rulers and others ruled within those Clans or sub-Clans of the same Blood Clan lineage.Those Clans who stand, who are promoters of the policies of ETHIOPIA-IGAD will be the Rulers and will take the biggest Share in political appointments,military.police, and control of the economy by the Salafist cartels of that same ruling Clans or sub Clans..
In this way the Elite-Clan puppet Leaders will use this strive and subdivision to manipulate,control and subdivide the Somali people-citizens of the Somali Republic for the sub-colonization of the Ethiopia-IGAD countries and the Salafist Movement of Somalia..
#SOMALIA: CLAN-ENCLAVES SECTARIANISM: The New Political Syst...: This new post is the continuation of my last article entitled " WHO Runs he Show in Somalia?.The Salafist movement......"? Here I...
CLAN-ENCLAVES SECTARIANISM: The New Political System for Somali Federal Republic.Part 1.
This new post is the continuation of my last article entitled " WHO Runs he Show in Somalia?.The Salafist movement......"? Here I will go forward and write shortly on other issues like the Baidowa demonstrations and the underling events, the new political thinking of what I call the "Clan Enclaves Sectarianism" Concept which is also the basis of this new Institutions Building.like the "pseudo self-Determination Rights". The Bakara market closure as a protest against new government Taxes by the Salafist Business Cartels( Read my post the Somali Business people)..The new type of so- called legal" "Hybrid" system seen in the Military courts of Puntland, Federal government , Kismayo-Lower Juba- in which The Sura' of the Holy Qura'n and the Penal code are mixed( read my post "Rule of the Law or Rule of Militant Salafist" of February 2013)..The Invasion of the Clan Militia of Somaliland regional State at the inauguration day of Ali Khalif Galeir as President of the New regional state of Khatumo and other like the new Disarmament policy of Somali federal government of disarming the Private militia Warlords.Organized crimes,Drug traffickers and so- called security Companies( which have been stopped for the time being.). . I will give numbers to the "events" as continuations and links to the past events I have taken up::
(4)The important event I would like to mention here is the demonstration in Baidowa- where one person was killed and others injured- against the support of Somali government and UNSOM/IGAD of the new formation of Clan -Enclaves by siding with the group of the three(3) regions While I was writing this article Mr. Nick Kay went to Baidowa and met with the speaker of the Parliament Mr. Jawari to facilitate reconciliation between the two groups and the installment of an administration..( Read my post the " The Pseudo-Self-Determination Rights of Clans-People(s) Enclaves engineered by ETHIOPIA-IGAD countries of July 2014"). Both groups are supported by the Tigre regime of ETHIOPIA and the Bay/Bakol regions have Ethiopian Army as AU/Amisom contingent.One group is led by Mr.Sharif Hassan former speaker of Somali federal parliament- best friend of IRAN-CHINA-ETHIOPIA-who is the political Baron of that Clan Community-Blood Lineage group-of the so-called three (3) regional states.Actually his half brother is the self declared president of that regional state..The other group is led by Mr. Madobe Nunow another former speaker who is allied to ETHIOPIA-IGAD countries.
The main issues here are two how big is the Clan-Enclaves Blood lineage regions and who will be the "Political Baron" of he so-called regional state( only one can be the main Baron) and how to deal with the region which the majority of the inhabitants are not same Clan-Blood Lineage like the Lower Shabelle region.The Plan by ETHIOPIA-IGAD later adopted by Somali government and UNSOM, and so-called international community is to have the regions of Bay,Bakol and Lower Shabelle as one regional state unit called the "South West State". There were controversy within this two groups headed by the two former speakers about the real number of regions -Three or Six regions- which this so- called South West regional state will be made .Looks now they have settled on the Three regions( all planned and manipulated by ETHIOPIA-IGAD countries).There is a conference in this time which is aiming to solve this problems. This Clan Enclaves regional States are all based on two Political Principles-including the existent ones like Puntland, Somaliland, Galmudug- that one Clan Blood Lineage is the main Ruler of the Regional State and the model is a Sectarian type of Clan Power Supremacy which is the other Principle.
( to be continued)
(4)The important event I would like to mention here is the demonstration in Baidowa- where one person was killed and others injured- against the support of Somali government and UNSOM/IGAD of the new formation of Clan -Enclaves by siding with the group of the three(3) regions While I was writing this article Mr. Nick Kay went to Baidowa and met with the speaker of the Parliament Mr. Jawari to facilitate reconciliation between the two groups and the installment of an administration..( Read my post the " The Pseudo-Self-Determination Rights of Clans-People(s) Enclaves engineered by ETHIOPIA-IGAD countries of July 2014"). Both groups are supported by the Tigre regime of ETHIOPIA and the Bay/Bakol regions have Ethiopian Army as AU/Amisom contingent.One group is led by Mr.Sharif Hassan former speaker of Somali federal parliament- best friend of IRAN-CHINA-ETHIOPIA-who is the political Baron of that Clan Community-Blood Lineage group-of the so-called three (3) regional states.Actually his half brother is the self declared president of that regional state..The other group is led by Mr. Madobe Nunow another former speaker who is allied to ETHIOPIA-IGAD countries.
