#Somalia: Short rebuttal to Matt Bryden interview on the Dai...

#Somalia: Short rebuttal to Matt Bryden interview on the Dai...: Mr. Bryden is one of those intellectuals who obfuscated Somali issues for a very long time and are without knowing maybe implementing t...

Short rebuttal to Matt Bryden interview on the DailyNation.

Mr. Bryden is one of those intellectuals who obfuscated Somali issues for a very long time and are without knowing maybe implementing the plans of the Salafist Business Cartels and Ethiopia-IGAD for the recolonization of Somalia and its subdivision in Clan -Enclaves to be called regional- autonomous States in a Confederate Somalia. Just for example he says the establishment of Jubbaland is Illegitimate but in the end he says the government must compromise.Why?. Compromise with Ethiopia and Kenya who would like to have a sovereign-Vassal state in south Somalia and control the OIL and Gas of that region of |Somalia?. If we do not talk about the real Agenda of the Hegemony of Ethiopia and IGAD countries in Somalia we will miss the entire narrative of the Somali conflict and why Somalia is in a perpetual failed State situation from 1991 and why IGAD is working together with the other group the Salafist made of Al-Shabaab and the Salafist Business Cartels.The former transitional State for Somalia have failed because the IGAD countries wonted them to fail and never wonted a Somalia at Peace with its neighbors and with itself. The Federal( Confederate) system he is talking about was chosen by Ethiopia - IGAd to subdivide and control Somalia .The narrative that the Clans of Darod,Hawiya and Issak could not reconcile is all a myth supported and implemented by the Hegemonic powers of the region and their Global allies like China,Russia,Iran,France and Italy to own at the end the Somali National resources like OIL and Gas. Somalis are of the same language ,culture,ancestry and Religion.In Africa states in which the communities are of different nationalities are living together but for Somalia is not possible which is one of the truly State-Nation in Sub-sahara Africa if we follow the model of the European state-Nation where the people,the language and the ancestry are one.Mr. Bryden I believe himself came to believe in the lies propagated by the Somalis puppet leaders,Warlords and mainly the Ruling Elites of the Salafist Business Cartels who control the economy of all regions of Somalia that Somalia would never be again as One but different States.Could he explain why Ahmed Madobe the Ruler of Kismayo /Jubbaland of today must go for consultation to Addis-Abeba and Nairobi and not Mogadishu( where he has never been) every fortnight? He is a product of the hegemonic Agenda to subdivide Somalia in Clan-Enclaves and the Armies he uses to control the City of Kismayo where he Rules are Somali-Ethiopians and soldiers trained in Kenya but some came from Garissa town and Mandera of Kenya.One thing I know is the Americans who hold the biggest portfolio of Oil and Gas Concession  rights all over Somalia( last signed by Siad Barre in 1989) must tell the regional powers and their backers that the Somali must be free to rule on their own destiny and not be governed by IGAD and Ethiopia. The main reasons the Somalis are being recolonized is to change the ownership of the concessional Rights with the emergence of new states.Last but not least MR. Bryden must know what he thinks are Clans-Communities  Agendas are Salafist Business Cartels Agendas which are linked to the Global Jihadist Agenda which itself would like to control the OIL and GAS of Somalia.He must revisit his own analysis of Somalia and accept that the narrative he used all this years is not valid anymore and Somalia have the Right to associate with whoever they like as a free Nation-State and not as vassal to Ethiopia and IGAD. The political fight today in Somalia is between the Somali federal government which wants a devolved system of government  with one Sovereign State and the Puppet Leaders and their IGAD and Salafist associate who like to have a subdivided Somalia in new sovereign states to get the OIL and Gas. My opinion is not to have any borders between Somali region if there are not for administrative reasons and the meeting President Hassan Sheick had with the so-called the Leaders of the regions of Somaliland was wrong if its based on the concept of having two sovereign states in Somalia. Instead  President Hassan Sheick must meet the Clan-communities of Somaliland regions and agree with them the future reconciliations plans and their Leaders in the federal parliament. Wait and see.

This comment was written in replay to an interview Mr. Matt Bryden had with the nation on 25 June 2013.


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