The main issues here are two how big is the Clan-Enclaves Blood lineage regions and who will be the "Political Baron" of he so-called regional state( only one can be the main Baron) and how to deal with the region which the majority of the inhabitants are not same Clan-Blood Lineage like the Lower Shabelle region.The Plan by ETHIOPIA-IGAD later adopted by Somali government and UNSOM, and so-called international community is to have the regions of Bay,Bakol and Lower Shabelle as one regional state unit called the "South West State". There were controversy within this two groups headed by the two former speakers about the real number of regions -Three or Six regions- which this so- called South West regional state will be made .Looks now they have settled on the Three regions( all planned and manipulated by ETHIOPIA-IGAD countries).There is a conference in this time which is aiming to solve this problems. This Clan Enclaves regional States are all based on two Political Principles-including the existent ones like Puntland, Somaliland, Galmudug- that one Clan Blood Lineage is the main Ruler of the Regional State and the model is a Sectarian type of Clan Power Supremacy which is the other Principle.
( to be continued)
#Somalia: Who Runs the Show in SOMALIA?The Salafist Movement...
#Somalia: Who Runs the Show in SOMALIA?The Salafist Movement...: To understand Somali issues we must think in a "controversial way" and "Manipulative way of doing POLITICS" tak...
Who Runs the Show in SOMALIA?The Salafist Movement,Elite Clan Leaders? ETHIOPIA-IGAD? UN or Somali People-Citizens? Part.1Wait and see..
To understand Somali issues we must think in a "controversial way" and "Manipulative way of doing POLITICS" taking into account the Long standing "Power Struggle" between different Somali social-political-economic forces using Somali CLANS and Sub-Clans. Some are allied to ETHIOPIA-IGAD Countries like the "Elite Puppet Leaders" specially with ETHIOPIA and SUDAN and Salafist Business Cartels/Organized crimes/Drug Traffickers ( Read my post "Who are the Business People of Somalia" and. the post called" For the new PM: Lesson from a recent past"). Others are those I call the CLAN Nationalist and Moderate Islamist- who are not in power but supported by the majority of the people-citizens- who accept RULE of Law and democracy.In the Somali political murky system there is also the Role the so- called International Community which although united under the banner of the UN, AFRICAN UNION-IGAD, EUROPEAN UNION-UK , and USA , others like Arab Nations-I mean Saudi Arabia , Qatar,Abu-Dhabi,Egypt - and TURKEY are all still divided on the so- called "SOMALIA CONFLICT Resolution".The countries members of AU/AMISOM Military contingent everyone has its Policy/Agenda toward SOMALIA as a "new colonizing" power except those countries from the West of Africa.
This short introduction will serve to prepare us on understanding the last "Timeline of events" in Somalia specially the last three months ( when I say Somalia it encompasses all regions- from Ras Kamboni to Ras Asser-including Puntland and SOMALILAND regions, Jubba regions etc) and its repercussions on the "ongoing struggle" for SOMALIA and its "resources like OIL and GAS".
(1) Let me start first with the event of the full recognition by the US government of the Somali Federal Government and the consequent visit of President Hassan to USA. With the new "US policy" for Somalia President Hassan met with US Big OIL Companies who are holding the concessional Rights of about 70% of Somali OIL Basins last re-signed in 1989 by the Siad Barre regime.There is the story "making the rounds" that the Somali Minster for OIL and Mineral resources resigned another time those Rights for the US Big Companies. This has great significance for the Sovereignty,Territorial Integrity and Unity of the Somali Federal Republic. The so- called Elite Clan Leaders of Somaliland regions, Puntland regions and even Jubba regions were trying all these years to give new concessional rights for exploration to Chinese,France,Brasil and Italy companies on those old OIL and GAS Basins under the guise of so- called sovereignty of CLAN-ENCLAVES- self declared States- Pseudo Self-Determination Rights.( Read my post OIL and GAS,Mini CLAN ENCLAVES,ETHIOPIA-IGAD HEGEMONY and the post called (" The pseudo Self- Determination Rights of Somali Clan Enclaves" of July 2014).. The US government promised to fully participate in the Institution Building of the Somali Federal State and specially in the rebuilding of the National security services like the Army,Intelligence. and Police. But the most important is the" recognition that Somalia could not be sub-divided in CLAN ENCLAVES based on Sub-Clan Blood Lineage" and . the Sovereignty of Somalia is fully represented by the Somali Federal Republic.My Question is how the US new Policy will be seen by ETHIOPIA and some IGAD countries? They will accept it? What about their local allies the Somali Elite-Clan Puppet Leaders and the Salafist Movement specially the Salafist Business Cartels/Organized crimes groups who control the Economy of all Somalia?
(2) UN Security Council came to Mogadishu in a Historic visit including all 15 members. They met with the Somali Federal Government including the President,PM and his Cabinet, Somali civil society groups and two of the so-called regional Leaders like the Chairman of Jubba regions and Galmudug.region.
The UN Security Council fully endorsed what the Somali government calls the "NEW VISION PLAN" (benchmarks) which together with UN and IGAD is to remake all the Somali regions- based on the last 18 made by the Siad Barre regime- as a new Institutions made in a new Federated regional governments as a devolution of power and more sharing of National Resources between regions.. This new Plan is made also with the End game of having National and local Elections, presidential, Parliamentary elections including a Referendum for the New Constitution, in all the Somali Republic by Middle 2016. Did the IGAD countries, AMISOM and ETHIOPIA, Elite Clan puppet Leaders,Salafist Movement fully Cooperate with the Re-establishment of the Somali (Federal) Republic? Where all Clans- Communities are Equal in front of the Law, all people-citizens of a country where the Rule of the Law is supreme and the people- citizens elect their own Leaders? I do not believe the ETHIOPIA -IGAD group ha given up its Plans to sub-colonize Somalia and subdivide it in CLAN-ENCLAVES.
(3) Mr. DR.Abdiweli Ali Gaas-President of the so- called regional State of Puntland refused to meet the UN Security Council members when they came to Mogadishu and afterwards left for ETHIOPIA for the usual "consultation".He also had a problem with.the Somali Federal government because "he sees his region as a Clan Enclave which is sovereign State and part of a Confederate Somalia".He would like to have Somalia subdivided in "Would be Con-federal Republic where Puntland region is one of the Constituent States".He got the support of the ETHIOPIA-IGAD group in the Region all this years.How the UN,US EU Turkey,Arab Nations who are those stand for Somali Nationhood and UNITY,Sovereignty will deal with this Clan Enclaves Separatism?.
(to be continued)
This short introduction will serve to prepare us on understanding the last "Timeline of events" in Somalia specially the last three months ( when I say Somalia it encompasses all regions- from Ras Kamboni to Ras Asser-including Puntland and SOMALILAND regions, Jubba regions etc) and its repercussions on the "ongoing struggle" for SOMALIA and its "resources like OIL and GAS".
(1) Let me start first with the event of the full recognition by the US government of the Somali Federal Government and the consequent visit of President Hassan to USA. With the new "US policy" for Somalia President Hassan met with US Big OIL Companies who are holding the concessional Rights of about 70% of Somali OIL Basins last re-signed in 1989 by the Siad Barre regime.There is the story "making the rounds" that the Somali Minster for OIL and Mineral resources resigned another time those Rights for the US Big Companies. This has great significance for the Sovereignty,Territorial Integrity and Unity of the Somali Federal Republic. The so- called Elite Clan Leaders of Somaliland regions, Puntland regions and even Jubba regions were trying all these years to give new concessional rights for exploration to Chinese,France,Brasil and Italy companies on those old OIL and GAS Basins under the guise of so- called sovereignty of CLAN-ENCLAVES- self declared States- Pseudo Self-Determination Rights.( Read my post OIL and GAS,Mini CLAN ENCLAVES,ETHIOPIA-IGAD HEGEMONY and the post called (" The pseudo Self- Determination Rights of Somali Clan Enclaves" of July 2014).. The US government promised to fully participate in the Institution Building of the Somali Federal State and specially in the rebuilding of the National security services like the Army,Intelligence. and Police. But the most important is the" recognition that Somalia could not be sub-divided in CLAN ENCLAVES based on Sub-Clan Blood Lineage" and . the Sovereignty of Somalia is fully represented by the Somali Federal Republic.My Question is how the US new Policy will be seen by ETHIOPIA and some IGAD countries? They will accept it? What about their local allies the Somali Elite-Clan Puppet Leaders and the Salafist Movement specially the Salafist Business Cartels/Organized crimes groups who control the Economy of all Somalia?
(2) UN Security Council came to Mogadishu in a Historic visit including all 15 members. They met with the Somali Federal Government including the President,PM and his Cabinet, Somali civil society groups and two of the so-called regional Leaders like the Chairman of Jubba regions and Galmudug.region.
The UN Security Council fully endorsed what the Somali government calls the "NEW VISION PLAN" (benchmarks) which together with UN and IGAD is to remake all the Somali regions- based on the last 18 made by the Siad Barre regime- as a new Institutions made in a new Federated regional governments as a devolution of power and more sharing of National Resources between regions.. This new Plan is made also with the End game of having National and local Elections, presidential, Parliamentary elections including a Referendum for the New Constitution, in all the Somali Republic by Middle 2016. Did the IGAD countries, AMISOM and ETHIOPIA, Elite Clan puppet Leaders,Salafist Movement fully Cooperate with the Re-establishment of the Somali (Federal) Republic? Where all Clans- Communities are Equal in front of the Law, all people-citizens of a country where the Rule of the Law is supreme and the people- citizens elect their own Leaders? I do not believe the ETHIOPIA -IGAD group ha given up its Plans to sub-colonize Somalia and subdivide it in CLAN-ENCLAVES.
(3) Mr. DR.Abdiweli Ali Gaas-President of the so- called regional State of Puntland refused to meet the UN Security Council members when they came to Mogadishu and afterwards left for ETHIOPIA for the usual "consultation".He also had a problem with.the Somali Federal government because "he sees his region as a Clan Enclave which is sovereign State and part of a Confederate Somalia".He would like to have Somalia subdivided in "Would be Con-federal Republic where Puntland region is one of the Constituent States".He got the support of the ETHIOPIA-IGAD group in the Region all this years.How the UN,US EU Turkey,Arab Nations who are those stand for Somali Nationhood and UNITY,Sovereignty will deal with this Clan Enclaves Separatism?.
(to be continued)
#Somalia: Why and Who killed the Heroine Saada Ali Warsame....
#Somalia: Why and Who killed the Heroine Saada Ali Warsamne....: Here is another comment I have written for a friend on Facebook.com after the assassination of the Somali Heroine Saada Ali Warsame.. ...
Why and Who killed the Heroine Saada Ali Warsamne.Wait and see.
Here is another comment I have written for a friend on Facebook.com after the assassination of the Somali Heroine Saada Ali Warsame..
Hi Hodan. Dont ‘get nervous or annoyed by the Somali cultural
weakness which is also called Clan-ism. Everybody in Somalia uses Clans as the
basic ideological point of any discourse. Saada was and will be a national #Heroine and that
annoys the #Salafist groups the #Ethiopians allied puppet #Leaders and what
I call the Organized crimes groups which are those who killed Saada.The last Somali #Heroine was #Hawa Tako
which participated in the #SYL movement
and was part of the uprising /fight
against colonialism and was Killed in
MOGADISHU by the Colonialist . There was a monument for her honor which was
destroyed and obliterated by Warlords -Clans infighting instigated and planned
by ETHIOPIA and the Salafist movement
in Mogadishu in 1991. For all
those who are running the Show in Mogadishu and all over Somalia-so called
regional States- for the time being #Saada was the
number one #Enemy. First she was a #Woman which is
a bad thing when they go in politics for them. Secondly she was fearless and maybe
the pioneer of the "would be Somali #feminist movement"
while respecting our Culture and Religion. Thirdly she has not that Clan streak
mentality with is used to subdivide and re-colonize our Country. She was 100 %#Nationalist. That is another bad thing for the enemies of the SOMALIS. Do not worry
she will be remembered and will be the #Uniting symbol
for all Somalis. Please read my blog the post called:"#OIL and #GAS, mini-Clan-Enclaves and ETHIOPIA-IGAD Hegemony.". Somalis are
manipulated and controlled by non-State actors like the Salafist Movement which
is allied to state Actors like ETHIOPIA, KENYA, SUDAN ect .Things will change
but like every good revolutionary we have to be patient and prepare for the
Coming Future Change. Wait and see.
#Somalia: Endemic Corruption?Somali Republic is base to Org...
#Somalia: Endemic Corruption?Somali Republic is base to Org...: This is comment/analysis I prepared after I have read in the internet the last UN Monitoring Group on SOMALIA and partially printed in m...
Endemic Corruption?Somali Republic is base to Organized Crimes and DRUG- Trafficking groups for at least the last 23 Years.Wait and see.
This is comment/analysis I prepared after I have read in the internet the last UN Monitoring Group on SOMALIA and partially printed in my Facebook page.
This is the last
November-October allegations in which Yusur #Abraar the former governor
of SOMALI Central Bank in which she has resigned( read my blog at the post called "WHY Yusur Abrar resigned from the Central bank" at last November). I BELIEVE THE#CORRUPTION IS NOT ONLY #ENDEMIC BUT PART OF the#Governance #System of #Somalia- including Central government and Clan-Enclaves like
Somaliland, Puntland and Jubba regions.. The
Somali Republic it’s not only base to Salafist Jihadist terror groups like #Alshabaab but also to Salafist Business Cartels( see my Blog the
post called “For the new PM: Lessons from a recent past” and “ Who are the
Business People of SOMALIA”) and Organized crimes who are doing all sorts of
crimes even using SOMALI State
structures –Regional Clan Enclaves and the Central- National government, UN Agencies
and other international organizations for the Import and Export of illegal Drugs
like Heroin, illegal and fake goods/medicines, counterfeit goods, expired food,
electronics, textiles, etc .In other words Somalia is not only
Safe Haven to terror Groups like #AlShabaab and
affiliated #groups but is #Home
and regional base to Salafist Business
cartels and Organized crimes groups connected to #International #crimes groups of #South-EastASIA(
last month the Australian Navy part of the Tsk Force fighting Piracy confiscated and intercepted in the Indian Ocean
two times big quantities of Heroin
directed to SOMALI ports and East AFRICA) and #Europe.#North-America,#Mexico in the #Drug-#Trafficking
and the Import of Counterfeit GOODS and fake medicines , Electronics etc.
Within the big cities inside Somali Republic with Ports this Organized crimes groups
"who also pretend to be Salafist some of them” control most of the TRADE and have in their payroll Chiefs of the Police, Intelligence, Army, of all so-called Clan-ENCLAVES regional administrations and the Central Government..
The goods imported by the Salafist Business cartels/Organized Crimes don’t pay taxes in SOMALIA except small
service in MOGADISHU or small taxes in
Somaliland and Puntland and are mostly
food, Sugar, Textile, Electronics and
other items from all Somali Republic ports-Like Mogadishu, Kismayo, Bosasao, Berbera. The imported Goods are transshipped via land transportation to
ETHIOPIA which is landlocked and North-East
of Kenya and are "funding" for
Clans, Organized crimes.,#SalafistBusiness groups
allied to #ETHIOPIA and #IGAD countries regional Clan-Enclaves administrations within
SOMALIA.. #ETHIOPIA uses this goods
going in their territory as a political/economic weapon to control, manipulate the border/Clans
inside SOMALIA and so- called Clan-Enclaves regional administration and make
this Clans/ groups like the ELITE Puppet Leaders to implement its policies and
AGENDA for the HORN of AFRICA and in particular the SOMALI REPUBLIC( read my Blog the post
called “The new POLITICAL MAP for the SOMALI Speaking Clans-People(s) of the
HORN of AFRICA) .It’s also main funding for the #Salafist #BusinessCartels and
#AlShabaab in all over of the Horn of Africa. If the international
community would like to help SOMALIA they must make a "comprehensive
“approach for all over SOMALIA to tackle this #Systematic Organized
groups who control and manage all the Business activities Illegal and legal
.Also the regional powers like ETHIOPIA must be told that "Business as
usual" by being allied to Organized Crimes/ Salafist Business cartels/
groups to implement their Sinister Agenda to subdivide and re-colonize Somalia cannot go for ever. Wait and see.( Please read
my Blog wardigley.blogspot.com top ten post to know more about his iss
The pseudo-Self-Determination RIGHTS of CLANS( PEOPLE(s))-ENCLAVES engineered by ETHIOPIA-IGAD countries.Wait and see.Part 1. .
In these days-from 23-06-2014- is
raging in the airwaves-Somali radio FM and the BBCSomali and VOASomali- the latest controversy about the so- called agreement
between the self-declared administration of the (3) regions of South-West SOMALIA
and the self-declared administration of the (6) regions of South-West SOMALIA
to be from now one Regional State of the (3) Regions.. The so- called agreement
was arranged” illegally” by the Somali PM MR.Abdiweli Sh.Ahmed who “looks bent
on implementing at all costs” the ETHIOPIA-IGAD Agenda for SOMALI REPUBLIC: the
subdivision of the SOMAL REPUBLIC in CLAN ENCLAVES based on the wrong political
concept of 4.5- subdivisions of all Somali Sub-clans based on BLOOD LINEAGE not
on Territorial Constituency of the inhabitants of the regions. The wrong
concept was introduced at the conferences for the reestablishment of SOMALI
State in Djibouti,,Carta Conference of 2000 and Nairobi,Maghabati Conference of 2004 all organized and promoted by
ETHIOPIA and IGAD countries. In other words was the subdivision of Somali territory
in Regions Based on Clan-Blood Lineage without the political and legal consent
of all SOMALI CLAN Communities representing the SOMALI people. This is the
basis of the so- called Federalism ( I suspect in reality is Confederalism
between "would be" sovereign State Clan-Enclaves) based on the new pseudo-Legal concept of the
self-determination Rights of Somali Clans- (People(s))Enclaves based on Blood Lineage
which have the Right “supposedly” to declare themselves New political,Legal administrations without any grounding
in the Provisional Constitution, other
Laws of Somali Republic except in the so- called Right of the Clan to "determine" their future as they were the people of a "NATION"..This Clans-Communities will have the total control on Lands, Resources like
OIL and GAS, Commerce, Security, all state trappings for States and can have their own relations with foreign
powers mainly IGAD Countries like ETHIOPIA-KENYA,Republic of SUDAN who support them. Actually these so- called regional Clan-Enclaves Somali regional administrations by meeting this Regional Sovereign states are looking for "recognition" as new sovereign States and are encouraged by the IGAD counties and ETHIOPIA in contravention of the UN Security Council and AFRICAN UNION Resolutions on SOMALI REPUBLIC UNITY,Territorial Integrity and Sovereignty. There is not any Law or there has
never been any Referendum in which the
Somali people-Citizens have been asked to subdivide their Republic in new Clan-Enclaves
based on Blood lineage. The best models of this new novel concept is the Constitution of the CLAN-ENCLAVES of SOMALILAND, CLAN Enclave of PUNTLAND regions and the so- called Addis Ababa Agreement for the JUBBA Regions - without any constraint the ETHIOPIANS have introduced the Concept of PEOPLE(S) for CLANS in the Agreement and which unfortunately our "smiling" President Hassan Sceik has signed even it being against the so- called Provisional Constitution. Read my Blog titled " The Addis-Ababa Agreement: the Beginning of a Confederate SOMALIA". There is not any article after or before the enactment of the provisional Constitution from 2012 that Clan -Blood Lineage Communities or any other Somali Clan- communities can make a so-called general meeting in a Regional Town and Declare themselves "POWER UNTO THEMSELVES" using the so-called false concept of making Clans into People(s) and therefore have the "will to be self-determining their destiny". That what is based all this Clan Enclaves Subdivisions: grounded on false legal premises and non-existent pseudo-legal concept.
(To be continued)
(To be continued)
#Somalia: The New POLITICL MAP of the SOMALI Speaking People...
#Somalia: The New POLITICL MAP of the SOMALI Speaking People...: The New POLITICAL MAP of the SOMALI Speaking People(s) of the HORN of AFRICA Part 1.Wait and see. Above you can see t...
The New POLITICL MAP of the SOMALI Speaking People(s) of the HORN of AFRICA.Part 1&2.Wait and see.
The New POLITICAL MAP of the SOMALI Speaking People(s) of the HORN of AFRICA Part 1.Wait and see.
Above you can see the Map used by some Somali websites unknown for their real meaning ( I suspect prepared by the Tigre-Ethiopian Intelligence) like (somalitalk.com) which unfortunately paves the way for the subdivision and break-away of the Somali Republic in Clan Enclaves under the hegemony of the Tigre-Ethiopian Empire. The real trick in the Map is it uses the OLD DREAM of the Somalis in the 50”, 60” and 70" to have one Somali Nation-State for all Somalis living in the region But this map is for totally a different AGENDA. What is not seen is the new new borders between the Somalis regional (sovereign) states- as planned by ETHIOPIA- and their new borders with the neighboring Nations like Ethiopia , Kenya , Djibouti. .The main Idea is the Somali Speaking Nation(s) or People(s)- as the Somali Clans are called nowadays by ETHIOPIA Intelligentsia and in the last Addis-Ababa Agreement between the Somali government and the Jubba regions patronized and prepared by Ethiopia- they will be ruling almost all that territory in the Horn of Africa with the Hegemony and sub- colonization of the TIGRE-ETHIOPIAN Empire with the dissolution of the Somali Republic. Some Puppet Leaders of the Somali Clans and sub-Clans are used for this sinister Agenda and the Future Capital of this Confederate States is JigJiga in the Somali Region of ETHIOPIA. In Other words Somali Republic Territory will be subdivided in new regional Sovereign states and under the cover of sub-Clan hegemony and Clan Hegemony within the Somali Republic. But there will be Close connections, cooperation between this new states and the Ethiopia Empire using the Somali Region of ETHIOPIA.The Somali Region of ETHIOPIA will be part and parcel of ETHIOPIA but it will.be connected to the sea by incorporating it with the southern regions of SOMALI REPUBLIC like Gedo,Lower Juba and middle Juba and made part and parcel of the Empire of ETHIOPIA.They Will incorporate the Southern-Lower Juba,Middle Juba and GEDO- regions with a so- called Referendum by the Ruling regional powers like the one in CRIMEA and ETHIOPIA will make a Law to incorporate those regions.In that way the Landlocked ETHIOPIA will have access to the Indian Ocean with the port of Kismayo for the first time after the secession and independence of ERITREA in 1992 who used to give them access to the Red Sea.
This Map is to misinform, dis-inform, manipulate the Hearts and Minds of the Somalis in general and in particular the Clans and sub-Clans who are working tirelessly for the implementation of this :"Grand--Plan" of ETHIOPIA to subjugate SOMALIA..The game Plan was started by the Emperor of ETHIOPIA after the first war between Somali Republic and ETHIOPIA with the opening in Fiyambiro of a school where a new cadre where thought the SOMALI CULTURE ,mores and tradition in the way to understand how the Somali Political consciousness based on their culture and to use the Somali culture as a base to subdivide and control the SOMALIS. See my Blog "wardigley.blogspot.com at the post called "OIL and GAS,Mini-Clan-Enclaves,ETHIOPIA-IGAD Hegemony".The agenda was taken up by the so- called Socialist-Military Regime of Manghiste who after another war with SOMALIA in 1977 decided to accommodate,use, give shelter,arm militarily the Clan-Militias of the new SOMALI Clan-based opposition groups of the SSDF,SNM,USC,SPM from inside the Ethiopian territory against the Siad barre regime from 1978.-1979. During this time the 70" the Salafist Movement was started in SOMALIA and knowing that the only way the Somalis associate is based on Clan Culture they joined as members the new opposition groups in ETHIOPIA.The so- called marxist regime of ETHIOPIA was aware of this fact and from there it started a secret alliance between the Salafist who were members of this Clan based movements and the Menghiste regime.For the Ethiopians their enemy were the Clan Nationalist and the Elites who believed in the Unity of the SOMALI REPUBLIC not Salafist of any type. When Meles Zenawi came to power he improved and made more sophisticated the use and alliance with the Salafist Movement which now was led by the Somali Salafist Business Cartels and adding even other religious groups like the Ahlu- Suna waljameca ( Sufi)of the Central regions and the Gedo Regions of SOMALIA.
The basic reasoning for the ETHIOPIANS is first to get without any Legal and Political constraints The OIL and GAS of the SOMALI regions of ETHIOPIA-vast amounts explored by US companies in the 50"- and secondly to subjugate the SOMALIS in SOMALIA .That is " the Only way"this Empire could exist and its the basis of this new political MAP. Read please my post called"Short rebuttal to Matt Bryden interview on the Daily Nation" and the post called"History of the alliance between Ethiopia and Al Ittixad"
( to be continued)
The basic reasoning for the ETHIOPIANS is first to get without any Legal and Political constraints The OIL and GAS of the SOMALI regions of ETHIOPIA-vast amounts explored by US companies in the 50"- and secondly to subjugate the SOMALIS in SOMALIA .That is " the Only way"this Empire could exist and its the basis of this new political MAP. Read please my post called"Short rebuttal to Matt Bryden interview on the Daily Nation" and the post called"History of the alliance between Ethiopia and Al Ittixad"
( to be continued)
Part 2: The Meetings of the Somali Speaking People(s) in Garowe-Puntland region of SOMALIA and Jigjiga of ETHIOPIA.
The new map is based on the strategy of the Ethiopian political -Grand-Plan- in "theory" and "practice".The Somali Clan Communities organized as Sovereign Clan-Enclaves as an appendix of The Ethiopian Empire like the Somali region of ETHIOPIA but with some break-away Republics like SOMALILAND( the Plan for Somaliland agreed at the time of Menghiste with the SNM Movement)and other regions be members of a Somali Confederation under Ethiopian sub-colonization.
At the time of PM Abdiweli Ali Gaas was in power as PM in the federal government of Somalia some years ago Mr. Abdirahman Farole who was the president of the Regional state of Puntland of SOMALIA convened a meeting in Garowe capital of that region. The meeting was the first of its kind. It was of the Somali speaking Women's Organizations in the HORN of AFRICA.There was organizations from Djibouti Republic,from the ETHIOPIAN Somali Region,from Mogadishu representing the Somali women( but in reality as representative of South-Central regions),from Puntland Regions,from the regional state of HIIRAAN etc.Mr. Farole who was one of the main implementer of the ETHIOPIAN plan knew about the strategy- start changing the Borders without the knowledge of those concerned by starting meetings in which the concept of Territorial Sovereignty,UNITY of the Somali Republic Nation- State is cancelled.The main Idea was to bring together Somalis- and show the Somalis- they were different Clans in -Clan ENCLAVES regional States- divided politically with different administrations but which share some interests within the Horn of AFRICA.I believe the Republic of Djibouti was coerced politically in this sinister Agenda but other Clan enclaves women Leaders were politically allied with the ETHIOPIAN regime via their own administration. Mr. Farole also invited to Garowe last year the Mayor of Garissa Republic of Kenya of that time.The idea even here was to show to SOMALIS in Somalia and in the HORN that Different Clans in different jurisdiction as States share Blood-lineage and can have the same political Agenda on the issues concerning SOMALIS in the HORN of AFRICA- in this case the former Mayor of Garissa of Kenya and Mr. Farole of Puntland shared the AGENDA OF HAVING A SEPARATE SOVEREIGN STATE for the Somali Regions of the Lower Jubba ,Middle Jubba and Gedo. At that time in my Post entitled the "The Clan Agenda of ETHIOPIA-IGAD for SOMALIA" I wrote that the meeting was wrong and the two persons "represented the interests of two different Sovereign Countries"
called Somali Republic and the Republic of Kenya.In that way bringing in the Concept of Clan Blood lineage linked to Clan Enclaves the Colonial borders between STATES are blurred AND SPECIALLY the SOMALI REPUBLIC BORDERS.
For the ETHIOPIAN Grand-Plan the SOMALIS are CLANS who are for their own game plan different People(s) who speak the same language but not the same people-Citizens of a country called SOMALIA. They have to be divided in CLAN-ENCLAVES with puppet Leaders loyal to ETHIOPIA. In this way the Borders of the Horn of AFRICA will be remade in a subtle way.
The mother of all meetings was the convening in Jigjiga at the end of last year by the president of the Somali Region of the federal Republic of ETHIOPIA. Usually the Ethiopians being of different ETHNIC groups have a "general Meeting" every years of all the Nationalities/Peoples of ETHIOPIA Federal REPUBLIC. Last year the meeting was convened at Jigjiga capital of the Somali Nationality in the ETHIOPIAN empire.The Tigre regime feeling that all his plans were going smoothly( even has got a military contingent in the African Armada called AMISOM) about the subdivision of SOMALIA and the new"Grand Plan" for SOMALIS in the HORN of AFRICA. Thought it was time to celebrate their achievement.It was organized a special Fan festival in which all Peoples of ETHIOPIA were invited Plus all the Leaders of the SOMALI Speaking People(s) of the Horn of AFRICA.The Leaders invited were The President of the Republic of Djibouti Mr. Ismail Omar Gelle,the leader of Somaliland Mr. SILANYO,the Leader of Puntland Mr. Farole ,the Leader of Jubba regions Mr. Madobe, the Governor of the Regions of Lower Shabelle( that is one of the reasons there is Clans warfare in this days in the Lower Shabelle) and even for the Somali Federal government which a Minister was representing.For ETHIOPIA was the "ultimate achievement".All Somali speaking/Peoples of the HORN were under their Hegemony and sub-colonization. In the pictures of the meeting and the image which was shown to SOMALIS on TVs in the REPUBLIC and to the world it was meant to say" this People(s) the SOMALIS are part and parcel of the ETHIOPIAN EMPIRE". But I believe the Grand Plan is bigger and still some Somalis speaking regions in HORN of AFRICA will be recolonized by ETHIOPIA using SOMALI CLANS-sub-CLANS.
With this meeting it meant for ETHIOPIA the dissolution "de facto" of the SOMALI REPUBLIC which was made parcels of land what I call mini- CLAN Enclaves Ruled by Puppet leaders Loyal to ETHIOPIA,CHINA,IRAN and RUSSIA. and allied with the SOMALI Business cartels.Next piece all will dwell with the political,legal and economic,Media plans and the Local actors who are promoting this grand-plans of Ethiopia. Please read my post of last December called" For the new PM: Lessons from a recent Past".
( to be continued)
called Somali Republic and the Republic of Kenya.In that way bringing in the Concept of Clan Blood lineage linked to Clan Enclaves the Colonial borders between STATES are blurred AND SPECIALLY the SOMALI REPUBLIC BORDERS.
For the ETHIOPIAN Grand-Plan the SOMALIS are CLANS who are for their own game plan different People(s) who speak the same language but not the same people-Citizens of a country called SOMALIA. They have to be divided in CLAN-ENCLAVES with puppet Leaders loyal to ETHIOPIA. In this way the Borders of the Horn of AFRICA will be remade in a subtle way.
The mother of all meetings was the convening in Jigjiga at the end of last year by the president of the Somali Region of the federal Republic of ETHIOPIA. Usually the Ethiopians being of different ETHNIC groups have a "general Meeting" every years of all the Nationalities/Peoples of ETHIOPIA Federal REPUBLIC. Last year the meeting was convened at Jigjiga capital of the Somali Nationality in the ETHIOPIAN empire.The Tigre regime feeling that all his plans were going smoothly( even has got a military contingent in the African Armada called AMISOM) about the subdivision of SOMALIA and the new"Grand Plan" for SOMALIS in the HORN of AFRICA. Thought it was time to celebrate their achievement.It was organized a special Fan festival in which all Peoples of ETHIOPIA were invited Plus all the Leaders of the SOMALI Speaking People(s) of the Horn of AFRICA.The Leaders invited were The President of the Republic of Djibouti Mr. Ismail Omar Gelle,the leader of Somaliland Mr. SILANYO,the Leader of Puntland Mr. Farole ,the Leader of Jubba regions Mr. Madobe, the Governor of the Regions of Lower Shabelle( that is one of the reasons there is Clans warfare in this days in the Lower Shabelle) and even for the Somali Federal government which a Minister was representing.For ETHIOPIA was the "ultimate achievement".All Somali speaking/Peoples of the HORN were under their Hegemony and sub-colonization. In the pictures of the meeting and the image which was shown to SOMALIS on TVs in the REPUBLIC and to the world it was meant to say" this People(s) the SOMALIS are part and parcel of the ETHIOPIAN EMPIRE". But I believe the Grand Plan is bigger and still some Somalis speaking regions in HORN of AFRICA will be recolonized by ETHIOPIA using SOMALI CLANS-sub-CLANS.
With this meeting it meant for ETHIOPIA the dissolution "de facto" of the SOMALI REPUBLIC which was made parcels of land what I call mini- CLAN Enclaves Ruled by Puppet leaders Loyal to ETHIOPIA,CHINA,IRAN and RUSSIA. and allied with the SOMALI Business cartels.Next piece all will dwell with the political,legal and economic,Media plans and the Local actors who are promoting this grand-plans of Ethiopia. Please read my post of last December called" For the new PM: Lessons from a recent Past".
( to be continued)
#Somalia: WHY Dr abiy AHMED WENT TO MOGADISHU? FOR OIL & GAS... : INTRODUCTION: On 16 June MR. Abiy Ahmed PM of Ethiopia ...
The Somalis have been subdivided for a very long time let's say from the 80" in clans- communities which are fighting each other f...
In these last week there has been a great controversy between the ruling clique or so-called elites of the Somali Republic which have ...
The New POLITICAL MAP of the SOMALI Speaking People(s) of the HORN of AFRICA Part 1.Wait and see. Above you can see t...
INTRODUCTION: On 16 June MR. Abiy Ahmed PM of Ethiopia went to visit Mogadishu as part of his new political offensive ...
INTRODUCTION: In this post I will try to explain from the point of view of- a Somali from Somali Republic- if it can ...
In these days-from 23-06-2014- is raging in the airwaves-Somali radio FM and the BBCSomali and VOASomali- the latest controversy...
This is comment/analysis I prepared after I have read in the internet the last UN Monitoring Group on SOMALIA and partially printed in m...
My Hope is UNSOM,International Community will not follow blindly the wrong policies,strategies of IGAD-AMISOM-...
Mr. Bryden is one of those intellectuals who obfuscated Somali issues for a very long time and are without knowing maybe implementing t...
T his new post is the continuation of my last article entitled " WHO Runs he Show in Somalia?.The Salafist movement......"? Here ...